Thank you, Sup Forums. Thank you for shitting so much on TLJ and lowering my expectations...

Thank you, Sup Forums. Thank you for shitting so much on TLJ and lowering my expectations. If it was like you were telling me, it would suck, but it simply wasn't. I was relieved. The movie is actually great, the best Star Wars movie since the OT, and now I realize you were just memeing around.

Almost everything you were complaining about was wrong:

>Luke did not leave the map for others to find him, he just searched for the Jedi Temple, the map was stored in R2 and after he was gone the other characters went out looking for the Jedi Temple as well, knowing he would be there. It's pretty simple to understand.
>Luke did not try to kill young Kylo, he went there with no plan whatsoever, only trying to deal with the presence of the dark side he was feeling on him, he fires up his lightsaber, just like a samurai would look at his sword when thinking about why he does what he does, Kylo gets it all wrong along with Sup Forums and Luke even tries to warn Kylo that he had no intentions to attack him before everything went down
>Luke did not went away simply out of shame, but because his jedi temple was in ruins and he realized it wasn't just a matter of simply passing things to the next generation. Luke is at the time the only person who is a force and lightsaber user (Leia uses the force, but in a different way) and he is afraid that his presence would attract more darkness towards him, his friends and the republic and so he shuts himself down to the force and goes to study once again
>Hyperspeed strike was only possible because the cruiser is not at all a small ship, it burns a lot of fuel to do so and no one knew if it was going to work anyway. It was completely justified and could not have been done the way it did in any other moment in the series. Only autists think otherwise because if you apply physics and technology logic to SW, you'd have to review everything and have no story whatsoever. The most important is that it was believable and not out of place.

>Yoda did not burn the books, he burned the tree before Luke went there and saw that the books were not there (as they are seen in the ship near the end of the film). In this way, Yoda completes what Luke set out to do and at the same time does not burden him with guilt over it while simultaneously taking the knowledge to the next generation.
>Rey was not as good and mary sue as people make of her. Rey, Kylo, Luke, they were all fighting each other off in a pretty balanced way. Luke being the strongest of the three, he won over Rey at ease when they had the same weapons and only backed out when she pulled her lightsaber, he was not trying to kill her just make her stop attacking. Also in his battle against Kylo you can see it's not only because he is not there that he is comfortable, he also handles the fight as a master.

Good points:

>It had a bit of everything: space battles, duels, force users, politics, humor, good balance of new and old characters
>Very good opening space battle, well-directed, loads of tension (though it's too bad the cute sister had to die)
>The conflict in Kylo Ren was well handled. We see the good in him, but we also see him take Snoke's place at the end.
>Humor was there and it was actually funny and not forced except for some porg jokes aimed at kids afterall SW is for kids too
>Stuff like Luke milking that creature was actually very funny and in a similar tone to other bizarre little things all throughout any other SW movie
>The Code Breaker. Del Toro is great.
>Amazing settings, the island was beautiful, the final battleground had fantastic visuals with the white over red theme, Snoke's room with the red guards was aesthetic as fuck, the casino was both a throwback to the cantina scenes but managed to have a vibe of its own, the mirror scene with Rey was unique

>The fight with the red guards had very good moments. Yes, even with the shit coreography when they are all seen together.
>The hyperspeed crash was one of the most beautiful shots in the entire franchise and everyone held their breaths when it happened
>Phasma vs Finn was a very good fight and it was good to see her back
>Shooting at Luke and then the duel between him and Kylo was a great climax and imagine the effect it has on Kylo after piercing through Luke and seeing it did nothing. Luke was not just fighting or buying time, he was teaching Kylo of the vanity of his motivations.

Bad points:
>Holdo was a very annoying character and I don't mean it because of anti-sjw paranoia, but because her acting was awful and confusing, and she really should have opened up her plan to the rest of her crew, because that's the way they were all handling it just moments before. If not, then she should have told them when they were pointing guns at her.
>Carrie Fisher can't act
>Snoke was no one and really stupid. The only way to save him is make him come back in the next film, proving he was more than that body, which would also make him as strong as people were saying he is.
>Snoke's death was really cheap, but I know why. Snoke threatens Rey of death and the "twist" is that Kylo kills him instead. But we all knew the hero of the trilogy Rey was not going to die there, so we were just waiting "what kind of twist will save her now" and it was really obvious. Rey should have lost
>Luke was overall well handled in the story, but we were left with no vision of what Luke did after RoTJ, we don't get to see him on his prime at any point
>Finn was downgraded and kind of lost there, but not by much and it didn't take away from the film
>Leia flying through space was really shitty, but also not something that ruined the film at all. I just think it was kind of morbid to do a scene of "I'm dead, oh no I'm not" with an actress that is actually dead

>The animals Finn and Rose were riding made the scene too artificial. Reminded me when Obi Wan was riding that animal against Grevious.
>Could have more talking aliens and less animal-like aliens
>Chewbacca roasting a porg and then not eating it was at the same time awkward, nonsensical and kind of evil and I'm not even vegan

Even with all those flaws, 8/10 movie. Would watch again.

Also I'm not seeing anyone connect the dots that the theme of Disney SW is how the Force is "opening itself up". It gives the title of the first film, it explains why they chose to create the character of the blind monk in Rogue One not be a force user but use the force anyway, it explains why Rey is not the daughter of anyone in particular and yet uses the force very well "without hesitation", it explains why Luke says the jedi must end and press on the "Force is everywhere" thing during the training, it also explains why they focus on "no ones" like Finn being the first stormtrooper with personality. The Force was never took this much of the front stage in the story.

It also explains something I did not see anyone bring up here yet: the kid at the very last shot of the movie uses the Force to pick up his broom.

>the map was stored in R2
Then he would've erased it from R2's memory if he didn't want to be found

>just like a samurai would look at his sword when thinking about why he does what he does
Doesnt help any, Luke isn't that careless.

>Hyperspeed strike was only possible because the cruiser is not at all a small ship
The rebellion had large ships and yet somehow didn't manage to think to hyperlight one into two Death Stars, even one without shields in ROTJ.

it's the best thing ever, literally the new first wonder of the world. Alien observers are scheduled to be making first contact with major world leaders and disney executive next week, it seems like they'll invite us to join the Universal Republic

>Then he would've erased it from R2's memory if he didn't want to be found
It was very difficult for them to find Luke and it was very difficult for Luke to find the Jedi Temple. Who knows how many people he had to talk to or planets he had to go. I say he was very competent erasing his tracks, even if some remained. Besides, the most important thing was to keep the evil fellas off his tail. R2 was always that character who has seen it all and been through everything even though he is just there. Only those close to Luke know of him.

>Doesnt help any, Luke isn't that careless.
At that moment he was because he was clearly troubled as fuck. Not enough to attack Kylo, which yes would have been out of his character, but enough for him to do something like that yes. In the OT Luke also shows a lot of confusion towards the dark side.

>The rebellion had large ships and yet somehow didn't manage to think to hyperlight one into two Death Stars, even one without shields in ROTJ.
Yeah, they didn't think of it, but so what? The Death Star is a huge motherfucking planet-sized machine. Do they have condos inside without windows? Why not drop an atomic bomb on them? Star Wars was never reaching for a full coherent physics or politics anyway.

t. disney shill

I hated TFA and enjoyed TLJ a great deal. It was more like a prequel film than a Disney one.

Why do I get the feeling that this was first posted on reddit?

>0.02$ has been deposited in your account

Hi Rian

>It also explains something I did not see anyone bring up here yet: the kid at the very last shot of the movie uses the Force to pick up his broom.

Wait, what? Can anyone confirm this?

Yes. Luke needs a bunch of training to pull his lightsaber. Some random spic pulls a broom without even thinking about it. Truly powerful and inspirational.

fuck off Rian

>The Death Star is a huge motherfucking planet-sized machine.

The Supermacy - 60,542.68 meters
Star Destoryer 19,000 meters X4-6(Shots make it hard to tell)
Raddus - 706.55 meters

In other words, a ship less than one kilometer could destroy one that is SIXTY KILOMETERS in size, cut through it and still have enough momentum to shred several ships that were over 20 times the size of the original. Meaning, if you're doing the math there, a Y-wing-yes, a goddamn Y-wing, could have destroyed captain grimace's ship by itself and then some.

ONE ship from the OG trilogy could have wrecked the Death Star and the entire Empire fleet.

>Star Wars was never reaching for a full coherent physics or politics anyway.

If you have to resort to 'stop thinking about it' then it's a bad movie. You can still like bad movies, but if they only work if you do not question it any further than what you see on screen, it's a dumb movie.

Look at this fag typing all this shit like I'm actually gonna read it

he's also got a name from the book that was released

>people still havn't realized.

It's so lame even Anakin, the messiah of the Force couldn't levitate things as a child, the physical aspect of the Force was always to be learned, yes you can sense things without training but Anakin and Luke couldn't lift anything properly before the Jedi training, to lift his lightsaber in ESB Luke had to concentrate like crazy.

>If you have to resort to 'stop thinking about it' then it's a bad movie.
It's not that you have to "stop thinking about it", but why did you even begin thinking about that only then.

Star Wars movies have sound in space. They have spaceships flying around but it's all run on buttons that came directly from the 70s and 80s. Their swords are made of lasers who can cut through almost anything. They deflect gun shots with it. There are clones. There are midchlorians. A spaceship the size of a big island can just float around in mid air. A tribe of teddy bears helps defeat an evil galactic empire. In every movie there is the running joke of doing technobabble to explain what they have to do. An alien grunts indistinctively and others translate for the audience "yeah, I know chewie".

I think about it alright, paying attention to how the story unfold and all the characters and the ideas they come up with as they go along. But there is nothing in that scene that really makes it stand out much. It might have triggered you, but it didn't trigger me.

Yes random broom boy is more powerful with the force than literal SW Jesus was at that age
Bravo whatever team of writers came up with this crap.

Just ram it at hyper speed the kinetic force will destroy everything. Just turn your brain off.

You had me until
> the cute sister

I also thought it was just alright. Sup Forums is hating on it so much because it only came out. It's not a particularly good movie, but it was alright.

Get out of here /r/movies.

>tfw he doesn't think I'm cute

>but why did you even begin thinking about that only then.

Because it's such a game changing moment there's no possible way to ignore it now. How could we? This changes the outlook on every single space battle we've ever seen stretching back to the very beginning. We always just assumed there was a reason this wouldn't work, like shields or something, and that's why we never asked 'why didn't they just lightspeed the death star?' We, as the audience, trusted if the option was available they would've done it immediately. This changed that, and showed it was an option. So now we ask 'did you just put in something that made no sense for nobody to have ever tried?' And the answer is, yes. But stop thinking about it.

>They have spaceships flying around but it's all run on buttons that came directly from the 70s and 80s

And they stay consistent with that, we can accept that technology.

>Their swords are made of lasers who can cut through almost anything.

They have special swords, great, but they don't say they could strap it to the front of a ship and cut through the death star. If they could, why wouldn't they?

>In every movie there is the running joke of doing technobabble to explain what they have to do.

Boy that would've been great, wouldn't that have been great? We could all finally understand why this was so different besides 'this guy royally fucked up'.

> But there is nothing in that scene that really makes it stand out much.

That's your problem for actively trying to ignore it. Because otherwise, how could you not?

She lost hundreds of lives, countless others in other battles before this, untold destruction in the series this is a sequel to and people only care about because of the previous ones, and nobody, not a one of them, thought of this trick? Nobody else tried this, or had a way to stop it.

You want to know why it didn't trigger you? You disarmed anything worth thinking about in this movie, but pretend it's intellectual.

I wish I had the ability to construct an alternative reality in my head and disbelieve my own eyes.

They could have just switched sisters. That alone would have made the movie so much better.

Get fucked mouse

you're kidding right?

Nice blog post

While I agree with all your points, it's time to accept that Sup Forums (and Sup Forums in general) has been fatally painted with Sup Forums and they will not like anything that is considered too mainstream. They would have hated this movie even if it was exactly to their autistic specifications.

Just let it go man

None of that matters tho. Sound in space doesn't change anything. Ships that can levitate in the atmosphere doesn't change anything. Little bear people don't change anything. Introducing a suicide bombing that can incapacitate a massive cruiser with a significantly smaller craft is a big deal in the story. It changes what weapons are at the disposal of the various factions. I was immediately questioning why, even in the confines of this particular film, the purple haired lady didn't just do a kamikaze right after the escape ships took off. She was already in a suicide mission, going down with the ship. Why not basically destroy the biggest, baddest fucking ship the enemy had at the same time? Instead it took the rebels being spotted for her to do it?

Kys nigger, you aren't a SW fan.

You bitch, it's legitimate criticism. I think Bladerunner was kino as fuck, and it's a big budget film with an A list director and cast. I'm a Rogue One pleb (even tho I think it had early pacing issues). Some people think The Last Jedi wasn't that good, and it's not because of purple haired women or a black supporting character.

>Also I'm not seeing anyone connect the dots that the theme of Disney SW is how the Force is "opening itself up". It gives the title of the first film, it explains why they chose to create the character of the blind monk in Rogue One not be a force user but use the force anyway, it explains why Rey is not the daughter of anyone in particular and yet uses the force very well "without hesitation", it explains why Luke says the jedi must end and press on the "Force is everywhere" thing during the training, it also explains why they focus on "no ones" like Finn being the first stormtrooper with personality. The Force was never took this much of the front stage in the story.
Yeah Dude, we get it. The problem is it was incredibly hamfisted. A scene can't be 100% subtext. A light touch is required or it ends up insulting the audience.

>>Humor was there and it was actually funny and not forced except for some porg jokes aimed at kids afterall SW is for kids too
I'm the complete opposite on this, most of the humour only served to completely undercut whatever scene, but the porgs were surprisingly solid and underplayed.

> Ben wakes up and saw Luke making the retardedly out of character attempt to murder his nephew in his sleep
> Ben, a small child, conveniently renders Jedi Master Luke unconscious
> Ben doesn’t kill unconscious Luke - though he obsesses over doing so for the rest of the series - but instead kills his fellow students (???)
> somehow (???) ends up with Snoke (who they couldn’t be bothered to even try to flesh out)
> Luke decides “oh well” and abandons everyone and goes off to die alone (this is just pathetically bad writing)
> let’s billions if not trillions die as a result of his mess, makes no effort to help
> leaves a map with R2, but is mad when someone finds him
> wants the Jedi to end, but babysits the Jedi temple
> sees Chewie and gives him a hug and then never speaks to him again, as if they weren’t great friends
> Rey finds out he pulled a lightsaber on Kylo, immediately pulls a lightsaber on Luke like a hypocrite and he trips over his feet like a faggot
> makes no effort to redeem Kylo even though he’s he far more conflicted than Vader was, refuses to kill his mom, cares for Rey, etc. He’s just irredeemable because the plot calls for it
> force skypes himself to the final fight, doesn’t tell anyone to run, they only escape because of a series of poorly written contrivances
> brushes dirt off his shoulder, Neo bullet time
> dies from the effort of force skype
> his final words before dying without fixing any of his mess: “See you around, kid”

And then everyone literally just leaves out the back and flies away

Probably the most badly written movie I’ve seen in the last few years desu

The problem is, as a wise person once said, "there's no 'there' there."
Disney abandoned the actual core of the story in deference to market research. They replaced green Yoda with orange Yoda and people didn't like it. So they switched back and ramped up what they though the difference was (Yoda being a prankster). They were wrong, tho.

I fucking loved when Daisy Ridley violated Adam Driver on-set

I don't care if you like the movie or not

Don't think about it. Rian Johnson definitely didn't.

This. It’s not just that it was a retarded, nonsensical asspull discontinuous with everything we’ve been shown over 40 years...
It’s ALSO not presented as a viable option WITHIN THE FILM ITSELF and the actions taken by every character in both sides of the conflict up until the very moment it happens are incongruous with the idea that it’s a possibility

It’s honestly the laziest and stupidest attempt to be clever I’ve seen in quite some time

>Luke did not try to kill young Kylo, he went there with no plan whatsoever, only trying to deal with the presence of the dark side he was feeling on him, he fires up his lightsaber, just like a samurai would look at his sword when thinking about why he does what he does
fucking weaboo
it makes no sense to me, and I guess to most normal people
>Hyperspeed strike was only possible because the cruiser is not at all a small ship, it burns a lot of fuel to do so
you mean the fuel they said they only had 16h left of, about 15 hours before?
>Only autists think otherwise because if you apply physics and technology logic to SW, you'd have to review everything and have no story whatsoever. The most important is that it was believable and not out of place.
Please explain how it's not 'believable and not out of place' anywhere else in the series.
>Yoda did not burn the books, he burned the tree
so he still conjured a lightning. Question: why doesn't he cast lightning bolt on every Palpatine wanabee?
>he won over Rey at ease when they had the same weapons and only backed out when she pulled her lightsaber
she fucking attacked Luke in the back, and tried to use a murder-weapon on him, after literally falling to the Dark Side. Literally a few minutes later, fucking Yoda is all good with her and her behaviour. That's textbook Mary Sue.
>Stuff like Luke milking that creature was actually very funny and in a similar tone to other bizarre little things all throughout any other SW movie
can you cite me a single of those 'other bizarre little things' in any movie of the saga please?
>the casino was both a throwback to the cantina scenes but managed to have a vibe of its own
literally 'cantina scene #213179'
>the mirror scene with Rey was unique
and pointless

>Phasma vs Finn was a very good fight and it was good to see her back
for like 30 seconds. Waste of a character too.
>Luke was overall well handled in the story, but we were left with no vision of what Luke did after RoTJ, we don't get to see him on his prime at any point
That's a big problem actually since you can only judge Luke's actions based on what we know of him as of RotJ. And most of his actions don't make sense at all in this context. He regressed as a character, and we are presented with no explaination for this.

Damage control? Memes? Irony? Copy pasta?

We will never know this new threat to Sup Forums.

>Because Rian will kill it before we have a chance to.