Why was this movie so good when it had no right to be?
Really hope we see more from this universe some time soon.
Why was this movie so good when it had no right to be?
Really hope we see more from this universe some time soon.
Is it worth a watch? I saw a trailer for it the night before I went to see TLJ and it looked pretty awesome.
literally the worst movie of 2017 avoid it like the plague
100% worth it.
you should know because of how hard disney is shilling against it
it was fucking awful you shill
Definitely, don't expect too much of the second half, but the premise works very well and it's one of the most interesting things of the year.
it's noting memorable
it's ok
It's unlike most movies coming out of Hollywood at this time. Some things works and other don't, but otherwise it's fresh and fun and for that alone I'd recommend it.
Not OP but I loved it. It's decent as far as buddy cop movies go and has added fantasy shit if you're into that, I am so it's great.
people'e opinions are split
I loved it
next guy hated it
nice catering to the gun crowd though
Fucking solid flickino, sequel can't come fast enough.
>so good
It was weak desu.
Like all Max's scripts it never reaches its full potential. There's a great idea and a solid base, but the work itself is messy.
Look, the premise is so simple you cannot fuck it up. There's some huge fucking shit going on in the background and these two small cops are thrown in the middle. It's ripe and ready for a fun buddy cop movie but it loses focus constantly, lacking a concrete structure.
Thanks to how secretive the shit going on has to be, the villains are weak and don't provide for interesting antagonists, they're just mystery dangerous killers.
Daryl and Nick are well written but they're lacking in motivation, they're almost fully 3-dimensional.
Shit happens way too fast and at the same time not fast enough, I think this is the point, but it doesn't work well.
Landis is a great ideas guy but he's not a great writer.
Worldbuilding was GOAT tho, holy shit I want a sequel just to see more of this world.
More of the Orcs, expanded races (where are the Halflings? Are they mostly farmers in the country-side? What about Dwarves? They can't still be miners but they gotta be greedy fucks, are they the proto-Jews of this world? etc...), expanded history (some guy mentioned orcs in Russia and shit. Were there even World Wars in this world?)
Soundtrack was dope too
does it cater to the fairy crowd?
not really
one gets smashed with a broom though if that's your thing
it's just like Death Note
Good production value
Somewhat noteable director is attached
Interesting concept
Odd script choices
Mediocre movie
fairies a shit
like angry flying rhesus monkeys
yh i wanna see the history of how the orcs united and brought the dark lord or whatever they were tlaking about that happened in the past
the lore could make for a good miniseries if done right
>Sup Forums is so fucking contrarian that likes this movie
I just watched it. It's pretty good and entertaining
>pretty good
that's all it's a forgettable mediocre movie, the kind of movie you would watch while getting high with your normie mates round your house who want to watch a movie
fix the middle a little bit and it would be pure kino
> fuck that this is the pilot lets get 5 seasons from this this universe is rich enough
Falls in the guilty pleasure category for me.
Objectively meh but unique enough to be fun.