>Fantasy Movie >Elves are slender and prefer to fight with bows >Dwarfs are alcoholics and stay in mines all day and their culture revolves around mining and hitting things with a hammer >Humans are basic and jack of all trades >Orcs are big dumb brutes who can only smash or die >Goblins breed like rabbits and shank people with tiny daggers
People think thwy are so '''clever''' for noticing this. Guess what? Its intention morons!
Juan Carter
>Christmas movie >Santa delivers presents >Elves make presents >Kids receive presents
When will these memes end?
Oliver Lopez
100% chance if a movie came out that played with these tropes you would shit on it for fucking with the formula.
Camden Lee
OP is a brainlet.
Josiah Hernandez
you forgot eagles always coming to save people
Bentley Harris
>Human movie >Men are big and strong >Women are small and pretty >Jews are sneaky and evil
wtf unoriginal!!!!
Ryder Rivera
Because all of these things have been reliable tropes for a hundred years
Noah Williams
Christopher Barnes
>He doesn't know fantasy is a genre for children
Jayden Gutierrez
Aiden Robinson
>Fantasy RPG >Wizards wear robes and cast magic spells that either harm enemies or have a strong utility effect >Fighters wear heavy-armour and fight melee using either a two-handed weapon, or one-handed weapon and shield >Thieves wear light-armour and use ambush tactics while also being masters at pickpocketing and lockpicking >Rangers wear light-amour and are adept at using bows and are able to track enemies and set traps >Clerics wear heavy-armor and don't carry anything bladed or use weapons in combat because they are dedicated to their religion and use their faith to heal their allies, mend wounds, and occasionally banish evil
When will these memes end?
Isaac Evans
Most of those tropes don't apply to movies
Nathan Mitchell
When is Jay going to wrap up the Jay is Marrying Plinkett storyline of Half in the Bag?
Nicholas Long
You forgot dualwielding daggers and swords on character's backs.
Michael Ward
>war movie >characters die
No wonder books are so much better than le kino at conveying actual struggles
Ryan Cooper
>Warcraft is the most popular fantasy series of all time >Orcs are big and strong but also smart and can be mages
Lars Anderson is a fucking hack fraud m8. His vid has been debunked many times.
Robert Richardson
No it hasn't. A few asspained retards tried to debunk it but they didn't succeed and he responded to them with a video of his own.
Cameron Gray
>Shit thread >OP can't stop sucking cocks
When will this meme end?
Ethan Gonzalez
>Fantasy story subverts any of this >Turbovirgins screech autistically because they're not following the lore
Logan Ross
Joseph Hernandez
You call that memes?
Tolkien fucking invented this shit, son. Orcs didn't exist before Tolkien. Mithril didn't exist before Tolkien.Back when Orichalchum was just a word on your mum's lips; did the dwarves delve deep into the earth.
You want to talk to me about memes?
I'll knock your nob off your sorry begotten head, I will.
Tyler Thomas
>>Archer has a quiver on his back
Archers did have quivers on their backs you can see that for yourself in depictions of anything from sumerian relief carving to medieval paintings. He's a retard with an agenda. He shoots a bow with no draw strength.
No. He said it's retarded if you aren't stationary, and it is. The only archers that had it on their back were stationary archers. Legolas isn't a stationary archer.
Joseph Sullivan
>BBC production >Funded by Britcucks >Directed by Jews >About white characters >Portrayed by black actors When will these memes end?
William Miller
>woman is effortlessly good at everything
Owen Mitchell
You realize these aren't real creatures, right? They are literally just memes, if your elf isn't a long-lived, pointed eared, hippy-dippy, arrogant, magic-using ponce, then why are you calling it an elf?