Just a reminder that he died pathetic, alone and a virgin on an island

Just a reminder that he died pathetic, alone and a virgin on an island.

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He did get himself inside a tauntaun so theres that.

>he died as a virgin without ever saying goodbye to Solo and Leia
>his last thing he done before dying was milking a sea cow and drinking a blue milk like some retarded crackhead

Bravo Johnson Bravo JJ Bravo Disney

The tragic hero story.

Why did you think the sea cows were lactating?

>implying him and Biggs weren't dating

Not canon.

Fuck off.

Implying he didn't fuck one of those little alien nuns every now and then.

>lalalala if I close my eyes this movie doesn't exist
I'm not saying that you should like the movie, but this is childish.

So his tragic flaw was bad writing?

kill yourself mouse shill.

Soy Wars aren't canon, sorry m8.

This never happened

>Mouse Shit

Go buy some more critics


Not my Luke.

>if you're not so mentally ill that you pretend movies you hate don't exist, you're a "mouse shill"

Search your feelings user

If they wanted to paint their sjw shit all over the movie why didn’t they just make him the villain? If youre gonna go so far out of character with Luke, just fucking turn him into a psuedo sith grey Jedi that wants to put an end to the Jedi by force. It would’ve been better than turning him into an island dwelling soy boy

The sequels are here to stay, whether you like it or not. You can either ignore them, or keep crying about it for all eternity.

They looked so happy, didn’t they?

>ywn make Luke happy
>ywn gently take his virginity and then make sweet love to him every day thereafter
>ywn let him know that he is always loved and cherished
>ywn hold his hand and kiss his forehead as he passes away peacefully, knowing you will soon join him in the Force.

I'm just hoping for George to get old and angry enough to stop caring about his Disney stock and write the sequel 'special editions'.


so, an average white male? seems pretty accurate.

Don't be so sure, Disney will do anything for money. Movies have been written over before (Superman III and IV, X-Men 3) and it can easily happen again.

I really wish this George dindu nuffin wrong meme to end. The new movies are shit but that doesn’t make the prequels any less shit. You contrarian 16 year olds are fucking annoying

They ruined his character.


Not counting anything as canon post Lucas selling isn't that much of a stretch.

well to be fair he sucked more titties than i have

Remember that time your amazing awesome Jedi hero got tied up and almost killed by teddy bears?

Don't get me wrong, prequels were appalling. But there's something satisfying about watching such an abortive corporate takeover of cultural phenomenon fall apart and the realisation that the gamble has backfired spectacularly. The only way it could be sweeter is if it ended with the original creator rides in on a donkey and relieves them of their charge.

I'm hoping for something not entirely unlike the end of Burns Verkaufen der Kraftwerk.

Just like I will!
>he's just like me


You didn't watch the film did you?

One of main reason I hate Nu-Trilogy.

My girl Mara Jade is ten times better of a character than all those new Disney trilogy ones put together. Wanted a strong awesome female character? You literally had it. It was right there already made for you. But nope. Disney had to nuke that. Fuck you Disney.

Member when Disney confirmed a new trilogy with a female main character and everyone thought it was Mara Jade?

still better than getting killed by your autistic soyboy son

remember when he made the teddy bears think his dumb droid was a god?

To be honest, I actually didn't hear this "rumor". I knew Mara wasn't going be in it to begin with given OLD luke.

Han put him there.

>accepting what ever garbage is thrown in tour face


Luke knew how to work those space seal titties.

This. Luke chose superior mummy sloths

just like me and my father before me.

>Implying Soy Wars is canon

My 9 blu-ray edition disagrees with you OP.

A friends gotta help out.

He stole a x wing from the rebel fleet. you can't just take your plane home.
>hey i'm new in town i just landed in my fighter jet that is mine now the war's ostensibly over

Thanks, Disney.

Jedis are never alone. They are one with the force.

Kind of weird that they're just wearing regular earth wedding clothes

That wasn't Luke
It was Luuke, Luuuke or Jake Skywalker
Also it's not canon so who cares

i know, i couldn't understand why rey didn't report him to the space police for gts

Space ayahuasca. Luke was seriously tripping balls the entire movie. Only way to explain his actions.

There's an interesting idea to "redeem" old Luke but it would be hard to pull it off

> Make episode IX happen 10 years in the past and show Luke building the new temple and how it went horribly wrong.
With that you can talk about many things: Why Luke became so bitter and hopeless ? Why Kylo and his "knights" turned evil ? Who is Snoke ? Why the Republic is so weak ? Why the First Order is so strong ?

It could be an interesting first half of the movie leading to modern Kylo, new master of the First Order, trying to figure what he wants to do exactly now Luke is dead and Rey on the run. This would add layers to his character and appease the fans on many subjects.

he forceghosted

Thank you roasties. Thank you jews. Thank you soyboys.

>why didn’t they just make him the villain?
Would've been too badass

>why didn’t they just make him the villain?
But he was... his hubris ruined the efforts of decades of rebellion.

um no sweetie, mara jade is sexually attractive and as such has been objectified by male nerds

we only cast unattractive androgynous gurls in female roles now.

The movie is over a week old. Get a life.

>became like his master
what a fucking betrayal

He died after solidifying his legend. That was the whole point, and the reason he didn't go there in person (when he would've just been blown up as soon as Kylo unleashed the cannons). It made perfect sense if you actually paid any attention to the movie.


Shhhh you're going to break the circlejerk

Say what you will about ROTJ, but Luke Skywalker finally being the strong, confident, noble jedi he needed to be is so satisfying.
>you will give captain Solo and the wookiee to me
>Jabba, this is your last chance. Free us or die
>you couldn't bring yourself to kill me then, and I don't believe you'll destroy me now
>you've failed, your highness. I am a jedi, like my father before me
>that part where he force chokes those gamorrean guards and mind tricks bib fortuna like it's something he does every day
>the way he stands on that plank (pic related. look at hid confidence. nothing can stop him and he knows it)
>that hand signal he gives to R2 that looks like a farewell but it's actually a signal to prepare his lightsaber to be shot over to him

>solidifying his legend by projecting an image of himself so he can stay safe on his rock just to fuck with Kylo, then god damn die for literally no reason

The reason he didn't go there in person is because retard Rian wanted to subvert expectation at all cost. If Kylo had a functioning brain he would have/should have noticed it was force projection Luke straight away and the while dumb plan comes tumbling down.
Also Luke can just avoid the AtAt fire pretty easy, I mean all other main characters manage to

Force exhaustion to death is just as retarded. Everybody laughed at Lucas for how Padme died and now Luke looks like a coward who cba to rescue his sister

Doesnt matter how much to spin it, it's still fucking awful writing

Padme died because Sidious took away her life force to help Vader "transformation".

>If Kylo had a functioning brain he would have/should have noticed it was force projection

Kylo is the most overemotional character in the series, it's not surprising that he didn't notice. As soon as he saw Luke rage took over. Luke took advantage of this by behaving in a taunting manner.

>Force exhaustion to death is just as retarded. Everybody laughed at Lucas for how Padme died and now Luke looks like a coward who cba to rescue his sister

An old, weak man, dying from using an incredibly exerting force power is nowhere near as retarded as dying because you "lost the will to live" , stop being intellectually dishonest. Luke doesn't look like a coward, he looks like a hero. His legend was the best thing he could give the resistance. If he'd just gone there and got blown up what would that have accomplished?

He succeeded both in saving his sister AND restoring hope to the resistance. It was good writing and foreshadowed really well earlier in the film, deal with it.

>Lost the will to live

Thats the robot "explanation". Robot cant feel the Force.

>Luke doesn't look like a coward
>projects an image of himself onto a dangerous battlefield while he is safe on his rock instead of going with Rey in the first place when she left and using his powers and experience to fight with them.
>it was good writing

>It was good writing and foreshadowed really well earlier in the film, deal with it.

Stopped reading there desu senpai

So what?
It doesn't make his whole story more retarded?
Luke is presented as a B-story in a movie which is SUPPOSED to about him.
Every scratch of good will anyone had ever has with this shitpile was slaughtered by a hack and uncaring screenplay.

>but muh legacy
We don't know shit about his legacy, because we have zero context to ANYTHING after ROTJ here.
It's like they are making some kind of big and emotional ending to a story which hasn't been written yet. It's stupid and retarded.
Yeah, his death scene wasn't the most awful thing in the movie (and two suns were kind of neat). But his treatment in this movie absolutely was.

Disney star wars insn't real star wars cannon, so it's all irrelevant. It's just nu star wars.

>waaahhhh REEEEEEEEE I'm mad Luke didn't turn into Goku!
Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.


He said goodbye to Leia though...

> safe on his rock
>literally dies


Just like Padme and Carrie Fisher, Luke lost the will to live

Being a straight white male in SW is suffering.

Best wingman of all time.

at least he didnt milk a cock. You can bet that was the original intention.

Luke isn't straight.

>Luke is presented as a B-story in a movie which is SUPPOSED to about him
It was never supposed to be about him you autist. The new trilogy is about a new set of characters, and just because you can't deal with that because it doesn't fit in with your headcanon doesn't mean it's bad writing.

>and a virgin


>counting things when the origintal creator and writters are not there anymore

>Sup Forums mad that rian turned him into /our guy/

>literally dies for no reason
Fixed that for you

>dies due to doing something the movie previously established could kill you

Fixed that for you.

>let the past die
>after building the new trilogy on OT nostalgia
Nah fuck off. Fucking hack


>>new set of characters

Where are they cause I just keep seeing cardboard cutouts myself.

>after building the new trilogy on OT nostalgia
And you got two movies of it. TLJ hints that Episode VIIII will be its own era. What's the fucking problem?

>dies doing something even Kylo Ren knows is a stupid power that kills you
Wow, what a legendary Jedi "master"

This is your mind on plebbitry take heed lads lest you end up like him

Ok what should he have done then? His options were go to the planet in person and get blown to smithereens immediately, or force project there and accomplish the exact same goal while reigniting the legend of Luke Skywalker.

So the last installment will be when we get to see something new for a change?


There is no reason to believe Luke wasn't slaying Tattooine Poon before we met him, or getting Hero ass after he blew up the Death Star.