What will replace consumerist geek culture?

What will replace consumerist geek culture?

Socialist geek culture, I hope

Bitcoin humor



true art, and Sup Forums will go the contrarian route and go back to geek culture

holy quads


consumerist feminism culture

Spiritual reawakening of the masses

Already happened


A new dark age. The new morality of Christianity led to the cultural self-destruction of the Western Roman world beginning in the 3rd Century CE, causing the masses to wilfully turn their backs on the achievements of the Hellenic-Roman centuries out of a sense of guilt and self-loathing. We're watching the new religion of postmodernism do the same thing to our culture.

having cahoonies will come back into fashion eventually

People will all go
>"oh bother, I'm so bored by these capequests and spaceflicks; I want REAL art!"
And then they will proceed to watch shit like Lost in Translation and the selected works of Wes Anderson

Consumerist geek mass graves I hope.

Consumerist Chad culture. It's the virgin/Chad cycle

something like this, ironic consumering

Mass executions of those involved i hope.

global thermonuclear war, hopefully

Pretty much this. It's a pretty well documented trend, the only difference is that the pendulum swings faster now.

>What will replace consumerist geek culture?

Geek indentured servitude.
Some day soon we will all be government mandated slaves of Disney.

Comsumerist weaboo culture
The weeb tears would sustain me for years

>spend their whole lives benefiting everyday from living in a 1st world capitalist country.
>desperately want to squander everything they benefit from in order to turn the country in a third world communist shit hole

What did rock-stupid millenials mean by this?

Tryhard trad mongs calling everyone and everything soyboy.

Its not like Japanese slice of life could be effected by the mouse, yes I know 1/3 School Girls have something Disney on their bag or in their pocket Im talking about culture and way of life.

consumerist sneed culture