>when someone says they like The Last Jedi
When someone says they like The Last Jedi
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That Luke going berserk is just so cool. But fights between two strong character were always stupid. Vader could just throw Luke away or something, he probably didn't want to. idk
I'm going to bed
>but muh luke never showed signs of doubt fear or weakness
>he would never consider harming a family member
You don't like TLJ because you've elevated the past to legend and the foundation is very fragile.
That's the key to make fights interesting.
In TESB, Vader holds back because he wants Luke to turn to the Dark Side. Then Luke hits him and Vader puts him in his place. Seeing that his son is actually capable, he wants him to join.
In ROTJ Vader doesn't want to kill his son, he holds back as well.
That's why the throne room sequence is so bad. It doesn't even the great choregraphy of the prequels or any minimalistic motivation, i.e. Obi and Qui-Gon wanting to possibly catch Maul alive. In TLJ, they just kill some goons.
Luke is overpowering him. When Vader is down, he immediately stops and explicitely states that he won't join the dark side nor kill his father.
watch the movies you fucking dipshit.
>hasnt watched RotJ
Laughable. Maybe try watching the movie
so you're saying you're in the wrong? or are you too much of a brainlet to even understand this scene?
>great choreography of the prequels
TLJ simply wasn't that good, why is that so hard to accept?
>Theyre still upset luke wasnt the way they wanted him to be
>Theyre bitching cause theres no nostalgic moments besides the twin suns
>vader was holding back in the throne room
Wipe this meme from the face of the earth. He threw his saber at Luke, tried to goad him with the leia bit, and defended Palpatine from lukes killing blow. Luke simply was too strong in the force at that point for vader and vader didn't want to have the dooku treatment since Palpatine was obviously seeing which one of them would be strong enough to be his right hand
Uh, why does Vader suddenly collapse at 2 second mark?
I don't think you watched it. Have an original thought for once. Normies, tumblr, and reddit are not echo chambers you should hope to emulate.
I'm not upset, I just didn't enjoy the film. Fans seem to be more upset because they can't handle the ridicule.
Probably exhausted himself from too much fighting. The guy is a 200 kg walking machine who has problems breathing.
>Vader killed Sheev because he was afraid Luke was going to turn to the dark side and take his place
That’s some headcanon user.
he sees luke is going to swing back so he quickly braces himself on the railing. Luke is so full of rage that he pummels him from that position.
I saw Jedi in theater in 1983 as a very young child and I don't give a fucking SHIT about "nostalgic moments", fuck you.
I did watch it and I didn't like it. I didn't think it was possible but TLJ felt even more like a Marvel film than TFA, it didn't help that this film introduced a multitude of universe fuck ups like FTL kamikaze, force ghosts physically manipulating things, surviving the vacuum of space, force holograms etc. So much poorly thought out garbage and it casts a huge shadow of a potentially enjoyable movie. It's a shame because I did enjoy Rey in this, her and Kylo work well but anytime something interesting happens, they do a retraction and Kylo's the generic bad guy again. It fucking sucks.
>looks down at his mechanical hand, and then at Vader's missing hand
>realizes that, in a moment of weakness, he acted like Vader
>throws his lightsaber down
>"Never. I'll never turn to the dark side. You've failed, your highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
Fuck you. Did you even watch the movie? Luke literally went on a suicide mission to redeem Vader, because he felt a glimmer of good in him. He boarded the death star to convert him when he knew his friends were about to blow it up.
palpatine wants luke to be his apprentice, there can only be two sith at one time. either vader or luke had to die there. palpatine even tells luke to strike vader down. vader was fighting for his life, not holding back. people forget vader goes immediately back to palpatines side once luke stops wailing on him, he may have been conflicted but not enough to stop him from giving it all during that duel.
>Being in a fit of rage is the same as attempting to murder someone in their sleep
>people complain that during the throne room fight in TLJ the enemies are swing for Rey/Kylos saber
>Luke is just swinging for Vaders saber
go away grandpa
i can dig the whole "maybe luke isn't so different from his dad" thing. it was just executed so poorly.
Luke isn't trying to kill or capture Vader
>the only time Luke uses hi green lightsaber in TLJ is in the murder fantasy
Oh then what the fuck is he trying to do
>getting this mad that you get called out on your bull shit complaints
Remember it's okay if the OT did it.
How the fuck do robotic limbs tire????
>take his place at my side
neck yourself
>great choreography of the prequels
Luke tried throught the whole combat to talk Vader out of it, he even throws his lightsaber away.
Meanwhile he tries to kill his nephew at the first sing of dark side going on.
>says that nephew has more raw strength than vader
>says he felt that nephew’s mind was already twisted past the point of salvation by the dark side
You don’t have to like it, but he explained himself pretty clearly. Vader had conflict within, Kylo was beyond saving. It’s not complicated.
holy balls thats horrible
The trouble is that Luke believing anyone was beyond saving is a betrayal of his OT character. By the time of ROTJ he even believes Darth Vader can be saved.
Darth Vader, literally the person prophecied to bring balance to the force, was not Kylo Ren.
>it's not complicated
Yes it is complicated that's the point you fucking ten year old dweeb. Humans and emotions are both complicated.
Good and evil are complicated.
Morals are not simple, in any light good could be evil and evil could be good.
It's the very essence of Star Wars.
The Jedi who were good allowed the Sith to come to power.
The Sith (Vader) who was evil defeated the emperor.
Luke was the only character throughout the series who truly tried to do what was right in his heart with no ulterior motive.
He originally wanted to defeat Vader, he finds out Vader is his father and he realized things are never simple. So he tries to turn him to good.
Kylo was not some Sith fucking lord who had murdered millions of innocents. He was a kid, a kid put under Luke's care.
You're seriously going to sit there and bullshit an answer like "oh Luke knew Kylo could not be saved." when Luke never once stated he had the power of prophecy.
The real Luke would have done everything to try and confront his nephew and help him. He would of only attacked him if his nephew actually did something unforgivable and even than he would be more likely to die trying to tell Kylo that it wasn't too late.
Which is how Luke should have died, he should of died defending the resistance as The Last Fucking Jedi.
The real problem is that Rey is going to redeem the so called irredeemable Kylo and everyone knows it
That bullshit prophecy isn't in the OT. All Luke knows in the original story is that Vader is one of the most evil men in the galaxy. But it doesn't stop him from saving him.
His OT character died with RotJ. The Last Jedi just threw the last shovelful of dirt on the casket.
But he ISN’T the Last Jedi. He said so himself.
>Luke never once stated he had the power of prophecy.
And Yoda never said he could pull the power of Thor out of his ass, yet here we are.
Woah, can you imagine if Vader decided to appear as a ghost before Kylo years ago and talk him out of turning into evil? these silly ghosts never appearing when needed
The Star Wars aspect aside, the movie is bad on a technical level. Muddled plot, unneccesary scenes that total at least 45 minutes, poor acting, poor dialogue, unsimpathetic characters, its just a mess.
This brings up a point of how was his original saber even found, when it fell to the depths of Cloud City?
>Oh then what the fuck is he trying to do
He's trying to redeem his father you twat. That's the whole reason he went there.
Lame excuse desu. I always thought it looked terrible how he just falls over like that. This is still science fiction fantasy. Everything we would have known about Vader at that point would tell us he was still this super strong machine man that also is strong in the force. To just fall over like that isn't just weak but it doesn't even really make sense when looking at it.
>Oh then what the fuck is he trying to do
At least watch the fucking movie you're arguing about
Didn’t Luke also bust open Darth’s respirator? Hard to be a badass when your lungs are collapsing.
Well, not everyone can see them. Obi-wan had to train to see Qui-gon.
"I've got to save you."
You already have, Luke."
"Aah, who gives a fuck, right?"
If Lucas really wanted him to just gas out like that why make him fall over in that way? It just looks very odd. Almost like it was straight out of WWE and he was clutching the ropes (railing here obviously) trying to recover a bit. It just looks bad and I've seen many point it out before so I know I'm not too much in the minority. A gradual showing of him tiring would have went a long way here to make that final part more believable. During the fight it doesn't really show him gradually tiring at all. Just Luke enraged and attacking. Then suddenly Vader falls over? Just looks so weak for the finale of such a movie.
“I thought that by saving my father and destroying the Emperor that I brought an end to this shit. I didn’t. In fact, if anything, shit has potentially gotten worse. All of those friends and loved ones I’ve met over the years? Their deaths were in vain. I changed nothing, and all of that pain and sacrifice was meaningless. I’m old, I’m tired. My feet hurt. Get off my lawn.”
But yeah, oversimplify all you like.
In what way?
That's a story for another time ;^)
inb4 it is never mentioned at all or explained offhandly in IX
>when somebody says the last jedi is better than the other films
>implying Dooku was a character when ROTJ was written
>I didn’t. In fact, if anything, shit has potentially gotten worse. All of those friends and loved ones I’ve met over the years? Their deaths were in vain. I changed nothing, and all of that pain and sacrifice was meaningless. I’m old, I’m tired. My feet hurt. Get off my lawn
>What's that you say? How did things gets worse? Where did the Order come from? Why did I abandon my friends long before they died? Why did I leave a map leading to me if I didn't want to be found? Why didn't I go after Snoke?
>That's a story for another time, kiddo.
Let’s put it this way, do you really think JJ would’ve given you a satisfactory answer to any of that? Do you really?
Unsatisfactory answers would've been better than no answers. :^)
I saw it last night. Was I entertained for 2.5 hours? Yes. What the fuck were you expecting?
Why did Yoda say dark side isn't stronger when every jedi basically goes super saiyan when they get angry?
I never noticed how bad the choreography was. At 0:2 Vader easily outmaneuvers Luke and can win the fight right there by just swinging right. Instead he leans on the railing and holds him his sword for Luke to hit.
i think they went for it to look like he lunged too far and lost his balance, and had to hold onto the rail
You don’t see a whole lot of Sith ghosts.
Canonically, not stronger, just an "easier" path to power.
Although there is much debate about the dark side genuinely being the best choice for a combat oriented force user.
He wasn't tired, he got boxed in by the bottomless pits. Luke can take his head off here if he doesn't try to guard right after this.
He ran out of batteries.
darth's fighting like a fucking nigger