Driver’s in-the-zone solemnity is something his castmates can’t help but take note of...

>Driver’s in-the-zone solemnity is something his castmates can’t help but take note of. “He’s very moody and intense,” Mark Hamill said. “I remember saying to Adam, ‘I don’t know how you work, or your technique. But, at some point, you were my nephew. I probably bounced you on my knee. I probably babysat for you. There’s that side, and now we’re both estranged from the Skywalker family. All I’m suggesting is, if you’d like, maybe we could go to lunch, we could get together and hang out.’”
>Driver, having his own methods, did not take Hamill up on his offer—“and more power to him,” Hamill said, good-naturedly.
>John Boyega, however, is less willing to let matters lie, and feels that sometimes it’s necessary to lighten things up when the mood on the Star Wars set turns too serious. With regard to Driver, Boyega has a specific strategy to try to lure him to the lighter side. “I give Adam hugs randomly, just for no reason,” he said.
>“And does he take it?” I asked.
>“He just stands there,” Boyega said. “He just waits for me to be done.”

What is this guy's fucking problem?

>guy who trained in the army has no time for faggy acting antics
What a twist!

So basically he is /ourguy/?

Because he’s there to make a fucking movie, not babysit a bunch of retarded co-stars. It’s a Disney capeshit movie, I doubt he gives a fuck beyond the paycheck

>“and more power to him,” Hamill said, good-naturedly.

Hey, maybe Boyega figured out now why hes a 5th wheel in TLJ and Kylo is taking the spotlight from the heroine lol.

Maybe Driver should hug the manlet now.

He really gets into his character on-set that's why. Also he mentioned before that he hates hugs.

Fucking kill yourself pleb

That pissed me off. Hammill is the coolest fucking dude, why wouldnt you hang out with him? Fucking Gaylo Ren.

Of course the nigger has to act like a fuckin faggot

Is this real?

Does that mean he fucked Lena to get into character?

>a very experienced film and tv actor doesn't need advice from voice actors and newbies

wow you don't say




It’s oorah you dipshit

>literal nigger who can't act anything but a energetic nigger
>a geezer named Luke Skywalker whos playing Mark Hamill

Wow, Driver should rethink his nihilistc ways

>tfw trying to get this dumb scene done and stay in-character but these fags keep hugging you and asking you to go to dinner
>tfw this is exactly why you're kino and they aren't

>ywn hang out with mark
kill me now

>experienced film and tv actor
>a literal who before TFA
you wot

They both have massive hips.


You don’t stop being a marine once you get out is his problem. He’s got no patience for bullshit and probably wanted to punch Boyega in the face a couple times

>“I give Adam hugs randomly, just for no reason,” he said.
>“And does he take it?” I asked.
>“He just stands there,” Boyega said. “He just waits for me to be done.”

top kek

>Boyega has a specific strategy to try to lure him to the lighter side. “I give Adam hugs randomly, just for no reason,” he said.

that sounds really cute to be honest

>Mark is mistreated even by his co-star the squareboy marine dropout

IIRC he literally said after he got out of the marines the people at acting school were afraid of him or something and he couldn't relate because he was used to interacting how people do in the marines. I think one guy he used to go there with said he used to make people cry kek

>no don't do that

He hates hugs. He's said this before and the audience was going "aww" so he was playing it up as a joke and told them to stop kek

Gee Mark, it’s almost as if he takes his job seriously and needs to be in a certain mental headspace to better portray his brooding and angsty character while on set.

That really activated my porgs.

Boyega is Alpha is fuck man Driver is being a fucking huge beta letting him do it


>Touch me like that again nigger and i'll snap your neck

you're a faggot. hugging someone who doesn't like it is not cute, just because it is cute in your animes.

In real life it's obnoxious bullshit and now I hate this nigger Boyega

>Mark "ImActing" Skywal...Hamill

Hamill is a libkike who spends most of his time shitposting about Trump on twitter. He even said he likes the new movies with the exception of his part. We all love him for playing Luke, but he is probably insufferable in real life and I can see why a guy with no bullshit attitude like Driver would tell him to fuck off.

Mark sounds 100% adorable cringe .

That shit is how Luke and Kylo should have interacted (Luke being overly familiar and Kylo being moody.)


>But, at some point, you were my nephew. I probably bounced you on my knee. I probably babysat for you.

Saying this hollywood shit to an ex-marine? When is Mark Hamill going to get his long-overdue ass whooping?

Driver has very flat ass.

Driver sounds like a naughty boy IRL the more i read about him.

Former and PROUD U.S. Marine. Unsure of his rank, but all of the other students at Julliard though he was intimidating. He always said life outside of the Cops. was strange for him.

Adam confirmed autistic.

>It’s oorah you dipshit
Actually it's goo goo gaa gaa

>developing a character when kathleen will just write it to bolster the female lead anyway

Driver knows it's pointless to emotionally invest in a Star Wars male character.

That's what I was thinking Boyega is doing it to fuck with him and Driver just lets him instead of just pushing him away and being like what the fuck

>just there to work and take it seriously
>no time for faggy socializing and gay orgy coke parties afterwards

I don't see the problem desu He's the best actor they have not surprised he's like that kek

>Actually it's goo goo gaa gaa
Technically its gaa gaa foo foo

Sounds like he was there to do a good job and those 2 were obnoxious shits.

If this was true he would push him away when Boyega hugs him instead of just standing there like an awkward faggot

>Adam Driver's an actual tough guy
>John Bernthall is just a jew rich kid pretending to be tough

What the fuck is wrong with the world that Adam Driver isn't The Punisher, but was on GIRLS?

Pretty much this. It shows in the quality of acting too kek

what kinda turds you think he shits out?

user, he is old and got Old People immunity hurting him makes you automatically in the wrong due wasting energy since nature will do it. It is okay I forget he is old too.

Dude has his way of staying in character that doesn't directly affect anyone elses. Abides by others preferred way to work on set but not to the extent that it keeps him from doing his own thing.

Not remotely an issue.

I know Suicide Squad has come and gone and everyone wants to bash on a douche actor, but this is far reaching friendo.

I have met him in real life- he is a nice man. Hardly insufferable, his politics aside.

he would except Disney regards that as a lynching nowadays

Boyega likes Adam and has a hard-on for Kylo Ren though.

Yeah im sure he would destroy his career because some random nigglet.

Mark isn't even bashing tho. Just approached in cringe way. Boyega went full faggot tho.

>actually putting effort into shitty nu star wars movies
>work on easy mode
>two try hard faggots try to gay it up
>tell them to fuck off
based Adam.

He didn't take Mark up on his lunch offer because if Daisy asked him out to lunch on the same day, he'd be too autistic to cancel with Mark. Daisy never asked.

Hes a washed up asshole, politics included.

I didn't say punch him out I said just a little push when you see Boyega trying to fuck with you by coming in for a hug just put your arm out to stop him.
That wouldn't kill your career.
Driver is just awkward and autistic.

star wars usually has terrible actors. there's a reason the original stars didn't really do anything else besides harrison ford playing the same character in everything and being the worst part of a blade runner, or hammill playing a literal cartoon).

adam driver is by far the best actor who has had a major role in a star wars movie (guinness doesn't count). this story doesn't really surprise me, sounds like he's the only one taking it seriously and it shows

Literally /ourguy/

Mark Hamil is such a nice guy and I genuinely feel sorry for him to have to deal with these assholes. I feel like I'm watching a beloved uncle being exploited and he knows it but he's too kind and good-natured to do anything about it.

That's cool to here. But you only met him for a min or something? I doubt you had an actual conversation with him.

Boyega? More like Boy, You Gay.

Tone down the edge kylo

>That wouldn't kill your career.

Refusing the advances of a minority? It does when you're under disney's thumb.

You obviously haven't been living in our world for the past 5 years have you? If he did that, everyone would start calling him a racist, regardless of whether is or not.

Didn't he and Daisy go to dinner during filming ?
Sounds like hes staying in character between cuts, not exactly method acting, maybe he doesn't like Hamill and Boyega.

Hes also pals with Isaacs

Update your pic, breh. It's 52% now.

reminder that if you were a white man giving unsolicited hugs to a woman you’re a sexual deviant

He genuinely enjoys his work. Hes used to pretentious assholes.

In Ireland, yes.

Imagine acting like Sasuke at your 30s, what a fucking nerd.

>What is this guy's fucking problem?
he's racist

Boyega seems like an obnoxious, insensitive moron

I once saw an interview where he touched his hair like every 20 seconds.

>He really gets into his character on-set that's why. Also he mentioned before that he hates nigs

whoa, not the N word.

Aside from Mark he's the only one who's genuinely happy about being in Star Wars

He approached me and my 1 year old niece, on his way to a signing. Spent ten minutes bullshitting, with me, and interacting with her.
Personally, I diametrically oppose his political views, but it demonstrated how genuinely kind the man is.

Accepting dinner from Rey but not Luke would be in character for Kylo Ren tho.

So fucking what? He gives a shit performance and his character is garbage. The only good acting in TLJ comes from Hamill, the guy who played Hux, and Driver.

>I spent 10 minutes with a celebrity so I'm confident in my assessment of his character
People like you make me sick

Well, I can't say I'm not happy to hear that.

You can just feel it in his voice that he likes children... I mean.. I can /feel/ he is a dad, the way he speaks... Make me warm and fuzzy

I would never attempt to hug a marine. Boyega is lucky Adam didnt best the shit out of him

Driver should actually take a sword to Boyega's spine

Did anyone else think the milk scene was one more reinforcement of the 'milk is raciss' white male bullshit?
Fucking liberals

Sup Forums faggotry for Hamill is weirding me out.

Dude sounds like the usual SJW libtard just with more years on his back.

the chasm in Sup Forums is real. There is two kind of people lurking there. The rational and the tribalist.

Adam is too good for SW to be honest, it even shows in the difference in work ethic. At least he's making his parts good. Based.

Nah, it's just a shitty way to explain how Luke's been getting food or something.

Aside from Boyega being a nigger, his acting is bad. There's nothing to like about Finn, I'm sorry, user.

No wonder Daisy lusting for his cock in interviews kek

And a person that spent 0 minutes with Hamill have alot more authority to speak on his personality.

That's funny you say that because there are certain butthurt SJW already shitting on him just because he didn't hug Boyega back even though he said he doesn't even like hugs. Imagine if he actually pushed him.


What are you even talking about dumbass

100% Grampa Mode.

Mark got decades of being approachable and interacted with tons and tons of fans. No shit plenty of people like him.