He should have died in 2 since him and Obi Wan alone made Episode I decent despite its flaws.
Plus he was the coolest character in the prequels
He should have died in 2 since him and Obi Wan alone made Episode I decent despite its flaws.
Plus he was the coolest character in the prequels
Other urls found in this thread:
I like Qui-Gon Jinn, he's probably my favorite character in the prequels, but I'm okay with his death.
coolest jedi ever.
>rey could have been the grandchild of Qui-Gon
they Qui-Gon fucked up
Qui-Gon Jinn may be my favorite SW character ever. After the original trilogy gave us traditional wise old jedi masters in the form of Yoda and Obi Wan, the first prequel challanged our expectations with a jedi master that is impulsive and pragmatic but still wise and respected by his peers despite them not agreeing with his methods. He's the cool uncle of the jedi masters.
Should have been the one to fight Dooku instead of Yoda at the end of AotC
They wasted Darth Maul, too.
They could've had Obi-Wan fight Maul again in a later movie to avenge Qui-Gon -- if Qui-Gon had still been killed.
Hmmm would Anakin have turned into vader if he did?
what about qui gon is cool except for liam neeson
Episode I should've had Dooku as a good friend.
Disney execs are a bunch of hacks.
Natural and most profitable movie franchise is a serious take on McGregor's Obi Wan adventures with Neeson's Qui Gon popping in as a force ghost.
for the last time qui gon is an absolute dick
Neeson totally owned that look
Actually they did.
It's hard to waste a character that's kind of pointless anyway. The only reason Qui-gon exists is that Lucas wanted a General Makabe character, but realized it couldn't be Obi-wan because of issues with making Anakin 9 years old. So created a new character to take Obi-wan's place and killed him off because he wasn't really needed beyond the movie.
>Qui-Gon fucks Shmi Skywalker
>she has a kid, who runs away when she marries into the Lars family
>that kid has Rey
>Rey is not just a Jinn, but also a Skywalker
>she is 80 by the time of the new trilogy
Did anyone else think Qui Gon was Anakin's father? I got that impression when I first watched it.
almost nothing. people just mistake the character for being good because neeson is good. the character itself is mishandled
He kind of was, even if not by blood.
>mfw always thought the line "I has no father" meant something along the lines of "his father is a fucking bum, he's never been or going to be in anakin's life"
Not in the films, anyway.
You're right. but they did in >Rebels
A TON of talent was wasted in the prequels. Imagine if they focused on actors like Neeson, McGregor, Christopher Lee and Ian McDiarmid.
They cut have cut out most of the cast and made 3 episodes of pure kino.
I envy you, I take everything literally.
The thing about JarJar that is pretty interesting, is that he is supposed to be a low IQ retard. Along with his other species. They obvious paint his whole species are native retards that basically get marginalized by the Naboo. I think it is comical that Qui Qon hates dealing with these inferior beings that he doesn't give a shit about. Qui Qon hates Jar Jar, is ungrateful that Jar Jar commits his life too him, he forces JarJar to take him to a hidden city, and is about to abandon him for likely death but only reconsiders because he can use JarJar. Qui Qon mind tricks the gundar leader and basically steals his shit. Which is fucking hilarious. Episode one makes the Jedi into a bunch of assholes. People miss that.
The movie alludes to the fact that the Jedi can run around the galaxy and force people to do what they want by threat of violence, or by mind control. With no oversight. Jedi get sent to trade federation to basically force them to stop a legal blockade, Force JarJar to take them to the underwater city, Mind control the Gundar leader, try to mind control the Flying Jew character(to basically steal his shit). They really make the Jedi out to be a bunch of assholes that will kill you if you don't do what they want, or they will use mind control techniques. All the characters in the movie are deathly afraid of being slaughtered by the Jedi.
His death was important to the plot retard
The entire prequels are a waste. Their whole point was to show Anakin's downfall but it gets pretty much rushed into the last half hour of the final movie. Lucas was an idiot.
Not at all trying to defend Lucas, but you have to give him credit for at the very least being passionate about it.
I wouldn't be surprised if JJ Abrams or Rian Hackson have never seen a star wars movie before directing their movies.
Jar Jar is painted as being stupid even by Gungan standards. It's why he's banished from their city: because he's a total fool. Roos Tarpals absolutely hates Jar Jar for being a clown.
Qui-Gon doesn't accept Jar Jar's "life debt" because it'd be weird if he took Jar Jar as a fucking slave just because he accidentally saved Jar Jar's life. He's annoyed by him because he's fucking annoying (again, Jar Jar annoys other Gungans as well). He eventually warms up to Jar Jar and frees him (even though he could have suggested taking any other Gungan as a guide) and then takes him along to Tatooine and takes him along into the city.
They don't force Jar Jar to take them to the Gungan city. They tell him the truth: if they don't go there, they're going to get caught by the droids, who will kill them. Jar Jar realizes he's better getting possibly punished by the Gungans than killed by droids.
Qui-Gon uses the mind trick to get one small vehicle so that he can ultimately save the Gungans (because, later on, the Trade Federation invade the underwater city, causing the Gungans to evacuate).
If the Jedi could run around the galaxy and force people to do whatever they wanted, why didn't they? Why didn't the Jedi run things? Oh wait yeah that's because they were good people and only went around helping people. By the way, the blockade wasn't legal, that was the whole point of them trying to force her to sign a treaty to make it legal. And the only ones "deathly afraid" of the Jedi are the Trade Federation guys, and only after trying to murder them. Watto certainly gives zero fucks about Jedi, and even attempts to go back on a bet with one (and only stops when the Jedi threatens to tell Jabba the Hutt).
>why didn't they
but...they did
>Why didn't the Jedi run things
but...they do
not even him
Fuck, that would have made so much sense, since Qui-Gon was excentric enough *and* had a ton of foresight to do something like that.
Into the "missed opportunities" bucket it goes.
Did you just not watch TPM and AotC where the seeds of his downfall are sown?
Are you one the the brainlets who thinks Anakin turns from 100% good to 100% bad the moment Sheev asks him to murder some kids?
You guy do know both interpretations can be correct at the same time, right? Just because the aliens are afraid of the Jedi doesn't mean the Jedi are wholly bad.
>Their whole point was to show Anakin's downfall
No, it wasn't. The whole point was to show The Emperor's rise to power.
He was a gray Jedi, really liked that.
The Jedi don't run things at all. In fact, the whole excuse Palpatine invents for killing off the Jedis is that they were trying to take over (which was a lie). If they ran shit, they'd have no need to "take over."
Sure there's signs shown earlier but he only becomes openly Vader in the final act. Then one fight with Obi-Wan later and he's already in his suit and the trilogy's over.
>(which was a lie).
Not him but I saw the Mace Windu vs Palpatine youtube video, looked to me like they were taking over, don't know about you.
The Jedi are portrayed as galactic marshal service. “Keepers of peace”
>but he only becomes openly Vader in the final act
not when he killed children, women, pregnant women, elderly, and males during EP 2?
If you don't want to actually discuss this then we can just stop replying to each other.
Have you actually seen the movie? or are you just baiting
The whole movie? Nah, I don't like star wars.
Debate the video or fuck off.
Correct. They are not portrayed as rulers of the galaxy. They are not portrayed as running things.
That's like saying cops don't run tings even though they are the ones that shoot you up when you try to raise your pants up
He's just "trolling" at this point because he lost whatever argument he was trying to make.
Correct. Cops are not in charge of the country. They're people who do what they're told by the people actually in charge.
It's you, isn't it?
>1minute reply
confirmed samefagging
They're the high command, officer corps, and special ops of the Grand Army all rolled into one along with serving as the Republic's Gestapo. They wielded an immense amount of power
Yeah they had so much power they were easily completely destroyed by one guy despite sensing that he was bad and there was a plan to kill them off.
He should have died fighting Darth Jar Jar in the second prequel
>despite sensing that he was bad and there was a plan to kill them off.
jesus so now you are just typing stupid shit that never happens to prove your point?
Watch Revenge of the Sith. Mace Windu is highly suspicious of Palpatine. The Jedi Council secretly has Anakin spy on Palpatine. Mace straight out says, after sending Anakin to spy on Palpatine, "I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi." It's in the movies. Not my fault you don't pay attention.
Yet the Jedi ultimately made no decisions for the Republic. The Republic would ask the Jedi for help and the Jedi would help the Republic. An example of this: Yoda and the Jedi aren't the ones who decide to use a Clone Army against the Separatists. In fact, if anything, the Jedi were highly suspicious of the clones. It's the Senate who votes on the use of a clone army, and then Yoda goes along with it (despite being highly suspicious of the clones). How much power do the Jedi have when they're just following the Republic?
Yoda a shit.
>one guy
Plageuis, Sidious, Vader and the Rule of Two were all a product of Jedi power. The irony is that trying to eliminate the Sith only made them individually more powerful and cunning while the Jedi became more and more exposed to and compromized with political power. Eventually Sidious managed to turn their own methodology against them, as the necessary sacrifice of a family life was something Vader couldn't handle. The redemption brought on by Luke bringing his father back into the light demonstrates that the emotions that misshaped Anakin weren't even inherently conductive to the dark to begin with, further stressing that Jedi were mistaken and pushing too much in the wrong direction.
It's very poetic.
Pity Nu Wars shat all over this.
>bouncing around like a retard fighting Dooku
Yep. The Sith themselves were ultimately a product of the Jedi, at least in the old EU (dunno about current canon). But now I guess the Force makes a strong good guy and a strong bad guy to fight each other or something, and those fights end up in big wars that get everyone killed? Guess Kreia was right: fuck the Force, kill it with fire.
Don't let the OTcucks hear your or they will crucify you for not shitting on PT
>The syntax
>The little cute green thing who is in fact one of the most powerful and wise beeing in the universe
And of course the coolest moment for a jedi in all the Star Wars universe.
>Turns on light saber
Coolest moment for a jedi in all the Star Wars universe.
the green midget deserved to get his little shit pushed in.
>namefag thinks shit is good
>that pic
Put Sheev in shit tier and Anakin in top tier
Has any actor wasted his talent more than Neeson?
He's also a big fan of Star Trek Discovery.
>mfw OTists try to grasp the political dimensions of the Prequels without having throughly studied the Art of War and the Tao Te Ching (plus commentaries) beforehand near me
>mfw OTists try to attack the Prequels without understanding the through exploration and critique of nostalgia that they, alongside the first Star Wars and American Grafitti, are, because they are oblivious and slave to their own unconscious nostalgia for the OT
They are doing it in this very thread. They don't understand that Yoda fighting Sidious is the very sign of total decadence that they hate it for being.
I think it's sad that you clearly have opinions on these films but you're too afraid to share them because you can't defend your ideas because they're not very good ideas so instead you just "troll" except you fail at doing even that because there's not any subtly to it.
When I was little, I took it literally, but as I grow older and older I have always felt that it was implied that she got raped or something... Honestly, it works and just makes Anikan a more tragic character.
What's really sad is your attempt to laugh at someone else.
It's literal. Shmi says he had no father and Revenge of the Sith hinted that Palpatine and Plagueis made Anakin through the Force. Now the books claim that Palpatine and Plagueis tried to create life with the Force but the Force decided to create Anakin instead.
I'm not the one too scared to anonymously share their opinions and ideas with others.
clearly defensive enough to post a meme image, that's fear.
>you're too afraid to share them
I just did though. The second greentext doesn't even require you to have done anything other than watch Lucas's films. Turn your brain on.
he's supposed to mirror ob1's death in ep4 and step out so ob1 has room to shine in ep2 and 3
the bad part is they glossed over how he became a force ghost and couldn't even get liam back to show up a bit and record a few lines
and darth maul should have escaped in ep1 for a rematch with ob1 in 2
they wasted maul, jango, dooku and grievous
this would have been good, yoda should never have used a lightsaber, he should stick to force powers
> palpatine somehow starts a rebellion with separatists with poorly defined grievances
> Shit defined Senate gives him more powers to fight separatists
> Somehow funds giant clone army that no one knows about on planet with the tech no one has ever heard of before and presumably had never been used before
>uhhh kill all the Jedi
Thanks, Lucas, that was great to watch
spoken like a true brainlet
we get it, you fell asleep during the political scenes
I honestly never liked Dooku, he came out of nowhere, the actor was lame, and his lines were forgettable as fuck.
Maybe if Dooku had showed up in the Jedi council in Episode I it could have been better because he would be foreshadowed, but as it is it felt like "We need a Darth Maul-like character NOW!", which is bullshit.
This. He needed to die in order to complete Obi-Wan's arc.
Also Obi defeating a sith as a padawan when the sith were thought to be extinct for thousands of years is badass.
>Christopher Lee was lame
>le ebin SARUMAN
Whatever Dooku is, I don't like it.
did darth sidious show up to give spooky orders to underlings in all of AOTC? I dont remember
sidious' best parts were all in ep1
and where was lucas going with the whole sifo dyas ordering the clone army subplot in ep2 that was never resolved or addressed again in the films
you'd think ob1 and mace would discuss how the hell it happened, and why kamino was deleted
Episode one ought to have been the carefree days of Obi-Wan training teen Anakin. Obi-Wan has his dry humour amped up, and Anakin shows a lighter version of Vader's dickish sense of humour, but they're clearly good friends.
Along their travels, they encounter or are requested to aid Obi-Wan's old master, Qui-Gon, along with his friend Master Dooku.
Qui-Gon dies, causing Obi-Wan to nearly lose his shit and Anakin to see a completely different side to his master.
In the fallout, Dooku becomes disillusioned with the order at the death of his friend, and seeming incompetence of the Jedi and Republic, which makes him vulnerable to Sheev turning him in 2.
it would have been better if he was present in episode 1, its clear lucas didn't decide on who the villain for ep2 would be until he finished ep1
christopher lee was great though, but so underused
also lucas made palpatine look old in ep2, as if he was aging quickly because of using dark force powers, but then backed off the whole idea in ep3, where he looks young and fresh, until he gets BBQed by his own lightning which was dumb, he could have just stopped using it...
Sheev still looked pretty fucking old, to be fair. He just wasn't full wrinklemode.
Don't deny it, We should have gotten a Syfo Dyas movie.
Sifo Dyas: A Jedi Story.
Because he apparently found out about Palpatine's plan(?)
The other alternative is that Palpatine was pretending to be Sifo Dyas when engaging with the Kamino people. Yoda said Sifo Dyas was murdered. Which means he got Palpatine'd
We should have gotten more info about him, he was my favorite Jedi Master.
He's still nominally light side and called Anakin then.
I thought sifo dyas was just an alias for sidious when first watching it, but instead of explaining that stuff, lucas makes us watch that boring droid factory sequence for 10 minutes and long scenes where the jedi waffle on but come to no conclusions
On one hand I appreciate them showing us how they built the droid army. On the other hand the scene was completely pointless and way too fucking long. They should have captured Anakin and Padme a different way.
one thing john williams wanted to do in ep1 was turn anakin's theme into vader's theme gradually over the 3 movies, but for some reason they just abandoned the whole idea and we never heard anakin's theme again in ep2 or 3
But in the movie they say "Sifo-Dyas? He's been dead for years!"
yep, this
was it the only thing r2 did in the film? apart from be padme's baby monitor
Nah he did nothing wrong
>genocided an entire civilization of desert people
>nothing wrong
I assumed count dooku or palpatine was pretending to be sifo dyas, I thought they'd explain it, but all the jedi forgot about it
they make half the film a detective film for ob1 and then don't resolve things
maybe they cut dooku's lines?
>I thought sifo dyas was just an alias for
sidious when first watching it
that was the plan in the early screenplay drafts, but lucas dropped it for some reason and decided to make him an new character instead