What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?
It feels like it's being pushed more and more that it's okay for men in their 20s/30s not to grow up
What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?
It feels like it's being pushed more and more that it's okay for men in their 20s/30s not to grow up
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BotW is a great game tho
Indifferent. People post stupid shit on social media for validation and this is just one example. Most of us wouldn't even be aware of this nonsense if you fags didn't get so upset about it and feel the need to post screencaps here.
What else is there to do? Work? Fuck that. Might as well sit lonely at home jerking off, watching series and play vidya all day long.
It's not being pushed, it's being catered to. White men (you know it's true) want to stay children forever.
>has children
>has enough income to have a house, afford luxuries
>hasa wife
Woah OP, what a freaking manchild!
i am really starting to have reservations about capitalism
why do they open their mouths
>manchild epidemic
I think you mean nu-male epidemic.
i love my switch but you gotta keep that shit to yourself. just like with lifting, if people ask you what you do to get fit just say "oh you know pushups".
>Might as well sit lonely at home jerking off, watching series and play vidya all day long.
I'd rather go to work lol
as long as you're paying your bills and working, does it really matter what you do in your spare time?
Why can't she just take birth control?
How do we stop the soy infiltration?
It's a Jewish ploy to distract white males from the tasks of nation building, breeding with white women to secure the future of the white race, producing items of cultural value, and voting for Trump. I'd be out doing all of those things but I'm earning my keep by dropping redpills and fighitng the culture war online by posting Sup Forums on Sup Forums without the vaguest pretense of being on topic.
>"Aren't you a good boy! Now there's no chance of your pathetic seed polluting my womb, I can't risk having your kid instead of Tyrone's!"
What if you rape kids in your spare time?
me with the utter contempt for betas trying to sound authorative and dominant
>tern off yer flash yew fuking m-moron
god i can just picture his pale dyel visage heart race pounding hoping the person he directed his ''''voice''' towards doesnt respond and force him to speak again
soy excitement
The problem is that we can't go back. The disruption caused by capitalism can't be undone.
>Pissing hormones into the water supply is a good thing
>Permant damage to frontal lobe is a good thing
hey, you do you man
just don't do it on the company dime
You fucking cant make this shit up.
What's wrong with getting a vasectomy? Children are a fucking waste of time and money. They're just a pit that consumes decades of your life and hundreds of thousands--if not millions of dollars.
There are enough human beings on this planet. I'll use my time to be the best version of myself I can be, and I refuse to clog up this planet with more little monkeys.
Why do you faggots shit up every thread?
i used to do that okay sign with my hand all the time. now i can't because you faggots.
The generations under 40 have become thoroughly 'branded' generations.
Good goy, help mr. Goldstein become richer.
Why do you Sup Forumscucks expect Sup Forums to be your second safespace?
>little monkeys
Why did you have to take the racist route?
I'm a man, so it doesn't affect me.
>possibly irreversible operation
doesn't sound too great of an alternative
how long until pewdiepie makes a soyboy video?
it's the male equivalent of duck lips
shit only attention seeking retards on the internet do for pictures
why didn't we listen?
It really is the male equivalent of 'Fish
Blacks aren't people
what did you think this thread was?
What the fuck does Sup Forums have to do with this thread?
Or is anyone who makes fun of retarded ass consumers who love pop culture shit now a facist?
>female castration
>male castration
blacks can grow up
latinos can grow up
asians can grow up
why are whites so emotionally stunted?
>9 inch ice bag
you fuckin wish m8
All humans are monkeys. We are a biological half-step from shit flinging apes, and no race on earth is superior to any other. All races are monkeys. The only true progress in this world will be trans-human and/or post-human in nature. Our robots and machines, basically.
>the ding dongs in reference to the vasectomy are white
>sure, I can create and shape human life, but if I did I wouldn't be able to watch netflix as often or have the disposable income to waste on funko pops
the absolute state of this generation
>Talks about growing up on Sup Forums
kek. You are literally a manchild.
My take on this is that these "men" are extremely insecure about their smiles and their looks in general (and rightfully so). As such, they open their mouths as wide as possible and make a "goofy" face so it doesn't look like they're sincerely attempting to look good. That way, they believe they're immune to critical comments, as they're clearly not putting any real effort into their appearance.
It's not because of capitalism (although that has a role)
it's the result of the information era, it's the result of the loss of purpose of the modern world, a natural result of any governmental/economic system. It just seems so egregious as a result of capitalism because of information overload and corruption.
You help them more by staying inside doing nothing. I'd rather at least get something out of it
He's new and here for star wars 8
Anything that attacks his popnerd culture(which people have attacked here for years) is Sup Forums because Sup Forums was Sup Forums lite when he first joined
Switch is normie as fuck, as long as you hide the fact you spend all day on it you're fine. Everyone loves Mario and zelda
It's not the vasectomy that's being lambasted, it's the contrast between what is an 'adult marriage/fertility' issue and what is often a christmas present for a 12 year old given from wife to husband.
Ok Disney, nice damage control youre doing.
Excuse me, but whatnis the value in needlessly forcing another being into this world to suffer and bring suffering onto others, then force others into this world to repeat the process?
>What the fuck does Sup Forums have to do with this thread?
Right, this was just a good natured spergout about the "epidemic" of other people enjoying the wrong things. All this Sup Forumstism that's ensued was by accident.
>gets a vasectomy
>wakes up to one of the shittiest consoles in years
>mostly mediocre games too
>two 3-month live cards
>couldn't even get him a 1-year card
>bonus: that looks like a shitty headset
Also, I guess getting a vasectomy is a thing you should be rewarded for? I'd feel lame as fuck getting video games for that.
Imagine how the South feels
This is a monster that capitalism, by way of its natural cultural byproduct, consumerism has brought down upon us. This grand design predates the internet significantly.
Do you fuckers think capeshit is a Sup Forums invention too? You good boy consumers have been getting mocked for ages here
It's a duty you owe to the thousands of ancestors who struggled to ensure your existence. Breaking that lineage because you'd like to have more time to yourself is the height of selfishness
>implying you don't call others manchildren when you see fit
you seem very divisive, high chance you're an actual Jew
Not gonna touch the duds?
>muh manchild
Why so bitter about what other adults spend their money on?
Videogames are more responsable finantially than having children, if that's what you mean by 'manliness'
some dudes are really bothered by the idea of getting a vasectomy
if you already have 2.5 kids, I don't understand what the problem is
Congratulations you just created human life. You now have a weaker, stupider version of yourself that you must now devote all your time and energy into raising on the faint hope that maybe THEY will accomplish something actually meaningful with their fucked life, assuming they don't also decide to blow it all on having kids too.
Way to go, dad, you treaded water. Have fun dying in a nursing home while your son walks the same wretched path as you. You got your legacy, and absolutely nothing else of value.
>I get called out for being a Sup Forumscuck so the people calling me out are le soysilk numale estronauts I'm sperging out about
Holy fucking based, my epic pede. I'm gonna call some white women I know to come breed with you ASAP.
>alt right brainlet worships reproduction, similar in behavior to non-sapient animals
$50 headset games seem to be on sale she bought him two controllers and the adapter for one which I guess is nice not like she will play with him
That second video is fucking kino
>turn off the light you fucking moron
>everyone screaming bloody murder
And the irony was lost on everybody
i mean it's ok to play video games but why take a photo of yourself with a console
The only thing feminist hate more than strong, masculine men are weak nerds.
We should be supporting weak losers and accepting of them rather than bashing them.
Nice try wagie. You're just trying to pull me down with you. How does it feel to not even get a fraction of what mr. Goldstein gets? Literal bread crumbs.
Bad parenting. If you allowed kids to have good childhood and allow them to do stupid childish things they'll eventually grow out of it. The current manchild population is full of people that had strict parents and that generational gap is making them want to re-live their childhood on their own now that they have their own money
Also this
Not worth buying a Switch until the new Pokemon comes out.
Not really, it's unique to capitalism only in it's nature, but something similar would occur under literally every other system, it's precisely due to loss of purpose that occurs in any advanced society where people have too much free time, too much money and too much comfort. The only way this wouldn't occur is in some totalitarian hellhole and/or where the media is censored.
>it's the result of the information era
nah everything about consumerism you think is so egregious today has its antecedents stretches back centuries. its the natural evolution of the annihilative effect that capitalism has on society making former values valueless like tradition, religion and community--essentially taking everything that lies beyond pure economic exchange and debasing it and commodifying it for profit or divesting it of meaning and pushing it into irrelevance.
Are you genuinely implying that people can't be successful or accomplish anything significant if they have children? You're a fucking brainlet.
I havent played videogame since NES. Is switch a good pc?
As an ugly guy I can confirm this is the case
God you're fucking dumb. Those ancestors don't exist anymore. Reproduction is selfish, not the other way around. You're yanking something out of non-existence so it can suffer and die so -- in your hilarious case -- you don't have to feel guilty about letting down people who don't exist.
expect I'm white. Every step closer I get to having a family, raising them right, preparing their future, living well, etc. is a wrench in their overall goal. I'm not trying to bring anyone down, soyboy, I'm trying to raise you up
>i've turned my laziness and nihilism into a virtue
>I don't have a responsibility to continue propagating the human race because i'd rather spend my money on videogames
>there's nothing inherently rewarding about shaping a human life
>i'm okay with my culture demographically declining into oblivious
there's plenty of black manchildren(niggers), i wouldn't call breaking into cars at 40 or holding up liquor stores a manly thing to do, just because they're violent doesn't mean they're men, just children with retard strength.
No we should bully them until they decide to become strong
It's the natural effect of civilization in itself, where technology develops faster than society.
Guys, we don't have this here in Norway, can you explain what is going on?
>blacks can grow up
>gunned down in the streets by other blacks before they reach adulthood
my fucking sides
christ, the timing with the star wars logo and theme exploding is too perfect
>Also, I guess getting a vasectomy is a thing you should be rewarded for?
they are being rewarded for doing their wifes bidding
Let them have all the babies they want. They can deal with the soul crushing emptiness of knowing they wasted their entire lives producing nothing of any value.
I do not owe my "ancestors" shit. I did not choose to be born, and no one at any point decided that my life in particular was going to be. I am the result of chaos. I have 70-80 years to do as much as I can with my own body before I return to chaos, that endless colorless void of total non-existence.
I exist now. There is no purpose or meaning to anything except that which I create for myself. When I die, all meaning is gone. All purpose is gone. I die and the universe dies with me.
>implying that worked for you