When and why did everyone start to hate George Lucas?

When and why did everyone start to hate George Lucas?

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Because of the Plinkett reviews

Since he started making movies. He's bad at it


Where's your oscar mate

george didn't get one

pic related. it started in the 80's

Everyone? Ep 2 or 3. Although I'd say disrespect rather than hate.

It was official by the time "NOOOO" became a meme.

Honestly? Around Temple of Doom. That's when the wheels really started coming off. Last Crusade was basically saved by Spielberg taking control.

After Temple of Doom, Lucas had pretty much put his mom jeans on for the next decade or so until he cursed us all with the shitty prequels.

>TLJ has to much comedy. It's too unrealistic. Disney has ruined the Start Wars legacy

This was actually funny though

1999 with The Phantom Menace

He's a hack. The best Star Wars movie is 5 and it's not his movie, instead he directed the shitty prequels. Actors were actually good in the prequels though, he's retarded so he wanted the actors to act like literal retards.

When he started editing the OT

The Special Editions
It's bizarre how everyone seems to have forgotten about them now, but the outright nerd rage they provoked was bigger than anything you saw with the prequels later


I was alive back then. And it actually wasn't. People ate that shit up at the time because nobody realized he planned on trying to erase the original versions altogether.

Waiting for the guy to say hating on the prequels is a "meme" and not objective fact

Weren't the first versions relatively harmless SFX anyway?

Oh don't trying playing oldfag you shithead, there's plenty of us around. You go back and look at how South Park and The Simpsons were mocking that shit at the time. Certainly I remember seeing the original movie remade (I ain't ever calling that shit A New Hope) and remember the confusion and ridicule towards all the unnecessary additions. The real proof is in how the changes virtually drop to nothing in the next two movies; the outrage was that much even the hack himself realized he had to cut back later.

What is this??

So I went to Phantom Menace opening day, and I still remember how supremely psyched the crowd was for a new Star Wars movie and how all the air got sucked out.

The pod race and the final light saber duel were the only moments that got the crowd back into things.

The South Park thing mocking the re-releases came way after the fact.

I think when information kept coming out that his ideas are awful and everything good related to him was from others telling him no.
For example, wanted Indiana Jones 4 to be a haunted house movie, insisted it have aliens, Attack of the Clones is supposed to be like 30s style romance, the original edit of Star Wars, everything he wanted in the SW special editions. It just seems like he likes really stupid things. Outside of Star Wars he hasn't made anything anyone cares about or thats even good. It's all he's got, so i'm not really impressed.

I still don't hate him.
I became disappointed in him with Episode 2.
I thought Episode 1 might've just been a rough start and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
I continued to try and see the best in him until the point in AotC where Anakin starts dropping from flying car to flying car in Coruscant. That's where I realised the man was going way too far.
The 70s forced him to exercise restraint. The better technology of the 90s let him way too far off the chain.

When the art of the prequels was drastically different from the original.

When it became clear that everything good in his work was the result of others' advice and input. So around 1998, when unfiltered Lucas hit us like a tidal wave of cider vomit. Or whenever the Special Editions came out, and it was clear he neither valued nor understood his own prior work - because the best parts weren't his.

I have no fucking problem whatsoever with Lucas upgrading the special effects and picture quality, in fact it makes the movies better. I don't like his shitty other decisions such as adding the ROTS Vader "NOOOO!" into ROTJ when he saves Luke throwing Sheev into the pit.

But the special effects upgrades, picture quality upgrades I support 100%. I watched the Harmy's despecialized editions and they were fucking horrible looking. The fucking effects were really fucking awful back then, despite being groundbreaking for the time. I never noticed because based Lucas upgraded the effects. I fucking hate Harmy's despecialized edition and anyone who supports that trash. The films are unwatchable.

It's too bad no one can release an edit that has the special effects and picture quality upgrades without Lucas' stupid story changes like Greedo shooting first.

>nobody realized he planned on trying to erase the original versions altogether.

I was there, and we all realized that about three weeks later. He didn't conceal his intentions.

Indiana Jones movies basically are only as good as Spielberg's level of giving a shit about them. If he's engaged, they're good. If he's checked out, George runs the show and all his bad ideas end up on the screen.

t. pic related

>The fucking effects were really fucking awful back then, despite being groundbreaking for the time.

Why are you not able to watch old movies like an adult?

Everybody just assumed it was a marketing gimmick though.

George's Star Wars decisions were generally viewed as cynical cash grabs, so the idea that he'd release a bunch of new versions so that he could drive up the demand for the old version seemed logical. It wasn't until he started physically buying up all the old prints and destroying them that it became clear that wasn't the plan. And that didn't really come into focus until the 00s.

Well, 2002, five years later. Whether that's "way after" is in the eye of the beholder, but it was definitely after the prequels started being spawned.

>I continued to try and see the best in him until the point in AotC where Anakin starts dropping from flying car to flying car in Coruscant. That's where I realised the man was going way too far.
>The 70s forced him to exercise restraint. The better technology of the 90s let him way too far off the chain.
basically this

>And that didn't really come into focus until the 00s.

No, you didn't start paying attention until then, but the level of denial that Star Wars had ever been called anything but A New Hope made it clear that erasure was the intention from the start - fans were taking his lead *right then*.

Are you unable to watch old movies? Its not that bad, holy shit.

FUCKING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but also the prequels
as soon as the phantom menace started you knew something was wrong

Why would you want to look at an inferior image quality?

No, OTHER WRITERS AND DIRECTORS improved his work. OT Lucas isn't simply Lucas, that's the issue. The prequels were Lucas's vision with all the dumb shit that got script-doctored out in the 70s put back in.

I mean the effects

Probably a group of Hollywood (((jews))) and other investors got pissed that he wouldnt sell Lucasarts to them after finishing the Prequels. So they started spreading rumors n shiet left and right.

Because it's the only way to see the actual movie. Until the original films are brought out on Blu-Ray, there's no alternative. The effects issue and the definition issue are two entirely different things.

The picture and effects are much better in the new editions (especially bluray) ignoring Lucas' retarded story changes. Why would you want to watch something inferior looking?

He did the first movie.

Prequels had poor acting cause he didnt direct shit for 20 years sherlock.

Different user but surely it's a mixture of the two. He's said time and time again that people "fell in love with unfinished versions" of his movies because the technology didn't exist for him to tell the story the way he wanted to.

100% with you on the fact that he had way too much creative control with the prequels but it's definitely the tech as well.

I dont, I just dont understand why you think the old effects are unwatchable. Its like you wouldnt watch anything old because of it.

Probably fell in love with his "unfinished versions" because it's true, "less is more."

These are two seperate things. The picture is the source that has to be used, the effects are the real film.

I mean...I grew up with the series. I liked them. I wouldn't call myself a fan.

I remember the New Hope change, but I never referred to that movie as anything other than Star Wars.

And what I remember was Star Wars constantly having different versions released on various home entertainment formats right up to the Special Edition. And again, most people at the time figured the whole "this is the last time you can get the originals" was just a marketing gimmick modeled after shit Disney had been doing (and still does) for years.

When he overruled his team and added the ewoks in rotj

I don't understand why you would watch something shittier looking but to each his own.

pls explain

They can easily release a version where they have upgraded picture and effects without his retarded changes like to Han/greedo shooting.

No, that's promotional bullshit to pretend the revisions are truer reflections of his original intentions. By definition, they can't be, because no artist ever takes their physically unrealizable ideas seriously - art is practical, not idealistic. You make art, physically. What can't really be made real is quickly dismissed.

The essential issue here is that I don't think George Lucas is a serious artist. He's a plagiarist who got lucky. His "vision" amounts to very little, and it was given to others to make something coherent out of it.

Everything can be blamed on Reddit Letter Media.

This is so much more interesting than the rest of the thread

It became clear shortly afterwards, though. Certainly by the time of TPM.

No, again, try to understand basic English - the picture quality is a source issue, the effects are the part of the text of the film itself.

No kid, RLM were just echoing long-established fan opinion.

context please?

>Movies must be 100% realist looking. Otherwise they are UNWATCHABLE!

You must think Voyage to the Moon is the worst movie ever made right?

>He did the first movie.
The original Star Wars is good in spite of George Lucas, not because of him. The movie was a confusing mess that was reworked and salvaged in editing.

For one, its inconsistent and jarring to watch a film from the 70s that switches between modern and old special effects. Especially when you can tell it looks old and that effect shouldnt be there. Sometimes when youre really into a movie it can almost take you to the time it was made in, like a little time capsule hundreds of people put dedication and hard work into. I couldn't enjoy 2001 a Space Odyssey as much if there was a special edition showing Earth from space how it's supposed to look in real life because no one knew what it looked like back then. The filmmakers did the best they could to make that special effect with the resources they had, so I would like to be able to see that. The real problem is Lucas stopped selling the original theatrical cut.

Im not shitting, I just dont know whats impressive about this film

>When did everyone start to hate George Lucas?
May 19, 1999

Plus his writing had already been script-doctored.

Because it's the original version that was released to the world and started all this madness. You can enjoy your updated film, but I'm surprised you can't understand why someone would prefer the original.

It was the SEs, see above.

Howard the Duck

what the fuck is this

Yeah you're right, Greedo shooting first is what initially made me hate him. Phantom Menace just sealed the deal.

Robot Chicken skit


That is much gayer with sound

no shit. that's why people post it without it for easy (You)'s

Why are there so many retards fresh off the boat?

It was a comedy skit, everyone is smiling. At the end George says
>I don't even know who that guy is!
its a joke

I never hated him, I respect him for everything he did to get his movies made. He made a lot of things I liked and even when he made things I didn't like it didn't ruin things for me and often led to further entertainment (whether it be the Republic Commando games or the Plinkett reviews). Regardless of what you think of his movies he's also a ridiculously nice guy. I don't know if anyone else who, after receiving 4 billion dollars, would give it all to charity.

Seems like he's living the dream too. Just chilling and occasionally financing movies he wants to see like Redtails. I'd kill for that sort of retirement.

When he ruined Return of the Jedi with the Ewoks

I've always said that if Lucas had never fucked with the OT nerds would have been much fairer on the prequels.

I've never hated George. I enjoyed the prequels. I haven't even bothered to watch any of Disney's non canon garbage。

When people post IM ACTING jokes I get confused. I think he acted this scene pretty well

You're a good nerd, user
We can share a Kamino playset happy meal any time

Only saw TFA because my ticket was free. Would have left halfway through if I wasn't my friend's ride.

Can I bring my Obi-wan and Darth Maul action figures with the FX chips?

I didn't. When has raving like a lunatic been part of Imperial military decorum?

Reddit Letter Media made their shitty nitpicky reviews, those reviews changed fan perception so much they probably influenced Lucas's drive to expand the franchise more, make more films and the perception created was probably a major factor that resulted in him selling to Disney and what we have now.

RLM then took a bad film (TFA) and praised it because they knew they had major influence in the final critical analysis of Star Wars, RLM drones will claim the opinions that were established in the reviews were preexisting and a majority opinion but this is completely false, because RLM made the reviews because most fans were fairly satisfied with the prequels up to that point and their opinions were the minority until their drones spread the reviews far and wide across the internet. I know this because I was one of those dumb drones that did this and gave all my friends the Plinkett reviews and took their opinions seriously.

With most people who saw the reviews this was their first plunge into critical film analysis and thus they took the reviews more seriously than they probably should have and did not attempt to dispel some of the slander the reviews made about the development of the prequels and George Lucas's thinking. These people were mostly casual Star Wars fans admittedly since among the hardcore fans there was overwhelming positivity as it was one of the largest fanbases around and had many websites dedicated to the fandom. Of course, there were detractors, but again it was small and fringe. Any RLM fag who says otherwise is deluded and thinks the reviews are bulletproof which after repeated viewings I can ashamedly say they are terrible and am embarrassed to have fanned their flames.

>RLM made Lucas sell his multinational company and billion dollar franchises

I've only ever seen one person online who thought this and I chuckled then too.

Star Wars fan bile goes way back. Lucas probably planned to retire from Star Wars even before he finished Sith. The shit people were saying online back then when TPM and Clones released really upset him and made him basically say 'well fuck you guys then'.

I don't hate him. I want him back.

one of the best scenes from that movie, good speech as well

This, fuck him

When he sold out to Disney

>Last Crusade
That's literally Indiana Jones through Spielbergvision "muh dad" "muh jokes" "muh recycle Raiders" and Crystal Skull had it even worse.

Raiders and Temple are the two good ones.

That and how George pissed off the entirety of the (((Director's Board of America)))

Proofs? So why did he sell out then?

There is a growing trend of millenials (or whatever 15-30 year olds are supposed to be called right now) calling the older generation of filmmakers senile hacks. I suppose this correlates with growing corporate worship and spread of liberal ideology. Films that aren't compatible with liberal capitalist values are retroactively deemed bad and problematic.

It was a poor and pathetic attempt to mimic Hitler's charisma and speech pattern. Contrary to popular belief, Hitler didn't shout like some fucking maniac who just escaped the local mental institution, like you see with Hugs in this movie.


This is true, but I'd say Skull is far superior to Crusade, which is actually kinda shit.

Temple is the best one.