What thoughts went through your head during the Poe/Hux prank call scene?

what thoughts went through your head during the Poe/Hux prank call scene?

ok whatever when will this movie get good? (repeat x infinity)

>wow this is RLY a marvel flick.

I spent the entire scene repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in the theatre for at least 30 minutes it was so painful.

It was going to be all downhill from there.

"This movie is going to be catastrophically bad."

I chuckled. Felt like Episode 7.

>I hope this scene is only like the quipping at the beginning of TFA with Kylo and that will be the end of it
When we got to the Superleia scene I couldn't even look at the screen.

>People hate the prank call

Proof of contrarianism. Both are absolutely fucking stupid and there is no difference in quality or execution

would an American laugh at this, just because one of them has a British accent

I instantly knew that Sup Forums was right about this movie.

>episode 7 depicts Hux as a neo-nazi alt right caricature who is only remembered for the crazy Hitler speech scene
>episode 8 depicts Hux as comic relief character who gets constantly trounced and ridiculed by everyone

What did they mean by this?

"who talks first" wasn't as terrible because Ren wasn't buying into Poe's invitation for a quip fest and promptly decided to shut him up and put him in his place.
Hux is just a clown to be made a mockery of in every quip fest. He's like that newbie who gets baited by the low level troll every time.

>why the fuck is the cunt across the isle laughing at this shit
>fuck, is this going to be one of those noisy audiences?
>why doesn't he lock a tractor beam on the stationary fighter?
>how could the republic lose to someone this incompetent

Im a half hour into it, when do they start developing scenes

It actually made me dead inside, but aside from 98% of the jokes falling flat, I loved the movie. Rian Johnson treated everything very well

I visibly cringed at both scenes. Poe is just a shit character.
> le chaotic good smartass hotheaded pilot with a heart of gold.
Pic related, it's the same fucking person.

White men are a fucking joke

"These kikes clearly have no understanding of what Star Wars is."

>uperleia scene I couldn't even look at the scree
unironically this. i normally don't let this cancer poison my mind about movies but right as i heard i knew that the stories were true. all of them.

>fuck, is this going to be one of those noisy audiences?
Are you American and if you are, did the audience clap at the end?

The original movie had a dumbass back and forth between han and a general. You people are mental midgets.

I brought a flask of rum into the theater and once the prank call started I sighed opened it up and spiced up my coke.


>my feet hurt
>it's cold in the theater
>a yo mamma joke. oh, now a looney tunes gag. this is going to be a long, long couple of hours
>i wish i were at home shitposting on Sup Forums
>whatever happened to my crab leg order?
>why is this falcon attacking me?

Absolute bait. 6/10.

Nobody over 4 likes The Last Jedi™ mate. It was complete garbage.

I didn't like the who talks first scene but at least it makes fucking sense and doesn't turn the bad guy into a literal retard scooby doo villain.

Did Han literally prank call the general? Did the general fall for it?

i liked hux my dad put it well he said they turned him into a pantomime character it's just sad

I almost walked out of the theater.

But that was based Han and based OT.

This is Hux and shitty sequel trilogy.

Rian Johnson can't even execute low level shopping mall-tier Marvel quips. That's how fucking shitty he is as a writer.

ITs when I became worried for this movie.

>"Can I still get a refund?"
Answer to that question: yes. Walked right the fuck out with my money and, from the sounds of it, I avoided a huge bullet.

>Episode 7
>"Hux who?"
>Episode 8
>"Hux who?"

I have no idea why they're trying to force this noncharacter

Why not just make a good movie ?

It's that's true, then you are truly fucking based.

Everything is forced in the movie.
Phasma has no reason to be in this movie. None.
You could have replaced her with another generic stormtrooper during the 'le epic final battle' scene with Finn and it wouldn't have made a lick of difference.

they followed us into hyperspace

thats impossible

i know... but they did it

Poor Hux. That terrible Hitler scene in 7 and then he was a total joke in 8. Wasted a decent actor on a pointless character. The empire is literally just Kylo and this chucklefuck now since Snoke and Phasma got offed.

this is the spark thats going to light the fire thats going to blow our character actors down.

Phasma will survive only to get BTFO again in the next movie guaranteed


but toys

Why was Sicario in this film?

>I'm okay with this

just had to shake my head and strap in and kill any expectations I had. at least they came right out and let us know how cheesy and bad this movie was going to be. it felt like something that would be upvoted on reddit by rick and morty fans. the film never really recovered. mediocre movie sadly. it's ok I can always rewatch Rogue One and forget this trilogy of abortion.

I facepalmed during the whole scene. Wanted to leave the theater right then and there.

I was wondering why they turned Hux into such a bitch. In TFA he seemed competent at his job for the most part.

I wanted to leave when some character, I forgot who, said "the last jedi"

They are nothing like, take your head out of your ass for one second.

>i can't believe people are actually laughing at this

>In TFA he seemed competent at his job for the most part.
No, he was a pathetic attempt at a liberal perception of what Hitler was or something. The scene when he shouts like a maniac is so fucking dumb, I was at a loss of words. The rest of the movie was him just bickering with Kylo like a dumb child, not the leader of a grand organization that the First Order is supposed to be.

He's still the most competent villain in the First Order

I mean Kylo Ren is a complete fuck up in every way and this movie showed Snoke was a retard too.

>and now, at last, I have become the last jedi
Really Rian?

Am i watching Spaceballs?

This basically. And I wasn't disappointed.

I laughed. Then the bit went on for 8 more minutes and I started sinking lower and lower into my seat.

Learn the difference between a quip and a forced humor scene.

A quip that falls short is fine cause its at most 5 seconds. This was written directly into the story.

I didn't mind the humor but watching this movie in the theatre was a torture. The laughing screeches of normies all around me at every slightly humorous scene felt like fingernails on a chalkboard.

"Is this some cut dialogue from Iron Man 3?"

same feeling of ice-water-tipped-down-back cringe I had during SO WHO TALKS FIRST? I TALK FIRST? multiplied by a million

Where the fuck are the rest of the generals and admirals? The Empire had so many named officers in the original trilogy.

I went opening night and the man-children clapping when Kylo killed Snoke was abhorred.

hahaha exactly.

I was wondering why a star destroyer can be completely btfo by one x-wing and why they only build in like 6 turbolasers on 1 mile long ship.

I didn’t even crack a smile at any of the humor in the entire movie. The only part I laughed at was the “psshh see ya around kid” because it was so unintentionally kawai

That must have sucked. I went yesterday so it wasn't so crouded, just a bunch of millenial guys with their girlfriends and one or two lone nerds. I guess the Kennedy plan is sort of working because there were almost the same amount of girls as guys. I went by myself.

>"No, everything's fine up here. No problems.... How are you?"
Love how Rian separated the plans for the true fans in the first 5 minutes.

No, you're confusing this scene with the Iron spaceship bit.

Sorry that I just reminded you that exists.

I might go with my roommate in a loud theater. I did like the beginning and the end. The middle I just want to sleep or completely forget that fuckin pointless shit.

People bring up this 1 (one) line from Han and then fail to mention that he physically cringes immediately after he says it. He doesn't have a smug shit eating grin on his face.

oh hey rose, Im no hero. May the force be with you.

Why are the liberals in this movie so religious

>we are the spark that will light the fire that will ignite the pilot light that will heat the oven that will burn the kikes down
Seriously Johnson? Is this your idea of humor?

I'm not american, I live in the UK. The audience did still clap though.

It was funny.

Get over it you fat loser.

contempt, disgust, and a sudden urge to walk out of the theater. I still wish i had

they clapped at the opening crawl, they clapped at the jokes, they clapped at the end, they clapped when Leia shot Poe

not it fucking wasnt. Han saying "boring conversation anyway" was funny, this just made me cringe and roll my eyes

Han being a goof (and realising it) is not the same as LOL OUR SPACE PHONE DOESNT WORK

In the very first scene of the movie, no less.

No one in The First Order is competent. This has to be the biggest non threatening group of villains in cinema.

Are they gonna carry this into Episode IX too? Starting every movie out with a quip?

>implying Rogue One was that much better

“The commanders of the Empire would only instill fear and die before being mocked. The First Order does not rule by fear, is not menacing, nor are they a credible threat.”

I guess I was lucky to see it with a non-retarded crowd. Nobody laughed at any of the jokes outside of some snickers here and there.

>No, you're confusing this scene with the Iron spaceship bit.

Is that when it went from suck to blow?

Because Benicio del Toro is kinda like the new Crispin Glover.
He's that weirdo who just phases in and out of your movie without warning.

Rogue One is a masterpiece of cinema compared to Last Jedi

only retards like that talks first quip

The last 30 minutes of R1 are actually pretty good.

I didn't particularly like "who talks first" but it was just one line, it didn't go on for 2 fucking minutes

>revan and malak obliterate an entire planet over one jedi
>first order leasuirly picks off transports one at a time
the biggest issues with R1 is pacing, once you get to the last 45 minutes or so, it gets pretty good. they "every dies as soon as they do their job" bit is stupid, but the action remains pretty grounded

>and there is no difference in quality or execution
One is a sentence and the other a 3 minute conversation

>Hux is just a clown to be made a mockery of in every quip fest. He's like that newbie who gets baited by the low level troll every time.

Yeah that was kind of his character since TFA. I'm not saying it's a particularly good character (although I think it could've been) but it's not like these things "ruin" what was there before.

Honestly, since the writers wanted to be soooo topical, the First Order could have been a good allegory for neo-nazis. Then it would make sense for Kylo Ren to be "emo" and for Hux to be an insecure opportunist, maybe for Snoke to be some manipulator who doesn't sincerely share stormtrooper values. But they fucked it up by clinging hard to OT aesthetics and making them look like Empire 2.0 and not a bunch of terrorists attacking the status quo. Sad! Personally, I blame the SW nostalgiafags who cry during trailers.

The only moment I laughed, though it was more of a snort, was when Luke said 'I wonder why' after Rey laser blasted those cleaning ladies, and she said they didn't like her.
It felt nice. Shame the rest of the humour didn't.

"This is basically Spaceballs"

>TOR era
>revan and malak obliterate an entire planet over one jedi
>Vader destroys an entire planet for the death star plans

>Snoke is an over the top caricature of Palpatine
>Hux is an over the top caricature of Tarkin
>Kylo is an over the top caricature of Vader

The only nu-imperial I liked is that Dreadnaught commander that strikes a proud pose with a stiff upper lip when he realizes the Dreadnaught is exploding around him.

Also for some reason I found it really amusing that some rando imperial comm officer was asian.

.... maybe? It really wasn't that funny to me.

t. American

Didn't really understand what was happening at the time. I was expecting a serious scene to hype up the empire and the joke was so out of place and unfunny that nobody laughed. Most jokes were like that, the few that actually got laughs were the little hamsters.

People didn't hate "who talks first"? That one bit poisoned TFA immediately for me as marvel millennial trash