Do you think the Mouse is nervous now? Do you think they'll make changes? Is the situation even that bad, or did Sup Forums meme me?
Do you think the Mouse is nervous now? Do you think they'll make changes? Is the situation even that bad...
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>Do you think the Mouse is nervous now?
Have you seen the level of shilling, deflection and damage control?
They were at panic stations on Monday and now the second weekend is tanking
>implying their goal wasn't to trash one of the West's most beloved heroes
Also here's some plotholes, I'll let the shills waste their time
Why the hell would Disney be nervous, they've got Hollywood on lockdown.
They probably decided to shit all over this movie because they could.
They still have billions of other cash-printing franchises to fall back on if need be.
>Do you think the Mouse is nervous now?
Why would he? This was probably the most auteur-esque movie that came out of their movie-making machine. If anything now Disney can fall back on making nostalgia driven safe crap, with an easy scapegoat to point to when people complain about it. Friendly reminder that the next movie is back in Abrams' hands.
And before you misinterpret what I wrote: I'm not saying TLJ was good or that people should have felt obliged to support it, just that it failing probably solved more problems for Disney than it created.
somebody should tweet this at Rian
All my normie friends hated it as well. They pushed their agenda too suddenly for the masses.
The Mouse is dead. Bury it.
Lucas isnt a jew and so provided a powerful heroic icon for young white men.
Jews will do anything to destroy this. Even if it means taking a hit for a movie or two.
shit list. it starts with two stupid points, burying the important ones.
No, they're not nervous. Here's what they'll do.
1) They'll look at the box office and toy sales.
2) They'll blame the lack of success on the alt right and russia.
3) They'll say that any other failures of the film were because there WAS NOT ENOUGH LGBTQ? and equal representation in it.
4) They'll make a new movie with even more of this shit that doesn't make sense, and they'll keep doing it until it all dies out.
5) Then they'll reboot the shit 3 years after the last one, making it even more diverse.
There, how about that? You know it will happen, and there's nothing you can do about it.
I think its also worth a mention how dumb the overall "slow speed chase" scenario of the First Order following the Resistance is, literally just waiting for them to burn their fuel.
Resistance no longer has any fighters, does the First Order themselves seriously not have any TIE Fighters to spare to harass the cruisers? How are the Resistance shields so good that they can withstand bombardment from the FO fleet for hours and hours?
They will make changes, especially after the drop this week. Whedon got shit on over a loss of 100 million, this movie will fall short at least 300 and maybe more
>This is your brain on Sup Forums
Do you honestly believe Disney is some kike cabal, and not a corporation trying to make a profit?
Anyone else hate how Luke took a shot at Obi-Wan?
Can't remember the exact quote, but it was something like
>Blah blah jedi suck. A jedi master raised and trained the sith lord vader
Something to that effect, can't remember it exactly
I also hated how they were obviously trying to make Luke and Rey a parrelel to Luke and Yoda but failed miserably, the conversations with Luke and Rey never reached the levels of Luke and Yoda. Anytime they would talk about something serious it would be ruined with a joke, and in the end it felt more like Rey lecturing Luke than the other way around
Just a (((coincidence)))
THE FORCE ABORTED - What Happened to Cinema?
We are currently working on the follow-up to The Force Aborted: 'Eyes Wide Open.'
The Force Aborted: A 75-minute documentary about the debasement of cinema as an art form, centered around Disney's recent acquisition of Lucasfilm. What was once essentially an independent film-studio operating outside of Hollywood, far away from corporate influence and the relentless demands of its shareholders. Lucasfilm had access to the creative freedoms of thought and expression so desired by filmmakers, thanks largely to one of cinema's greatest innovators: George Lucas.
Most of those aren't plot holes.
A plot hole is when two or more elements of the plot explicitly contradict each other, it's not short hand for "thing in the plot that is bad or hadn't been established before".
Also, since people started parroting this:
>Bombs can't drop in space. Nothing "drops" in space.
So let me get this straight: we've had planet-like gravity in spaceships flying through open space and on small asteroids for decades ever since the very first Star Wars movie, but now suddenly it's a problem?
>inb4 spaceships have artificial gravity
Then this also explains why the bombs dropped, they were subjected to the artificial gravity while they were inside and as soon as they dropped out of the ship they kept going along the same trajectory.
Not saying the rest of the list isn't valid, I haven't read it and I don't particularly care.
its a symbiotic relationship user
I hate how we all thought pre-release that there was something more about how Luke talked about how the Jedi Order must end, in a sort of reformist way where he seeks a new solution to the issue of achieving balance in the force
- but it turns out he is just a jaded man who simply thinks the Jedi are a mistake because he failed once, and he just changes his mind at the end and goes "Yep, Jedi are good things, let them continue"
That's extremely demented.
The flaw is not in the intention; of course Disney wants to make money. The flaw is with whom they choose to write the story.
It's the same reason people shit on RottenTomatoes; the website isn't the actual problem (unless we're talking about the specific algorithms they use to determine their ratings); the problem resides in the lack of knowledge on the part of film reviewers whom RottenTomatoes considers 'top reviewers' or whatever the fuck the designation is.
The film reviewers who love this movie show a surprising lack of knowledge with regards to the mechanics of storytelling, and they absolutely do not recognize weaknesses in script or overall structure. Then you get an aggregate site like RT which takes all of these uninformed opinions and treats them as gospel.
Disney is doing the same thing; they think that the writers they have are good writers who understand language, how to use it, and when to use it. These people absolutely do not. Same for the people who concoct these storylines.
Lastly, due to the Hollywood bubble, Disney thinks that they will make more money if they are more diverse on screen. This is a financial fallacy that has been proven time and again. But Hollywood is a bubble, filled with people who vocalize about 'diversity' more than in any other part of the country, so the impression is that 'more diversity equals more profits' when that is absolutely not the case.
The Force has a moist vagina!!!!
Rian Johnson will abruptly decide to spend more time with his family, but I;m not sure beyond that.
Johnson's trilogy deal is probably skating on thin ice right now, assuming there ever was one in the first place rather than just a piece of marketing for TLJ (which didn't work).
Further to this, I mentioned this in another thread earlier today: if Disney wanted to make money, especially from little girls, they'd put a fucking princess in it. Like, a Disney princess, not someone like Amidala.
This kind of movie has nothing attractive in it to little girls at all, and that's the demographic Disney has been talking about for years ever since the acquisition; to finally make Star Wars appeal to the demographic that it's never appealed to before.
The problem of course is that the genre is all wrong. Girls want princesses and dresses and songs about empowerment. They don't want Rey (who doesn't look like a girl, doesn't act like a girl, and clearly doesn't want to be a girl). And then to make matters worse, the fucking idiots take out all the things that male fans like in the series, so you lose both demographics immediately.
The only ones left who like this bullshit are the progressive squeekiest soyboys and nuemales who populate progressive echochambers, but they are a very small minority, hence the fact that the movie isn't going to do well in the long run and will likely be forgotten like Ghostbusters Answer the Call or the Black Annie movie.
This list seems slightly blown out of proportions. I didn't like the movie and even I can find some explaination for some plotholes (e.g. the bombs don't fall but are magnetic, or maybe they are like the robo-mines in the beginning of RotS). Some of these also sound more like 'I don't like this' rather than 'it makes no sense'.
The list is still interesting though. I didn't think about the 'Snoke not knowing what technology there is on his own ship' bit, and it's pretty hilarious.
Your asuming that wasnt a bribe for making the last Jedi.
>getting rid of Kathlene Kennedy
>destroying Luke Skywalker
>destroying George Lucases Legacy
>pimping toxic anti white anti male propaganda.
This wasnt a fluke, it was a hit, and Rian was the hitman.
Nope. They're thrilled with their latest billion dollar star wars movie.
>getting rid of Kathlene Kennedy
How is this a bad thing
I'm curious to see if this happens with the next one. I had no intentions and have not seen TLJ. I like the RLM and Sup Forums shit because the reactions are better than the content.
Are they going to double down on in/tolerance? Are they going to middle ground and try to do fan service correctly without brain damaging throwbacks and references? Are they going to attempt to make a valuable, independent product that maintains the franchise?
CAN'T WAIT for something I don't give a fuck about
Because they want to put someone else in the position of power to control thr cultural and political gateway.
A little sacrifice in exchange for that isnt a big deal. (Especially since it will at least break even)
My favourite part of the movie is how Rose's fate is really unclear in the end. It's like they prepared themselves for the opportunity to say "BTW, the fat chink died" in the opening crawl of the next episode, just in case the audience hates her.
Nice post. I'm so glad I'm not a SW fan.
1) Yes, they'll double down on in/tolerance, because that's what it's all about. That's what Kennedy and the rest of them are 'fighting for'.
2) No, they won't go for a middle ground because they don't see the need to pander to older fans. Disney DOES NOT believe or perceive that ignoring the old fanbase is a problem. They clearly see it as a necessary evil. But that's also why the 'brain damaging' throwbacks and references are necessary...they are the ONLY thing that tells the audience that this is Star Wars. It's Star Wars in image, but not substance.
3) Disney is capable of making valuable independent products, like the Lion King or that Elsa princess movie. But these kinds of movies have nothing in common with nerd culture before the reformation in 2007.
So in answer to your question, Disney will essentially do what other companies have done to kill franchises that they don't understand. The most recent example is the Spiderman series, which got progressively worse every time they tried to reboot, and also 'progressively tolerant' every time as well. Disney doesn't recognize the real reason for failure, and thus they'll continue on their path because the cause must be something different. Hillary Clinton syndrome, I believe is the medical term for this.
I doubt they are freaking out. I am sure they are concerned and having meetings Numbers aren't in enough for them to make big decisions.
hey probably will finish out the trilogy before the start a shake up. At this point the 3rd chapter is a incoherent mess. They will probably just finish it and regroup.
I can assure you they are going over numbers and trying to assess the damage this movie has done. They probably don't care much about old man children being angry. They want a young generation to love star wars as much as gen x and millennials. Toy sales are troubling. If they can't capture the young kids they are fucked. Because they already alienated alot of their older fans.
if the 3rd movie comes out. and it is disappointing. You can bet your ass Kennedy will get the boot. There could be one billion left on the table because of fucking up the trilogy.
it's 53% now................................
I think you should stop taking this board and yourself to seriously.
You are being memed
>the longer you think about it the more terrible it becomes
Truly a gift that keeps on giving.
Holy shit you love bullet points.
>1) Yes, they'll double down on in/tolerance, because that's what it's all about. That's what Kennedy and the rest of them are 'fighting for'.
u wut m8
>2) Disney DOES NOT believe or perceive that ignoring the old fanbase is a problem. They clearly see it as a necessary evil. But that's also why the 'brain damaging' throwbacks and references are necessary...they are the ONLY thing that tells the audience that this is Star Wars. It's Star Wars in image, but not substance.
I was talking about slapping you on the face with a crusty Yoda dick. People that go to Star Wars aren't watching some continued saga of an 18 series beloved franchise. It's like 3 movies, 3 prequels that have mixed appreciation, and this current circle jerk of pandering and offending open wallets. Winks and nods are okay. Flat out pointing at them as witty is retarded.
> 3) Disney is capable of making valuable independent products, like the Lion King or that Elsa princess movie. But these kinds of movies have nothing in common with nerd culture before the reformation in 2007.
Nerd culture? Before the 2007 take over? Why is the MCU doing so well?
The Spiderman Homecoming movie was alright. That was Sony trying to not fuck up a license they had rights to. Granted they had a successful run to jump into, I don't think Disney is THAT inept they can't change course. What I was saying is it's going to be interesting with all the discourse going along with the demonizing of e-boogie men. They're bundling actual fans into the blame game. Can't just take it back without doing the next film justice to the story and characters. No double dipping the rhetoric now.
That's a coincidence, I'm so glad I'm not a jew.
The butthurt is strong with this one.
I didn't see anything wrong with it aside from the execution of the "flying Leia" scene. Snowflakes gonna special.
I think I know what you're getting at, but I may misinterpret,so correct me if I'm wrong.
1) Yes i love bullet points; they separate thoughts clearly so that there's no misunderstanding.
2) >winks and nods are okay. Flat out pointing at them as witty is retarded.
I agree with you entirely, but that's why I said what I said. Disney doesn't care about making the references subtle; the whole point is to make the references blatant to draw in the nerds who think these movies are made for them. Bait and switch.
3) The reformation I refer to in 2007 is The Big Bang Theory, which popularized the idea that nerds are not only cool, but somehow something to aspire to be, for both men and women. 2007 was really the point when nerd culture became profitable enough monetarily that women saw a good reason to appropriate it like they do with everything that becomes profitable. Before this point, Star Wars was really just a thing for nerds, like Star Trek, and the majority of the nerds were men. But these men grew up, got jobs, and started spending shittonnes of money on their hobbies. 2007 was the turning point in my view.
Disney is inept; they are pushing diversity when diversity doesn't pay. The comic book industry has proven this. The videogame industry has proven this. Every fucking time diversity is pushed in a hobby dominated by one demographic, the hobby begins to fail, if not fail outright. The evidence exists, Disney ignores the evidence, and it will be to their loss.
Regarding your last point about 'bundling actual fans into the blame game', this is their main focus. To say, 'The New Star Wars isn't for the old fans anymore, it's for the new generation'. It's the same marketing that was done for Ghostbusters 2016, and the same marketing done for Star Trek 2009. This ain't your grandfather's Star Wars.
>destroying George Lucases Legacy
He did that himself. And the basics of story for this trilogy are along the same lines as what he pitched for it.
The mistake Disney has made is in thinking that the lack of diversity in the demographic that supports Star Wars is due to a lack of representation on screen. This is an error. It's due to lack of interest. Disney wants to get girls into Star Wars? Fine. That's like trying to get boys into gossip. It doesn't matter how many people you put in 'power positions', people like what they like, are interested in what they're interested in, and avoid what they don't like or hate. It's so simple that one can't help but think that Disney is not only stupid, but that they're clinically mentally retarded.
Cringekino back on the menu boys
>if the 3rd movie comes out. and it is disappointing
Pretty much a guarantee with Abrams helming; he fucking SUCKS at having to explain the contents of his own mystery boxes.
>If you enjoyed Last Jedi, you do not care about Star Wars
Kek, kiss my ass; lifelong fucking fan & I thought it was fine. There's more butthurt over this shit that over Trump winning the election.
Is it the Luke everyone was expecting? No. Does that make it a terrible movie created solely to destroy the great white hope? Also no, and you're a dumbass for thinking so to begin with.
>(Kylo) would destroy everything I care about
>does nothing while Kylo destroys everything he cares about
Brain damage or disney paycheck, which is it?
He pretty much CAUSED Ben to start wrecking shit he cared about BECAUSE he tried to stop him from wrecking shit he cared about. Luke thought subtracting himself from the equation was the right thing to do. It wasn't, but Luke not being the sharpest knife in the drawer was established long ago in the OT.
>t. angry nonwhite
The damage control is insane
Irish, so yeah, nonwhite potato nigger.
On the Disney board, Sheryl Sandberg and Jack Dorsey are ideological allies of Kennedy and will try to insulate her from any blowback for this disaster, but it won't work.
Nah, they'll just blame it on the "alt right" and "russian botters", saying that those are the only reason the scores are low since they have been manipulated and in truth the vast majority loved it.
In fact, they're already doing just that.
Episode IX is cancelled
Solo is direct-to-video
pretty worried yeah
I'd like to ask you to edit this to remove the dumb beginning.
>bombs can't drop in space
Of course they can. The bomber is "on top" of the first order destroyer and beneath that is the nearby planet, which means the gravity exerted by that planet is pulling on everything. Put a bomb in space = it gets "pulled" towards the planet, and since the destroyer of the FO is inbetween the bomber and the planet, hit that destroyer.
Most of those aren't plot holes either.
When even my normie friends aren't raving about it, it tells me there's a major problem.
that. fucking. face
Everybody knew it was just a marketing ploy to make it look like Lucasfilm was confident with TLJ. Everybody knew except Rian Johnson who seems not to be the brightest guy around. He only comes up with dumb ideas. If Lucasfilm trusted him they wouldn't have brought back JJ in emergency. They know TLJ is worse than dogshit but they had no plan B. It was the same scenario with TFA. Kathleen Kennedy is extremmely unqualified to run this company, I wouldn't entrust her with a grocery store.
She's a 'gook', not a 'chink'. Learn to slur.
>It's so simple that one can't help but think that Disney is not only stupid, but that they're clinically mentally retarded.
Kathleen Kennedy was a secretary who got there by sucking dicks, she has no degree. same for disney CEO Bob Iger, no degree, he was a weather man and climbed the corporate ladder. You don't get there by being loyal, you get there by being a backstabber and a snitch.
They got to powerful positions but they are dumber than a stick.
>If Lucasfilm trusted him they wouldn't have brought back JJ in emergency
Rian was the first they tried; but he wasn't interested in doing another in the main series. JJ was a second pick.
Rian would've done a lot better if he didn't have to follow up & build a good sequel out of JJ's fucking mystery boxes. Rian didn't MAKE Luke hermit the fuck out on Ach-to, JJ did; but Rian had to explain why.
its what ive always said,
networking can you as far if not farther than any degree.
nswer me you coward.
nswer me you coward.
>she has no degree. same for disney CEO Bob Iger, no degree
>got to powerful positions but they are dumber than a stick
Almost enough to make one reconsider whats taken as 'intelligence'; after all they figured out how to get to positions people with expensive degrees & years of life wasted in acquiring them couldn't reach.
>Rian didn't MAKE Luke hermit the fuck out on Ach-to
True, but it's Rian that made him suck titty milk from a disgusting animal. He made him a sociopath who tried to kill his nephew. He broke him down, got him beaten by Mary sue and didn't allow him to leave his crappy island. JJ Abrams wrote a disaster set up and Rian went along, just as bad.
Being a nasty schemer isn't a sign of intelligence to me.
TLJ was a deep and transcendent movie. Its themes and breadth of scope are part of modern mythology. People will buy the merchandise, just as supposed relics of Christ's crucifixion were sold during the Middle Ages. All will be fine.
What if they made John Knoll the head of Lucasfilm?
I @ed myself. sorry!
>it's Rian that made him suck titty milk from a disgusting animal
And cows aren't? People getting bent out of shape over this one amuses the fuck out of me.
>He made him a sociopath who tried to kill his nephew
He didn't even try ffs. He considered it; in the worst possible place & time, but he changed his mind. Too late to do any good.
>Abrams wrote a disaster set up and Rian went along
Wait, isn't one of the biggest points of butthurt over this that Rian DIDN'T follow up points JJ set up in TFA?
I don't understand why George gave Lucasfilm to that insuferable cunt, he had guys who worked with him for decades at hand. That bitch must have ppulled some witchcraft on him
If you see NOT being that consistently NOT working for anyone, how smart is it to NOT be that?
>He didn't even try ffs. He considered it; in the worst possible place & time, but he changed his mind
Yeah, who can blame him. Everybody considers killing their nephews once in a while and draws weapons on them in their sleep, why is everybody so mad about it
decades of deception.
Using a lightsaber is less dark than reaching down to suffocate or strangle Blen.
>Grandson of Vader
^^^^Think you're missing this point. As Luke missed in the moment that he was the son of Vader, & even considering killing him as being the lesser evil was dark as fuck.
>Wait, isn't one of the biggest points of butthurt over this that Rian DIDN'T follow up points JJ set up in TFA?
I hated TFA on day one. apparently soyboys who liked TFA are pissed that Rian dismissed many mystery box laid by JJ. That's why this film is getting such bad rap, he managed to piss practically everyone.
>hur hur da jews
Back to Sup Forums with you.
The only (You)s I get are from myself replying to myself. *sniff*
Apparently the First Order's cannons become useless past a certain range.
They're just tickling them for fun, why they can have all of their ships open fire constantly and wear down the shields who fucking knows.
And the fighters apparently needed cruiser support to engage the enemy... Nothing.
Probably part of the Disney deal. They wanted a corporate snake to be in charge of Lucasfilm.
I've liked all of these as what they are:
the last possible outing with the original cast. Like what gets done or don't; this is all we're ever going to get.
Personally, I don't need to carry butthurt over fucking Star Wars.
Have one on me.
Please stop sending every random autist that mentions the jews to Sup Forums.
I know it's our shtick, but really, they don't actually care about politics, it's better you get some Jew mentions here where the movie talk belongs than fags talking about movies on Sup Forums where it doesn't belong.
most of this is just autism
if they wanted to make a profit they'd make a good movie with a white male lead. its been proven time and time again that social justice doesn't sell but they KEEP DOUBLING DOWN. why?
That's a tough one to parcel out; in my experience the really smart people who succeed only succeed where their direct intelligence is used; financiers, top-tier researchers, scientists. The ones who are very good at reading people and manipulating them usually don't exhibit the same kind of focused intelligence...they always seem easily distracted, easily persuaded. Harmless, in other words. Maybe that's the look so harmless that anyone will hire you because they're not afraid that you'll take their job in a few years.
You are a blind shit-eater who will enjoy anything with the starwars name on it no matter how terrible it is
Not true; fucking hated & still hate the first 2 & most of the 3rd of the prequels. Luke is a fucking childhood hero of mine as well. We obviously just have drastically different tastes.
>fucking hated & still hate the first 2 & most of the 3rd of the prequels
How can you not hate the new movies?
see my answer
>We obviously just have drastically different tastes
i don't have a taste for shit lamo
>3) The reformation I refer to in 2007 is The Big Bang Theory, which popularized the idea that nerds are not only cool, but somehow something to aspire to be, for both men and women. 2007 was really the point when nerd culture became profitable enough monetarily that women saw a good reason to appropriate it like they do with everything that becomes profitable. Before this point, Star Wars was really just a thing for nerds, like Star Trek, and the majority of the nerds were men. But these men grew up, got jobs, and started spending shittonnes of money on their hobbies. 2007 was the turning point in my view.
I actually agree with all your shit on ST/Disney but this train of thought in particular is what's catching me off.
I know BBT is a pile of shit that monopolized on normie views of nerd culture. Maybe because I am a nerd (just not into SW/ST), I don't bit into how utterly stupid these bigger companies are handling decade+ old material so painfully.
I don't view it as some uprising demographic of people outside nerd culture buying into it. It's just mishandling of spreading potentially better stories.
It's all about the stories. And what do we get every new superhero movie? A fucking origin story.
Maybe that's what's missing. The OT of SW wasn't really an origin story besides tracking Luke. It was Luke thrust into an existing/unknown universe. The following two movies built universe for the audience around it.
We don't need that shit anymore. Take what's known and introduce new ideas using what's there. Not reformat for modern times. Or do another version of "jackass from nowhere is suddenly fighting end game bosses" to continue old plot.