>go into a random thread
>call someone a soyboy
>leave thread
Go into a random thread
Never happened
Post 5 flicks, 2 movies and one(1) kino where this happens
>see two anons arguing
>copy writing style of the guy winning
>make a dumb argument to make the guy look like a retard
>the guy gets called out for being a retard and loses the argument
I also do that, but I stay and watch the results
>go into thread and call OP a faggot.
>He actually is a faggot.
It's like faggot central in here OP.
>make arrogant post to BTFO other user
>realize i have made a mistake in the post
>close thread and don't visit board again all day
>can't sleep because im imagining everyone replying to me calling me a retard
kek, sounds like something a soyboy would do
Gone with the wind
Cider house rules
Gilbert grape
Fast and furious 3
Halloween H20
Hostel II
Faggot /aus/ thread anybody ? It's SUMMER !!!! Lets get retarded.
>implying i ever stop being retarded
It's a curse, man
It's your decision - I believe you can do something great.
>enter thread
>see pepe greentexts
>make awful one
I do this using BLACKED/BBC posts
I dont even dare to visit r/Sup Forums at least for 2 days when that happens.
t. soyboy
>make blatant shitpost thread
>against all expectations, quality discussions begin to take place
>sabotage my own thread with irrelevant race-baiting out of sheer spite
>see completely ratarded post
>reply "This, but unironically"
Does this ever actually work?
>user makes a shitpost thread
>200 replies and 84 images omitted
>I make a thread about a youtube video that analysis a movie
>get my thread deleted by the fucking retarded mods for not being on topic
>use meme arrows to aimlessly bitch about nothing
yes, I do it all the time. But I do it to both sides
t. soyboys
of course
>reply to everyone in thread
>post on cunny threads pretending to be disgusted
>just want to bump the thread in the hope of getting more cunny pictures
>losing argument with an user
>type "nice reddit spacing,retard"
>thread gangs up on him and the guy leaves the thread
>he wasn't even reddit spacing in the first place
>log onto Sup Forums.com
This is the same thread we had last night with all the same posts. /aus/ needs to get a better hobby.
>put in username and password
I wasn't here, dumbass.
>delete bad post
>someone replies to it before it's deleted and everyone with Sup Forums X can read it
lol retard
>See intelligent discussion about a superhero movie made by Marvel or DC
>Pretend to defend the movie by saying that at least it isn't made by the other studio
/just kidding there's never intelligent discussion about capeshit