Arrive to new region

>Arrive to new region
>Bring horse to a halt
>Say name of region outloud
>Continue riding towards the city

*rides into thread and stops*
Faggot's thread.
*continues riding into thread*

maybe he's just reading a sign

I do this all the time. Fuck off, faggot.

>stand manly
>grab belt
>declare your name outloud
>do a puzzled expression

>get punched in the face for being a memespewing moron

because you can't read without moving your lips

wheres the outer wall?

>drove to portland today to spend holidays with family
>stopped on the bridge over the columbia river between washington and oregon
>"portland" i whispered to myself over the the sound of crunching metal and horns blaring
>drive on to the city wondering why the people behind me are flipping me off


The city is the wall.

kind of looks like it's really close and really small

I know this is a meme, but does a character in the films actually ever do that when alone? Because I suppose they do it to explain to the other people they are travelling with where they have arrived.

Surely they would have explained where they were going, so that when the arrived they would say simply "We're here"

It's a screenwriting trick to tell the audience what is happening. Everyone knows normal people don't do it in real life, because films != real life, you autistic tool.

He was telling this info to Pippin, who was riding with him

Oh so it's a blatantly easy cheap exposition device so it's good? Got it.

I never said it was good.

>he got meme'd into thinking its bad


>arrive on new celestial body
>bring foot to the ground
>say that you took a step
>continue taking more steps

I hate this shot. The perspective looks so fucked.

i do this in real life. i am also the guy that reads billboards out loud on car trips

Screenshot was taken just before the camera can actually see over the top of the hill, it looks weird

>no fields
>no rivers
>no cattle
>no trade roads
What do they eat?

Even in the cinema it looked so off. I realize they aren't stupid and put everything to scale, but the way they composed the shot with Gandalf riding towards the city from the hill just makes it painfully apparent I'm not actually looking at the city but rather a CGI turd or some miniature model. It bothers me to this day, how did this make the final cut

What was their tax policy?