Are these soyboys mentally deranged ? They're literally blaming Lucas for TLJ
Are these soyboys mentally deranged ? They're literally blaming Lucas for TLJ
>implying Lucas is good
>It all worked out in the end, but we’ll just have to wait and see how it all ends in Abrams’ Star Wars: Episode IX.
What a strange sentence...
Numales told us "wait and see you fucking baby!" 2 years ago. We're 2 movies in and NOTHING makes sense and NOTHING has happened besides contrived Han Luke deaths.
For you
"wait and see" is such a typical battered wife response, i'm so sick of seeing it everywhere
After TFA there was stuff that could be discussed about who was who and what was important to them and what might happen in the next movie when Luke is back furrealz
Now I don't even know what to speculate about other than Reylo or Poefinn
>NOTHING has happened besides contrived Han Luke deaths.
They are soyboys, but you're nothing but a soulless bugman for giving this much of a shit about fucking Star Wars. You're not much better than those faggots
Didn't Phasma die in TFA, too? How did she escape the trash compactor AND Starkiller Base's destruction? Was it the same technique Maz uses to pull Anakin's lightsaber from the depths of a gas giant?
"wait and see" is never "something good is coming", it's always "something bad is going to stop being so bad"
and then it stays bad
i remember some discussion i had with a "wait and see" type, and after nothing getting better i don't even remember what the excuse the dude said next, i just thought "i'm not watching this anymore, too stupid for me" and i'm not a high standards type of guy
i wish i could remember it, it might have been "this bad thing happened before" or "it doesn't matter anyway", but it was probably something even stupider
Are Disney so pathetic they can't sack up and take responsibility for their own mess? I didn't think I could despise these soulless cunts any more, good grief.
It's like the kind of idiot who says "yeah it was a horrible movie but X actors was in it so I can't dislike it." Yes, you can, you fucking idiot
It's the same mentality that lost Clinton the election last year. Too bad there's no Hollywood equivalent to Trump.
Doing that breaks down the conditioning that (((they))) have spent millions and decades on
Well, to be fair, Lucas is a cis white male, so...
>Soyboy is the new "cuck"
I challenge any and all Mousefucks. Explain to me how TFA and TLJ are coherent movies.
Soyboy is the new bugman, actually.
bugman never stuck because only retards without knowledge of how memes work use it
The same will happen with 'soyboy.'
soyboy already stuck, vegans already tried to reclaim it and it was on tv, pic related
TFA was fine. Wasn’t perfect but I thought it was decent. TLJ was absolute trash and ruined any optimism I had for this trilogy.
>TFA was fine
But none of the new characters were good and only one of the returning actors gave a halfway decent performance. The script was poorly written and doesn't make much sense.
TFA was dogshit.
yes its almost like the story is not finished yet because we are in the middle part of a trilogy, underage trumpling
What story?
yes while acting like theres no more films and anything that wasn't fully explained in TLJ is a plothole makes perfect self
kindly kys sweetie
the one BASED brian johnson refuses to spoon feed to you brainlets
>Having a coherent plot = spoonfeeding
what a story, Mark
it was coherent to anyone who wasn't a soyboy brainlet
So...what is it?
fighting in space and shit and jedis did you even watch the film?
>lol rey is a nobody with ridiculous force powers
>snoke is just a master of the force don't question it
oh yeah I forgot how coherent that all was
>lol luke is a nobody with ridiculous force powers
>the emperor is just a master of the force don't question it
good points altright shill
>master of the force
>Can't even sense his apprentice turning a lightsaber at him
Oh I got it, I only have to give more bucks to Disney and pray for having satisfying answers from the same hack who did the first one? Are they aware that the Jedi mind trick works only on the weak minded and hat you have to be a Jedi to pull it, not a Watto.
Are you alt-right morons genuinely retarded?
Even the concept of a film trilogy triggers you now?
The cum you gobble up has addled your brain faggot.
>Story arcs set up in ep 7 prematurely concluded, or, discarded altogether
>characters introduced in 7 unceromoniosly killed off in 8.
>something, something Kylo Ren and Rei
You have to suffer from brain damage to actually want to see 9. Disney destroyed Star Wars.
Luke didnt beat Sheev- Vader had to. Its lime you havent even watched the first trilogy, faggot.
Keep spouting bullshit, dicksleeve.
A trilogy would sugfest an arcing, ongoing story. There has been no such thing from 7 to 8.
Honestly they probably won't conclude any of the new characters' arcs in the next movie, we'll have 'anthology' films about each new character twice annually for the next decade, in all likelihood, to fill in the narrative gaps left by this train wreck of a 'trilogy.'
>resolving plot points and characters arcs is bad now
this is why no one takes you alt-right shills seriously
it would help if you had any actual arguments besides "muh soyboys/shills/disney/sjws" but the moment you try to actually discuss filmmaking or story you embarass yourselves
What was resolved, again? Killing a character doesn't necessarily resolve that character's arc, hell, we don't even know what Snoke's arc is supposed to be. Killing a character before that character can actually receive proper characterization doesn't resolve anything. It leaves the audience confused and, in a case like this, disgruntled, because it disobeys the basic rules of storytelling that have defined this franchise from its inception.
>What was resolved, again? Killing a character doesn't necessarily resolve that character's arc, hell, we don't even know what the Emperor's arc is supposed to be. Killing a character before that character can actually receive proper characterization doesn't resolve anything. It leaves the audience confused and, in a case like this, disgruntled, because it disobeys the basic rules of storytelling that have defined this franchise from its inception.
imagine if this kind of faggot existed in the 80s
Luke was a nobody who had the ability to use the Force but never used it until Obi-Wan started to teach him. Then he fucked off to Dagohbah to learn from Yoda. He left Yoda and got his shit pushed in by Vader. Even after all the training he had from TWO Jedi Masters he still only managed to defeat Vader by letting his hate take control. Then when he realized what he was doing he threw his lightsaber aside, declared himself a Jedi, and proceeded to get lightning raped by Palpatine until Vader fulfilled his destiny by destroy Palpatine.
At least watch the movies before talking about them retard.
Why did you copy my entire post?
TFA is as bad as TLJ. Just less obviously
i changed a name
Well you are a worse faggot and exist now
Oh, yeah, I see that now. I didn't realize you were one of those retards. If you really think comparing Snoke and the Emperor makes sense then I don't know what movies you were watching before. The Emperor doesn't appear in the first OT film, he only appears as an image in the second, and doesn't appear physically until the third. His Force powers are never demonstrated in the second. And then there's an entire trilogy about how he became the Emperor.
Meanwhile Snoke uses the Force from across a hologram communication system in TFA, makes a physical appearance in TLJ, and during that physical appearance, during which he is shown to be perhaps the most powerful Force user in the history of the franchise, is cut down in cold blood by his apprentice, who got beaten like a bitch by a girl who had never fought with a lightsaber prior to dueling him. Yes, the Emperor also dies at the hands of his apprentice--but if you're actually going to tell me that the throne room seen from Return and the flagship scene from Last are equal in quality then you'll be wasting your time because there is, simply, no comparison.
Snoke doesn't follow Palpatine's character arc or the rhythm of his appearances in the OT.
>Be Luke on TESB
>Don't finish his training
> Be Luke in ROTJ
> Return to Dagobah to witness Yoda dying
> Your training is complete bro, go kill Vader, the chosen one, who had been training for all his fucking life and the Emperor that is according to Lucas the most powerful force user ever
> Be Luke, with dad in Ewokland, he says to me "Your abilities are fully developed now that you were like 5 mins with yoda
Really makes u think
>muh overwhelming similarities aren't a PERFECT exact match
>trilogy with his backstory
20 years later
>got clowned despite having abilities no one else had
so did sheev
Doesn't the ending of TLJ confirm midichlorians?
Look at all middle chapters/films and usually something happens.
Shit happens in Empire, and even Attack had shit happen.
Nothing happened in Last Jedi. People are back to where FA ended.
He trained for weeks with Yoda. Do you honestly believe that TESB happened in like a day? Luke was trained enough to build his own lightsaber. He received more training than Mary Sue Rey ever did and you seem to have conveniently be ignoring how I state that Luke gets his ass beat both times he fights Vader until he snaps and goes into anger mode. He doesn't even beat the Emperor like you keep fucking implying like a retard. Vader kills the Emperor. Seriously, go watch the fucking movies.
(((they're))) already writing articles about the "alt-right's" latest insult; its obviously getting to them.
Then what are they?
he doesn't need to be EXACTLY like sheev for there to be a valid comparison between them is what I'm saying
yes he showed up in filma #1 and #2, instead of #2 and #3 who cares
I'm implying that Yoda and Vader say that Luke's skills are developed until fucking "weeks" training or whatever, against the two most powerful users of the era. Which was believable until the prequels came out, and everyone had to train for all his life to be a threat. The thing that the Force balances automatically is the only reasonable thing they could do to "cover" the plotholes created by the prequels, even if it is a fucking cheap one
You said there were overwhelming similarities, what are they?
Reminder that these are the people who are calling you soyboy
>yes he showed up in filma #1 and #2, instead of #2 and #3 who cares
Are you being paid by the word or by the post, and how much are you being paid?
The middle part of the trilogy is usually where the stakes get raised in opposition to the heroes.
The Last Jedi depicted the First Order as incompetent retards AND killed its leader, making the FO completely unthreatening, removing any tension episode IX could have.
>tfw no braindead Kekistani wife
But there are only like 10 resistance fighters left, surely that must create tension of some sort that the next film can pick up on and exploit?
I can't wait for JJ Lost, Cloverfield, Trek Abrams to properly wrap up a series and answer all questions.
>Kathleen Kennedy effectively steals the franchise from George Lucas
>Kathleen Kennedy and her female writing team then proceeds to crash a 4 billion dollar money printing IP with no survivors
>responding to valid arguments with shill accusations
Return of the Jedi doesn't immediately pick off where Empire Strikes Back ends.
There is an indeterminate amount of time between them where Luke returns to Dagobah to finish his training.
I understood this when I was 6, why can't you at I'm assuming 20+.
That's not a valid argument, you're asking me "Who cares?"
Yeah I'm glad to see the backalsh finally hapenning but I still don't comprehend why TFA slipped through. That movie already deconstructed everything that SW stands for. Normies are very slow.
Those 10 resistance fighters could suicide lightspeed bomb the entirety of the First Order fleet or controlled planets.
Because that's a thing now.
Based James Woods
the argument was accusing your previous post of nitpicking that doesn't further your point
It had been a long time since the last Star Wars movie.
That's literally it.
>a young Jedi padawan named Kira
I can see why the name was changed. The other changes were retarded, though.
>When Secular Liberals try to use Jesus to force people to follow their beliefs, despite the fact that they have no problem admitting they hate most Christians, think most Christian beliefs are outdated or false, and completely hate religion in general and wish to remove it in all aspects of life
Why do they even bother bringing up Jesus up when most know these people hate him, his teachings, and his followers the most? I'm not Christian, why would Christians honestly think my views are more valid simply because I mention their savior?
Pointing out which movies a character is in is "nitpicking?"
>implying mentally degranged idiots are able to understand SW
>they can't even understand their own words when they contradict themselves over and over
Because they want to make a point