Name just ONE movie that got the race of Egyptians right

Name just ONE movie that got the race of Egyptians right.

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Excuse me but WE

The Mummy(2017)

The Mummy

The Prince of Egypt


yu-gi-oh! dark side of dimensions

Exodus: Gods and Kings

Night of The Museum

the kings and queens were of various races depending on the era

the commoners were probably 56%

Definitely NOT Night at the Museum

Good God, my stomach just turns when I see mixed couple.

Lara Logan movie when?

So white + black makes arab.

Might at the museum. Rami malek is roughly what an Egyptian would look like. Not European but not WE WUZ KINGS either. Vaguely Mediterranean/Arab due to the location.


Kek. I totally forgot about her

is that an egyptian girl?

I bet half of Cairo hasn't

They’d look exactly the same as they do today.
>Greek rape baby from Alexandria
>Ancient Egyptian
Yeah no

>Egyptians are not Egyptian because I say so, CIS scum!!!


the white/jew ones


the tuck is strong in that one

it makes me happy that everyone is getting along


assassins creed is a good franchise

>Sup Forumstard being this easily triggered that he wuznt a kang


any more?


nonsummerjack mommy

Night at the Museum 1 surprisingly enough. Rami Malek is an actual Egyptian.



Shame she barely shows her feet, would make the set 100 times better.


The night at the Museum.



she looks like she fucks black guys


Every woman fucks black guys.
They are the ultimate sex machines.

>They’d look exactly the same as they do today.

Modern Egyptians are arab rape babies. The ancient ones were european and anatolian, according to DNA research.

>Both types of genomic material showed that ancient Egyptians shared little DNA with modern sub-Saharan Africans. Instead, their closest relatives were people living during the Neolithic and Bronze ages in an area known as the Levant. Strikingly, the mummies were more closely related to ancient Europeans and Anatolians than to modern Egyptians.


>blogpost written by a literal who
Also, you even said it in your greentext they are closely related to levantines
They're pretty close to the same people they were in ancient times.
Nowhere did I say they were blacks.
But speaking of Arab rape babies, that would be the "Persians" of modern day Iran.

ITT: genetic science is stabbed repeatedly and left to die in a ditch beside the road

Actually Assassin's Creed.

Videogames superior to movies yet again.

Go back to your containment board.




White women belong to SUPERIOR ASIAN COCK

Who would you cast as cleopatra?

>white-washing of Ancient Dynastic Egyptians
Seriously? It's becoming clearer that they were whiter than most people think:

>Modern Egyptians share 8% of their genome with central Africans, far more than ancient ones
>The influx of Sub-Saharan genes only occurred within the last 1,500 years
Not white but definitely not negro.

For the last time only humans from Europe are white, pale skin is a typical trait for all Eurasians you fucking retards.

Do they unironically believe egyptians were black?

Who cares about Iran?

Unironically this.



Lupita Nyongo

Well, Cleopatra was Greek and the (ancient) Greeks were described as fair so...


So cavemen conqured and colonized Africa? Very logical. Do niggers have any sense of self-awareness?

cleopatra was ugly as fuck. that's confirmed.

but here's an actual answer.

I think that Stargate actually did a pretty good job.

cant be mad at a guy for smashing black pussy thats 25 years younger and 4 leagues above him.

I never got why they wanted to push her as an attractive lady. There are far more attractive blacks to choose from.

I tell you how cave men conquered and colonized africa.
>they keepin' us down!

>4 leagues above him
Apparently it's very desirable in Africa to have half-white kids, because light skin is seen as a status symbol.

If I wanted to be historically accurate probably a Greek women.

Considering how brown Egyptians should be seems to be a point of argument, I'd really like a movie cast an Japanese actor or something just to see the reaction.

>nig nogs cant separate capeshit from reality

No wonder they never managed to make spear throwers while we had gunpowder

Night at the musseum

It wasn't really the point, just using it as a comparison of another ancient vs modern day civilization to show you that Egyptians in ancient times looked pretty much like they do today.

african blacks are woke af desu

Yeah. But unironically there were black Egyptians, even pharaohs.

tl;dr greek ruled Egypt for 300 years being succeeded by the romans.


>they ACTUALLY believe Wakanda is a real nation

Your trap detector fucking sucks bro. Her bodyfat distribution is so clearly female. A little chub makes it an easy call.

>Do niggers have any sense of self-awareness?
You are talking about a race that is 70 IQ in average that is drugged up and retarded and whose only source of education is BET

I still don't understand why he keeps funding the fat friend's life and wedding and why the hell does his wife keep letting him pay for everything.

Couldn't find a hot chick to post? This whore is wearing diapers.

She's gorgeous but could they really not find a better location to take pictures?

we wuz kingz n shiet nigga

who's this fluid druid?

whats her name?

Ancient europeans and anatolians are more closely related to the people of Iraq and Syria than people of modern europe

Americans are kind of stupid.

Gigi Hadid

Egyptians always had Caucasoid features and tanned to bronze skin with occasional Indian brown depending on the class (therefore exposure), so any representation of darker skinned people with Caucasoid skeletal features including narrow noses and oval faces, and lean looks.



>ctrl+f gods of egypt
>0 results

I don't think anyone actually watched that movie

We are saiyans?


It's better they believe in Wakanda than actually learn that their people have been tribal savages for thousands of years
Their people haven't ever progressed. If their ansesctors we're never sold into slavery by African warlords, instead of execution. They would have red mud on their tits and animal bones piercing their dicks.

Let them fantasize about a highly advanced fictional kingdom of Africa.