Memes aside, why does Sup Forums like this guy so much? Seems like a fairly normal actor to me

Memes aside, why does Sup Forums like this guy so much? Seems like a fairly normal actor to me

>Watch Lars and The Real Girl
He can become a convincing beta male with a pedo stache and still sell it.

He plays autistic characters that we can relate to

He's not jewish, to our best knowledge.


As much as I like that movie it only works because he's handsome.
Can you imagine a Steve Buscemi looking guy doing that shit? Nobody would've treated him with any kindness.

He is cool

He's just a chill dude who doesn't get caught up in all the Hollywood bullshit and is fucking great in interviews.

>mostly stars in good movies
>good actor
>chill irl
>plays autist roles so anons relate
What's not to like? He's the best actor in the Hollywood right now.

He's beautiful. Like an angel of the lord

Yes. Young Steve Buscemi.

I don't think he has said anything bad about Trump yet. If he did, Sup Forums's opinion would do a 180.

My God. What happened to him?

He's a real hero. A real human-bean


because drive

He has a cool band

Autists should be portrayed by him, we deserve it.

Ryan "Kino" Gosling is the greatest actor of all time

I don't rate him as an actor that highly but it seems like all the movies he's cast in end up at least decent.

It's easy to be a highly regarded actor when all the movies you play in are a success

He's a nice guy.

Watching Oscar 2017. The Goose was the only actor actually stood up and greeted & shook hands those plebs tourists.

The rest just smiled and had "what did you do Jimmy, you cunt, get them out of my face" look on them.

He's /fit/, an autist who lifts. What's not to like? This generation's Keanu Reeves. Not much range but amazing in his niche

because neckbeards like deadpool

Would Sup Forums like Star wars more if Rey was played by goose?

He was literally picked for his breakout role in The Notebook because he looked average and then girls fawned over him because or the character he played and then got memed by the MSM into being ale handsome kino man

That's Ryan Reynolds dummy

you're thinking of the wrong ryan...

well it certainly would be at least a 1/10 instead of a -10/10

Literally just because of Drive. It started there and continued with the other stuff he did with Refn, until Sup Forums just liked Goose on his own.

yup, and I have no problem with it, let us have some favorites

his stolid, poe-faced drone-islavsky style has well and truly past its novelty value and he's really beginning to grate now

this one-dimensional shtick works with the deft hand of auteurs, but in practically nothing else... as 2049 unequivocally demonstrated (Villeneuve not withstanding)

>He plays autistic characters that we can relate to
succinct / 10


Why does he always wears the coolest jackets?

>mfw I still remember the gosling maymays' origins back in 2011

can you point me to some good ones