>AP 2015/12/24: In an emergency press conference this morning, Fandango CEO Paul Yanover confirms that their online movie critic website rottentomatoes.com, a division of Fandango LLC., has been hacked by what is described as "Russian Troll Farms". "We've been hacked. This is an unprecedented event in the history of RT (sic)." Paul Yanover stated in the press conference. CEO Yanover went on to say that the FBI cyber terrorism task force has confirmed that Russian-based IPs are responsible for over half the 145,944 audience votes for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Putin was stated as denying involvement by the Russian Federation. Disney has yet to respond to our emailed questions. Updates to follow.
Nolan Martin
epic fake autismo
Adrian Hernandez
>its real
Toppest of keks I'm having. But, does this mean the movie is actually good? Should I go see it before it is too late?
Zachary King
Alexander Richardson
Holy shit. Who can stop the alt-russians?
Andrew Wright
Nathaniel Richardson
>neonazi trump voter
Jaxson Moore
Easton Allen
Matthew Sanchez
Nice source faggot
Bentley Lee
Dominic Foster
>Should I go see it before it is too late? God yes! What they heck are you still doing here? Go Go Go!
Adrian Mitchell
Putin is actually a massive star wars fanboy
Nicholas Powell
Talk about damage control. I'm sure the retarded fanbase and manic morons will eat this shit up while Disney wrings their hands. I'm sure it's going to be akin to communist sympathizing to call TLJ trash.
Colton Barnes
samefag harder autist
James Sanders
>But, does this mean the movie is actually good? >yfw they remove all the Russian IP audience votes and the audience score goes even lower
Charles Phillips
пpивeт Comrades It is me Vladimir Joseph Krakauski, Putins personal Russian Hacker. I confirm that it is i who hacked both the capitalist site Rotten Tomatoes and the western box office so that Star Wars movie would look like it failed. Once box office was hacked i deployed very best cartoon frogs on the internet to further divide Star Wars fans and Disney.
Jose Bell
I knew it!!! I called this shit last week!!!! Did anyone screenshot it? I told you to! Post it if you have my predictions!!
Evan Thompson
>yfw they remove all the Russian IP audience votes and the audience score goes even lower
Christ that'd be fucking hilarious.
Thomas Long
Okay, can someone please tell me what is going on? Why is the liberal media constantly pushing this narrative that Russian hackers are behind everything? Where is the proof for these claims? Please, can someone explain this to me like I'm an 8 year old?
Easton Jackson
These man baby cunts never let anything go. The hours of their youths wasted...
Carson Brown
What is this thing?
Joseph Lewis
>Why is the liberal media constantly pushing this narrative that Russian hackers are behind everything? Right after Trump won, Tony Podesta came out and said that Russian hackers intervened to make Trump win. Shortly after that the media came out with the Russian collusion narrative.
Basically it's all to do with Podesta and his fucking email being hacked.
It's a familiar enemy and a good scapegoat to blame for their own failures. Also it's not that far fetched in certain cases. The star wars and other trivial shit is just checking how far they can push it I suppose.
exactly the same deal with this website where "a certain group of people" are calling everyone who makes a post they don't like Sup Forums.
I am glad the TLJ blowout completely demolish those idiots.
Nicholas Jenkins
I don't know what your opinion on Pizzagate is, but the whole 'Fake News' thing started with Assange and the leaked Podesta emails. Sup Forums/Voat/Reddit etc. clearly got close to some uncomfortable truths somewhere because they've been reeeeeeing about it and spreading disinformation ever since. Maybe it really was child trafficking. Maybe it was the Saudi money connections. Clearly something got them bothered.
Leo Moore
YFW When Russia saves Star Wars
Logan Thomas
Darth Putin
Adrian Campbell
This isn't unprecedented.
Don't you guys remember when Netflix had to remove their star rating system because alt-right hackers backed by Russia intentionally sabotaged Amy Schumer's standup special?
Jackson Phillips
Yes, piling on even more "related" information helps deflect people away from the truth. It is a common tactic. The biggest problem is that today everything is out there all the time. They can't just change a headline since all the old shit is accessible. Thus, when something truly bad happens and they want people to listen to them, no one does.
Jason Gomez
I want this to be true.
Andrew Fisher
Connor Walker
Lol. I remember when this came out and my girlfriend who liked Amy Schumer at the time watched 20 minutes of it and shut it off. She said it was one of the worst things she ever watched. And she was a FAN of this fat cow.
>I am so proud of my special and grateful to all the people spreading love on line about it. I am the first female comic who is selling out arenas all over the world and so grateful for that. I am embarrassed for the "journalists" who report on trolls activities as if it's news. It's indicative of administration right now. Anyone who reported that "viewers aren't happy" with my special, it would have been cool if you did a moment of research before posting. The alt right organized trolls attack everything I do. Read the @splitsider article. They organize to get my ratings down. Meeting in sub Reddit rooms. They tried on my book and movies and tv show And I want to thank them. It makes me feel so powerful and dangerous and brave. It reminds me what I'm saying is effective and bring more interest to my work and their obsession with me keeps me going. I am only alarmed by the people printing their organized trolling as "news" this is what the current administration wants. So this post has nothing against the trolls. I thank you trolls so much. It fills me with hope and power to see you all furiously posting so as always accuse me of whatever lies you want. Call me a whale. Call me a thief and I will continue to rise and fight and lead. I know who I am. I am strong and beautiful and will use my voice my whole time on this earth. Journalists do better it's embarrassing. Trolls see you on the next one!
Zachary King
>The biggest problem is that today everything is out there all the time. They can't just change a headline since all the old shit is accessible
They control the only information source that 99% of the people nowadays used, out of the 5% who actually bothered to do fact-checking, 90% of those same people will see the first 2 pages of the results and think what they have been presented are correct.
Andrew Cooper
Lucas Watson
lol it's actually fucking insane that you type that into google and all black people show up. jesus fucking christ. 50 years from now will everyone in the western world believe that blacks created everything?
Jackson Parker
Rewriting history user. Makes you wonder how much of what we are taught now is propaganda. I'm sure certain WW2 stories are grossly exaggerated.
Grayson Phillips
Disney got to him bros. Two days ago he adamantly stood behind the numbers claiming no tampering had occurred or was possible.
Isaiah Ward
for real though we did raid it and downvote the movie. i was in the first thread organizing it here.
Kayden Hall
>"a certain group of people"
William Barnes
I am not referring to the people posted in your picture, what world do you live in where the master stoops down to do a slave's work?
Samuel Garcia
The British government are the masters of this
Gavin King
Fuck the CCCP
Chase Ramirez
It was child trafficking
Besides the fact that Saudi money ties are not exactly shocking news, the Pizzagate rabbit hole led down to some really spooky shit about children going missing from Haitian orphanages and showing up in Washington
The thing is, that's a CIA side business that they do NOT want made public, at basically any cost
Mason Scott
Russia is a white superpower which still seems to act semi-rationally. Putin is running his country as if he actually cares about it. Effectively it's just the new flavor of ebil white man as opposed to Texas oil baron.
Justin Cox
What if I simply don't like the movie because it is shit and none of the above?
Chase Moore
That makes you a neonazi trump voter apparently.
Jaxson White
Can confirm. Every bad review came straight from Vladimir Putin's personal IP address. Also he hacked the elections.
Carter Price
shut up trumptard
Easton Moore
Jeremiah Howard
>liberal media
There is literally no evidence for an overall liberal media bias. You're just a paranoid faggot
Austin Ward
>hack >it's just downvotes
America is crippling itself with the Russian boogeyman narrative. Regardless of it is or is not the Russians, the amount of significance they put on this just makes it seem like a forced agenda.
Christopher Williams
Isaac Campbell
Literally everything in video entertainment is forced agenda/propaganda. That includes news.
Tyler Cooper
My dog farted yesterday, i blame the Russians.
Ryder Sanchez
They are inadvertently empowering Russia, with all their REEEing they are making Russia seem like some technical super power when they barely get windows 98 running on their shit heaps over there. Honestly if you actually believed this shit you'd have this image of a cyberpunk society when you think of Russia instead of crumbling commie blocks.
Dominic Roberts
>Russian web bridge hacked user's dog's asshole.
Lincoln Martin
I'd watch the fuck out of that movie.
Logan Clark
Please let this happen
Dylan Richardson
Guys, I swear I saw a cloud in the form of Putin in the skies today. I bet the Russians are using weather technology to spy on us. It's the only explanation for what I saw.
Noah Rodriguez
>where's the proof t. russian Respected authorities have said so, so you need to LISTEN and BELIEVE, goy
Samuel Edwards
I just read an article on Russian hacking then I thought of Russia, they're hacking my brain guys wtf, check your brains they might have hacked yours too.
Andrew Long
I was just watching that Russan realifecam.com thing. They've hacked my porn decisions!
Charles Ortiz
Why did they have to replace the QT patootie Clara with that disgusting thing?
Robert Price
Is this actual dialogue from a Doctor Who episode?
They're not even hiding what they're doing anymore. The BBC needs to be nuked.
Thomas Martin
>say you found the movie bad >get called neo Nazi Trump supporter >get pissed, either don't vote or vote Trump to fuck with these people calling me neo nazi 10/10 strategy
Sebastian Richardson
Attractive women are sexist, you fucking shitlord. They are an unrealistic standard that doesn't exist in the real world.
William Rodriguez
>Why is the liberal media constantly pushing this narrative that Russian hackers are behind everything?
Here's a non-Sup Forums answer. The DNC fucked up forcing Hillary and got rigging the DNC election for her. Instead of licking their wounds, revealing they didn't want to follow a Democratic process, and analyzing why people don't trust Hillary, they literally started blaming Nazis, Russians, and the KKK for Hillary loss.
Remember when Trump suggested the elections we're rigged and the DNC, the media, and even Obama gave him shit? Now that the election didn't fall their way, they're willing to be hypocritical.
Here's a quote Obama said about Trump stating the election is rigged.
>Obama echoed those sentiments Tuesday, saying there's "no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections."
Black people think they invented macaroni and cheese even though it's British, and now the British are saying that their country was a black-majority multi-culti before whitey colonized it. They are creating a kangz feedback loop.
Jonathan Evans
A palantír running on Windows 98
Hudson Peterson
Jacob Brown
I thought screenrant was based but I guess its retarted like everyone else