They are the most well-rounded and developed Star Wars protagonists so far.
Why do they trigger shitlords so much?
They are the most well-rounded and developed Star Wars protagonists so far
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Oh yeah?
Tell me about them. Tell me the interesting qualities.
>numale nigger
>soy creature
Gee I wonder why we hate them
Finn, Rose, and Poe are good. Rey still sucks.
They aren't white males, duh
all 3 of these characters suck ass
im not a Sup Forums tard who gets an anurism everytime a nonwhite character pops up but cmon
rey is just Op AF
the nigger is irrelevant
and the fat asian chick is just annoying
Umm they’re people of color sweetie. That’s more interesting than any white character.
>rose is good
you're joking right?
They are diverse, realistic characters.
Nothing amazing but the bar isn't set very high for SW protagonists.
They have zero character beyond quippy black dude and invincible girl power.
do anakin and luke have any more character than whiny white kid and mary sue?
In Star Wars they rescue a princess from the villain's fortress
No princess in these movies
Is that the problem?
I don't think it isn't!
>realistic characters.
the black guy is fake as fuck, i'm black irl; this guy acts white as fuck, this is a white character given to a self-hating progressive black man to portray and what you get is a fake black to fool whites into thinking the film is some how diverse, lmfao get the fuck out of here faggot
Also this
I'm a white guy who went to an ethnically diverse high school, I can confirm
Every gay, black ect. character in SJW media is a white heterosexual character given a diverse palette to make progressives think "OMG they're just like us, racists are so wrong!".
But I can understand Anakin's motivations throughout the entire plot. Same cant be said for the other three.
Wrong. Even the prequels had a protagonist by the second movie. This shit doesn't have one. Just scenes with some guys and girls doing stuff.
Give me details. Why are they interesting, realistic and diverse?
Honestly as bad as the last jedi is I could forgive it if Rey was written well.
She doesn't feel human. What are her motivations? Where is her struggle? Why does she care? Who is she inside?
She's not a human.
>w-where are my parents and who are they?
Is she a lesbian? Is she going to fuck someone? Is she going to KISS someone? Why does she feel so prepubescent? If Poe is a genuine love interest, why doesn't she even meet him until the last minutes of the second part of the trilogy? Are we going to have an entire romance arc with her character rushed into the next movie?
>I guess I knew all along lol never mind :)
I hate them because they’re boring characters you trigger racist shit bag. The only one minutely interesting is Finn in TFA. He’s useless and boring in TLJ
Not everyone that hates this is a racist Shit pile like you
>Luke, I am your father, join me
>Rey, your parents were nobody special, join me
haha, bravo Rian, truly a genius, you took the thing from empire strikes back and reversed it xD
This movie has more, and worse, and more poorly implemented, twists and moments of false or appropriated tension, than any other movie I can think of.
>no lgbt star wars hero
Kylo is the best, friend. But I like your opinion.
can they pass the Plinkett test?
I tried to give them a chance, and this is coming from a black liberal. Finn, don’t even get me on that nigga. We finally get a black main character, and this motherfucker is a janitor? Yeah, that’s some typical white liberal shit to do. Give him a love interest, but it’s an ugly as fuck Asian chick. Rey, why the fuck is Rey doing any of the shit she is doing? Really. What the fuck is her motivation? This whole movie is some post modern, deconstructionist, I’m smarter and wittier than the average person, no balls, bullshit. Kathleen Kennedy, Rian Johnson and Disney have officially ruined Star Wars for me.
White females are calling all the shots now so they write a bunch of faggots
They needed to make her a pissant living in an orphanage who heard about legends of the jedi and Luke skywalker all the time. This way when she is introduced to the larger world there’s a reason why she wants to meet Luke and learn to be a jedi.
Not perfect but better then nothing.
You'll always have slick as fuck Lando.
We'll all always have Lando.
I was kind of hoping Billy Dee would show up in TLJ and bring some little help to let them at least escape.
>implying Poe needs a romance arc
>implying he isn’t going to skunk out of that musky flight suit and slip Rey the ol’ S-foil before they even get off the Falcon
>implying he won’t dick her down with the same detachment and banter that he displays while everyone he knows dies around him
No one can stop this madman.
Bahahaha nice try
>coming from a black liberal
you should double hang
But the biggest problem with these movies is the actors from the original trilogy being there. If it weren't for muh nostalgia they would have actually had to create compelling, new characters for these movies. As it is they just came up with a list of minorities that don't like SW as much as white people do and threw them into the movie.
They also think diversity of human characters means enough diversity for a galaxy that's mostly not human. There's like 2 aliens in the entire Resistance, and that's inexcusable with their budget and what CG allows.
Star Wars is better without humans, it needs an alien equivalent of the Bechdel Test: two aliens on screen, talking about something other than the human main characters.
>There's like 2 aliens in the entire Resistance
This, what the fuck is up with that? And one of them is Nien Nunb, so they didn't even come up with that character. It feels like a bunch of literally who's are fighting over shit that the galaxy doesn't care about, or worse, that the galaxy wants nothing to do with (the fucking Caretakers seem to hate Rey and Luke for being there at all), in this new trilogy.