Online anti-matt damon petition reaches 20k votes’t-a-joke-remove-matt-damon-from-oceans-8/

Sexual harrassment isn't a fucking joke, Sup Forums

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>SJWs taken down by SJWs over SJW-bullshit

Why? What did he do?

basically #NotEveryMan

He said some sexual assault isn't as bad as other sexual assault. The woman who had a guy check out her boobs had it just as bad as someone who was viciously gang raped

> Either they remove one of the only big male actors of the movie and lose some fans of the Soderbergh movies or they keep him and face backlash.


Why isn't there a backlash against Brad Pitt ? He was aware of Weinstein's shit for 20 years when Paltrow sucked Weinstein's pulsating hemorroids.

pitt has adopted nog-children, he's immune.


This is perfect
The only way the MGTOW-led backlash can begin against the cuck sandwiches and the feminists of the world is when this shit reaches critical mass. It's not quite there yet but I hope it gets there.
MGTOW will be the Brexit/Trump of 2018/2019.

>kissing your girlfriend who has stains of weinstein's shit on her teeth because he asked for rimjobs
>covering the fat jew who tainted your waifu
>his kids are adopted and his only legitimate kid is being discriminated because of her skin color
I just don't understand how somebody who has so much fame, money, is fucking handsome ended being such a mental cuck.

kek, are they out of names?

>Expressing "incorrect" options now leaves you open to getting #MeToo'd
That's it. The west officially needs Sharia.

>After separating from my husband, my daughter claimed she felt sexualised by her father. I responded in a similar vein as Matt Damon. I'm sure he hasn't abused her sexually. When I had therapy with my daughter, her therapist explained to me the severity of what had happened. My daughter slept with a knife under her pillow and never felt safe. This caused several issues. If someone feels sexually assaulted in any way, it is not up to an outsider to make a judgement of the seriousness of the allegation or trivialize the matter. I have learned my lesson and I hope that this petition will be enough for Matt Damon to be able to feel empathy for other people.

if you feel raped/assaulted, you actually have been irl no matter the evidence or lack thereof

>I responded in a similar vein as Matt Damon. I'm sure he hasn't abused her sexually.
that's not what damon said, though

>name not displayed
>15 minutes ago
>this is not acceptable. a woman should never have to endure sexual assault in any way. And to judge about this on a "case to case" basis is simply disgusting and not his right to decide what "small" harrassment is and whats too much for him. In this way he supports sexualised behaviour against women.


>and I hope that this petition will be enough for Matt Damon to be able to feel empathy for other people.
justice and reality be damned

>be a whore
>suck cocks for money and fames
>suddenly that one bitch is telling the boss told her to suck his dick
>WTF Oh shit shit shit
>Ok, I'll just pretend I was assaulted and it wasn't consensual

I think it's too bad that there doesn't seem to be room for nuanced points of view in the current climate

>"We're in this watershed moment, and it's great, but I think one thing that's not being talked about is there are a whole shitload of guys _ the preponderance of men I've worked with - who don't do this kind of thing and whose lives aren't going to be affected,"
>"We're going to have to figure - you know, there's a difference between, you know, patting someone on the butt and rape or child molestation, right?"
>"Both of those behaviors need to be confronted and eradicated without question, but they shouldn’t be conflated, right?"

I literally don't even.

No it's perfect, it's creating the perfect storm, it's like liberal cunts didn't learn anything from 2015/6.

>That's it. The west officially needs Sharia.

we seem to be headed in a different direction in the west. Instead of females covering up and staying out of male spaces , its the males who are being pushed aside. I expect that looking at a women in a way that makes her 'uncomfortable' will be a punishable offense soon.

He used logic. You can't use logic with degenerates.

sweden's gonna do that.

>listening to the vocal minority
This is why the terrorists are winning.

hoy goy, do not question what I say


>speak sense
>the thought police lose their minds
This timeline is pretty scary. Its dangerous to your career just to say literal truths that were common sense only some years ago.

women arent a minority , they've reached critical mass in economic power and if you don't do or say what they want its RAPE!


Half of Sup Forums hates MGTOW. It's a very divisive thing.
I've never got the hate myself. A lot of their analysis of culture/law/etc. I find to be apt. And if they take away from that that they don't want a typical girlfriend, fine. Doesn't bother me.

When is this going to end?

This is such bullshit...I dont even like matt damon and i think these sjws are fucking idiots

This is literally how I even found out Ocean's 8 even exists.

Bomb of the year?

>Half of Sup Forums
That's meaningless. Sup Forums is a nest of good goyim bootlicking faggots who fight each other over who gets to eat the next turd from the ass of Trump or Bannon.

>tfw you will never be harrassed by Damon D:

I'm saying if even Sup Forums can't get behind it, it won't go far


People appearances on films should be discussed by the tickets purchased, not because retard people screaming on the internet.

This is why people can't have nice things no more, fuck you all.

I know what you're saying. I'm saying we don't necessarily need those and that they will fall in line with whatever new right-wing political movement appears. They aren't leaders, they're sheep who echo what more intelligent people than them espouse. They literally aren't able to come up with original thoughts.