What did they think of it, Sup Forums?
What did they think of it, Sup Forums?
why don't you stay on reddit and ask you stupid fuck
fucking cross-site posters
They watching a camrip? Men, did they even VPN?
they should watch the Alien franchise instead
Daily reminder the ISS is a hoax.
What would happen if they posted on one of the flag boards?
I've seen the Antarctic flag and International Waters flag on Sup Forums before. Is there a space flag?
Why would they fake the ISS?
>ISIS discovered space travel
his complexion is different in both of those videos. he is more flush in the one on the right (red-faced). several countries are on the ISS, and you can see it from your backyard with a telescope. kill yourself.
did you not watch interstellar?
Have you personally seen it?
No, explain why it's worth it to pretend there's an ISS orbiting the Earth. What do ((((((they)))))) gain?
literally anyone can see it. and yes.
>anyone can see it
False. You can see a shiny star on the night sky, which can be anything
That thing you see at night is a balloon, learn2flat earth
Stop feeding the troll man
it keeps the public interested in funding it without asking questions but in reality, all the money goes to black projects.
>False. You can see a shiny star on the night sky, which can be anything
if you line up a telescope like this guide shows you
to a point in the night sky immediately before where the ISS will be, you can see it clear as day for a good second or two. if you use binoculars it will just look like a slow-moving star.
squash out the misinformation before some kid starts believing and our youth continues to deteriorate
daily reminder
>you just have to invest $1000 into a special telescope, goy, I promise it's there!
Yeah, not falling for it.
But why would they leave this on a big screen in a video released to the public?
Fuck knows why. They obviously did though. Unless you believe the video is doctored by russian hackers
Well they are all middle aged white men... so they all pretended to LOVE it even though it turned their insides black.
typically people that are more well-off are better educated and more intelligent. so its not a surprise that some poorfag believes in poorfag conspiracies
But here it is as part of an official video.
They're not hiding anything. It's just a sheet with a grid on it.
Astronauts have become such Reddit tier faggots in the last ten years.
Hmm interesting havent seen that before. Thanks for posting.
It's the soy in astronaut food
chroma key screen is literally greenscreen
the guy who made it is a literal retard, they probably use it for size reference
>the Sup Forums r/the_donald baby boomers are shitting up Sup Forums with flat earth + astronauts aren't real conspiracy theories
Back to your containment board.
How many fucking threads are you going to post this in
literally forum sliding + autism
What is MPAA/RIAA gonna do? Sue NASA?