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The holocaust is bullshit
Why can't millennials criticize the sequel trilogy without retroactively deifying the prequel trilogy?
There is no successful multicultural country on the planet. Not one.
There is no successful country on the planet. Not one.
Sorry for what? Last Jedi was as bad as Attack of the Clones, which Lucas made.
Because the contrast in quality is so steep
Even with atotc being counted.
I'm still glad someone took star wars from that hack
Action sequences alone, atotc beats 7 and 8 combined.
Plot is some how more solid than tlj too.
God how are people still praising tlj like they are getting pai-oh... You got me shill
Define successful and multicultural.
I'd argue multiple countries are both but you'll just shift the goalposts on me if I do.
Faster, more intense?
Jar Jar is the key to all this?
America, the most successful nation in earth's history, was founded as a colony and has grown its entire life as a bi, tri or multi cultural country. Ultimately, the culture of whites, natives, blacks and various European immigrant populations built the American culture we know today.
And Mexican illegals gave them tacos, so there's something I guess.
If you are right wing there's Singapore, if you are left wing even more. Get your head out of your ass.
You loved your creation so much you killed it yourself rather than let anyone else have it alive. I understand. But why did you allow them to desecrate its remains?
I'm a fucking sorry Georgie, ok?!?. Let me suckle your sweet teet of Star Wars juice once more. Please Georgie! Georgie? Why aren't you answering back Georgie? Georgie?!.... He's.... He's gone....
I'm sorry you think you deserve an apology
The Last Jedi with all of its flaws was better than all the prequels combined.
The prequels in and of themselves have no positive aspects. I enjoy some of the expanded universe stuff, like the animated films and TV show, but the movies themselves are utterly without value.
Fuck George Lucas. Even if Disney had made a Star Wars My Little Pony crossover it couldn't have been as bad as Phantom Menace.
t. totally not a disney intern
Well well, look at the city slicker pulling up in his fancy German car.
Disney owns the prequels, hombre.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Because the prequels were held up by people to be the shittiest thing to come out of Star Wars in terms of film making and the general canon.
Now the world has seen truly bad Star Wars.
It’s the other way around, actually. Millenials are the ones who shit on the prequels for the same reasons they love the sequels.
gonna be greet
Find one person on here doing that
I'm sorry
When he got heavily involved with The Clone Wars cartoon that show became white hot. It made up for the bad movies. If only more people knew. Maybe we'd be two movies into a real sequel trilogy right now. Maybe Mickey Mouse would be facing a juggernaut that has the power to laugh the face of every bribed bugman critic.
Medical orientation
Fucking sell out.
Im never giveing you another script.
Why can't critics praise the sequel trilogy without retroactively trashing the original trilogy?
fuck you for selling star wars to the mouse
this tbqh
this and the reddit-tier responding posts are both shitty arguments.
America was successful DESPITE its multiculturalism.
Diversity is objectively a net loss overall. The benefits are literally just “food and music xD” and the drawbacks range from racism to mass killing.
>Clone Wars cartoon
>Mickey Mouse would be facing a juggernaut
Now you're talking.
You ruined my favorite movies, you fat fuck.
I'm so sorry George.
This is delusional, the prequels don't stop being garbage because you're a hyperbolic twat.
>b-but the music is at least good, that means it's a great film
The mindset of the bargaining fuckwad.
What is Switzerland
Okay I'll say it:
steam boat willie was a mistake
by selling it to disney
t. hyperbole exaggerating Disneycuck.
I'm sorry, George.
George, I apologize. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.
YaggezBarro, Yeorge.