Series similar to Skins

I just watched Season 3 of Skins and I enjoyed it a lot, but it felt kind of dates since the production/release of this particular season dates from late 08/early 09.

I'm looking for recent series similar to Skins.

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Just watch the rest of Skins, from series 1-6, the three films, and all the extra episodes.
And if you want to, watch the US version as well.
There isn't any good racy edgy teen drama i the current years desu

Ignore everything in this post Just watch the next season and check out.

Thanks for the answer, I suppose...

What does the word racy mean?


I've heard season 4 is the worst season, which sucks, because I love season 3.

Song at the end:

What did you dislike about Skins btw (you seem to be implying that you watched it yourself)

I am literally flabbergasted no one has mentioned SKAM yet. It's the truest successor to Skins.

>What does the word racy mean?
Kind of lewd

Sugar Rush.

>just watched Season 3 of Skins and I enjoyed it a lot
Jesus Christ.

The entirety of the Skins franchise is kino desu

What didn't you like about it

"Life is Strange" if you're into vidya.

It's very Skins like with the rebellious QT 3.14 teens coming of age and getting into bad situations and the feels. Except with branching narratives and magic/supernatural stuff (only in the first season).

It's also Skins like in that characters and plot lines are infuriating dropped and never sufficiently concluded.

It is being made into a TV series, but I doubt anything will dome of fruition.

>being this much of a normie

The characters. It's probably unfair to compare them to the first cast who were amazing but it's impossible not to.
The fact that the central plot was mostly about who gets to fuck Effie was boring after an episode.
As soon as the characters I liked/wasn't annoyed by had their character episodes I bounced.

I want to say the last episode I watched was either the sperg's or the African guy but it's been almost 8 years so idk.

>Liking britbong cunny


Misfits yo.

Thanks for the answer, I haven't watched the first 2 seasons, so perhaps I am too mild.

Thank you.

>It's also Skins like in that characters and plot lines are infuriating dropped and never sufficiently concluded.

God dammit. You just reminded me this will never be concluded and that I will never see a more beautiful relationship.

Season 5, 6 and the mini are absolute shit.
Season 4 derails alot of what made season 3 good but it never reaches the lowest points of what the other shit seasons that follow reach.
The US version is dogshit for faggots that think Mtv could ever be 'edgy'.
Gossip Girl was better than that shit.

That by far was one of the worst betrayal of the third generation.
Its like they got a case of the 'oh noes, we were writing a Emily/Naomi again' lets just JUST our characters next season.

Oh yeah you're a real weird guy for liking high school age girls.



It was more about former enemies who fall in love. That was the aspect I enjoyed about this relationship.

I know, i mean them being in a relationship at all.
Theres no way that they didn't got cold feet after pretty much making the point of Mini's dislike for Franky being mostly she was gay for her.
I don't know what the fuck did they even go there only to let it drop, it was super weird.

>implying implications
They were only good friends.

Nah, they literally wasted an entire season setting that Mini had the gays for Franky and then next season nothing.
It was hilarious in a way, in other ways it was a clear 'we have lost the point of these characters so whatevs'
Theres a reason why most of the audience jumped ship after series 5.

Yeah. Same.


This was her peak.

So the boy is a girl and the girl is a boy right?

was it rape?

Plot twist. This was her the whole time.

Post your Skins waifus.


How hard is it for girls with Effy's looks in prison?

Lets just say that she is going to be all over Emily when she gets out.

it's a UK prison, basically just a uni dorm that you can't leave


Frankie has HUGE tits.


I know Skins fans pretend the U.S. version doesn't exist, but it was a decent side story.

>tfw when you will never be a fictional lesbian who looks like Audrey Hepburn that Tea would find attractive.





Lawd almighty. How does a skinny teen have those monsters? Did she get implants at 16? Tumors? Hormone therapy?

Even in the golden compass she already had promising breasts

>She grew up. She filled out.

Not in the movie itself but when she started doing the interviews for the movie...

I recall 18 around that time and feeling shameful about her and Annasophia Robb.


Only reason I watched.

Before she was cast as Gilly on Game of Thrones she topped the aSoIaF fancasting as who should Danaerys. That bum and that light hair explains it all.

It was a different time.


How did they get away with this?

Oh I forgot, I am from the US, where freedom follows feelings and corporate demonetization and you can't say fuck on network TV.

>How did they get away with this?

Remember the episode when Mini and the popular girls gang raped Franky in the lockers telling her if she wants to look like a boy then she shall be used like one?

Then Franky later goes to Mini and admitted she was asking for it, enjoyed every second and wanted more?

You won't ever get that on American TV.

The Inbetweeners

Everytime i remember the Mini/Franky subplot i get depresed because it could have been so fucking glorious.
And they just fucked it up.

What did he mean by this?

Not as shocking as Skins Fire when after Effy is sent to white collar prison for insider trading she is bullied by this Martha Stewart esque character who owns the place. Effy sneaks up on her in the showers then blinds her with a sharpened toothbrush then proceeds to rape her with the bloodied sharpened toothbrush.

WTF Britbongs? Even HBO would hesitate to air that here in the States

more DBR

Jack O'Connell has been the only one to go on to act in proper films.

>tfw you will never show your bum to dame judi dench

>tfw you were friends with a girl who looked and acted almost exactly like Cassie

I'm pretty certain she was putting it on but it still gave her a "weird-hot" kinda vibe...

(As you can imagine she was completely insufferable most of the time)

idk daniel kaluuya is doing great

uhhh Nick Hoult is in X-Men, Kaya Scodelario was in the new PotC

tfw I had no friends during my freshman year of high school, but one of my friendliest acquaintances was this Cassie lookalike (but much more stylish and self confident) who never failed to greet me and always tried to cheer up my bleak disposition with advice and hugs and always welcomed me to events and gatherings I never took up the offer on.

tfw when years later I am told by mutual friends that she was in love with me but due to my poor self esteem never picked up on the signs that are glaringly obvious in hindsight.

tfw I still remain a kissless virgin today when I had a chance I did not know about.

I am not autistic, but I might as well have been during high school.

I love that Nic Hoult always goes for these roles where he is made unrecognizable from prosthetics and makeup despite his pretty face.

Anwar was in Slumdog Millionaire


Try Outrageous Fortune.

It's a New Zealand series not British but it has the same kind of white trash dramatic comedy


US Effy was cute
too bad the show was shit

Puberty Blues

That looks like a classic Ashkenazi beauty.

To the OP try "Let the Right One In"


>tfw no s1-3 loretta gf

The scene where she gives pity-sex to JJ fueled quite a few jerk off sessions for me.



She used to have such a lovely, doll-like look. Dropped.

Man that takes me back

Antonia Prebble was (and still is) fucking fine, but I have to admit I would have fucked Siobhan's character first
We should have an OF thread sometime

Skins makes me feel nostalgic about my days in school in the UK and I didn't even go to school in the UK, like missing my friends that aren't even real

It seriously started to go to shit around season 3/4 and 5 onwards was honestly unwatchable for me. It really lost a lot of focus without Wolf as a major force.

And this was the true hottie.

I am both glad and envious that my high school life isn't as eventful as the characters' were

Totally agree, the final season was garbage
And yes, Tracy was fantastic, that was around the time they had decent sex scenes

This is what Facebook is for user. Find her and ask if she wants to go for a drink.

"In a relationship with ______"

I think I knew this guy too. It is all a blur. Good guy.

Oh and she's traveling the world busking, making street art, and looks like a punk rock Goddess, and living in a when she's back home. Exactly what I expected a free spirit like her to be. She was the definition of prim and proper.

>ywn perv on your redhead sister in the bathroom

>tfw when ywn understand the phrase "beaten like a redheaded stepchild" because you always think "why would I beat my redheaded stepchild instead of beating off over her?"

Jewish propaganda

it makes me depressed because i spent my entire teenage years as a friendless shut in playing video games 24/7