movie is good but IDK about Oscar worthy. watch it though.
Killing of sacred deer
It has no social commentary or race/gay/woman bait shit so no it's not oscar worthy
>greek nu-wave
ohk i guess so. but it really has no explanation. weird shit happened but we never find out why. or how!
I agree OP but it will probably get some noms because his last kino was snubbed.
The Lobster is essential r9kino
Fucking hated when Emma Stone won last years best actress over Isabelle Huppert. Oscars are scam and Hollywood shit always wins over indie/auteur movies.
i didn't see the lobster cus it sounded dumb. did i really miss out?
I don't believe an explanation would make the movie any better
oscars are worthless awards for pleb trash
probably not but i thought we there would be a black magic element
Personally, I just accepted it as it was. I don't think the film is trying to appear as if it's realistic. To me it didn't seem like the "universe" in it was meant to be the real world, but one where things like this can happen.
Lanthimos is the most creative director around desu
I found it has a social commentary. About the selfishness and alienation of liberals.
Am i the only one that found the mother saying "The most logical choice would be one of the kids we can always have more kids" really fucking wrong?
yes but if there as more to the why and the how the ending might have more resolution. feels kind of incomplete.
yeah that was pretty fucked up but then again we get know details as to how this is happening. could it be prevented? who knows! you just gotta roll with it.
No, it's the most retarded movie of last year and definitely the cringiest.
I guess it was suppose to show where rationality and individualism leads to eventually.
But it is the most logical choice
To be completely honest with you, I think having some sort of origin story or explanation of why Martin had the powers he had is completely unnecessary to the film, and if you disagree you're a pleb brainlet :^)
Serious plot question
The deranged kid says that when they enter phase three (eyes start bleeding) there is no way back they are doomed for death.
And yet when the kids eyes start bleeding he is still making the choice even though the kid will die anyway?
Horror story based on myth. The boy was kinda devil/old testament god who just wanted to make things even. Farrell was a narcissist who just couldn't take responsibility. Really simple and sweet.
if you like lanthimos' absurdist dark humour style you should enjoy it
It was that when the bleeding starts there is very limited time, not a sure death.
he says there are hours left, not doomed to die.
It seems more like selfishnes
its a hilarious movie.
First 30 minutes could have been reduced to just 15 or less. Rest is good.
Reminds me of Haneke but without social commentary
First half of the lobster is great.
Second half... not so much
hey i was eating when i started watching!
The birth of the sacred deer (2019)- Whedon
>autistic kid is playing in a forest alone
>while roaming around founds a secret cave
>founds a shiny red crystal
>touches it
>a quick close up to his eyes shows a sudden vision of a huge CGI monster in hell and other creepy shit
>"What the fuck was that?" says the kid to himself
>takes the crystal and puts it in his bag
>accidentally kills maims his school bullies and discovers his new powers
well you don't always need an explanation but it might have helped. i mean anything. even seeing the ncrominicon on his moms shelf in their house. something brief.
I think more of Cronenberg mixed with Verhoeven. Haneke's films are too serious.
I felt like shit for one day after Bob died
Why do stories about kids suffering make me so sad, it wasn't always like this
haneke is great.
Yes he is, but he really doesn't include any humor in his films. If he made Adam Sandler movie it would focus on guy trying to be funny but taking his life after he realizes everybody despises him.
I'm the only one who thought at the beggining Colin Firth was having homosex with "I Can be Uselful" Dunkirk kid and he didn't want the family know about it?
Considering the title "The Killing of a Sacred Deer" is a reference to greek mythology, I think it's pretty clear Martin is supposed to be a god (in the mythological greek sense, not in the all powerful yahweh sense)
No, of course you weren't the only one. It's practically a red herring
i am not familiar with Eurpidies and i cant imagine many more are either.
this is the people that posts on Sup Forums lmao
worse than indian capeshit fanboys
classical education is quite common in europe
holy fuck kys
KYS what?? you cant just do shit in a film just b/c and expect people to accept it just cus. there was a bit of a mystery here that remains unsolved.
/r/ jack off webm
not that guy, but you're wrong
in some cases, there is no mystery and you should just accept it
capeshit has made your brain rot
its based on a greek tragedy ya dingus
it's even mentioned in the kino
i can accept mystery sure. but this is not 2001. there was a lot of things happening like with the mom and the son and we just don't find out anything. its jut a bunch of weird shit happening.
yeah but even still why should i have to read Euripidies before i understand a film from 20 fucking 17?
it's only acceptable if it happens in a movie from the imdb top 250?
no man. did you watch the film? its a domestic drama. not a sci-fi. its grounded in reality. but we get none of that. we just have to accept it. honestly there is no resolution with this film,
Directors don't make films to pander to you sweetie
It's also perfectly understandable without knowing the references
Movie genres shouldn't result in boundaries.
Wrong. The most logical choice is to kill the wife. Both children have 50% of his genes, the wife has 0%. Killing one of the children (which he ended up doing, like a cuck) is destroying his own genetic legacy, killing his own blood.
Killing the wife is a lot less costly. He could always remarry. With a younger, more fertile woman to boot.
yes its perfectly understandable without knowing the references. I do understand it. what i understand is that shit happened just because. thats it. i don't get a why or how or a resolution. its off putting in this particular case.
I'm sure his mom is involve but how? we don't find out!
watch Borgman if you like this movie
No it wasn't. It was black comedy/satire/horror film. In horror films there can be things not over-explained to ameridumbs.
The movie started off okay. Should have taken a different route after they kidnapped Martin and tied him up. It should have been that killing him breaks the curse. Also, if Colin had to kill one of his immediate family his wife would be the obvious choice. Then daughter, then son.
No, it’s directed by a Greek.
Kill one child, have two more. Its that easy
see if he killed the wife and married the other woman that would have been a more satisfying resolution. still not making much sense though.
>I do understand it. what i understand is that shit happened just because.
ok so you don't understand it at all
This, even the wife ploys against their own children because she doesn't want to die. Cheeky cunt no wonder she's australian
Imagine being Colin in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Alicia Silverstone , you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he Colin wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Colin and not only sit in that chair while Alicia Silverstone flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she sits with you. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, ALICIA SILVERSTONE LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Ireland. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Colin. You're not going to lose your future acting career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
i dont think so. it played out like a drama.
The man didn't give a shit about anybody except himself. That is why he didn't take full responsibility and just made the decision based on change.
>It should have been that killing him breaks the curse.
>OP but it will probably get some noms because his last kino was snubbed.
they might get a pity nomination for both golden globes and oscars but that's about it.
It's not the point of the movie. We're watching characters deal with an impossible situation. How it affects them emotionally and brings out their true colors, whether they be ugly or noble, sometimes both.
It's a contemporary retelling of a old Greek tragedy you stupid pleb.
then explain it to me. he killed the boys father so the boy gets revenge. why? how? what about the mom? why is the boy still aloof at the end when his goal was to possess the man who killed hi father?
>its grounded in reality
lmao no, both the lobster and sacred deer are fantasy as fuck
Mood in the film was close to horror with over-the-top sounds. Rest was really black social satire and sick humor. Also some directors just don't give a fuck about genres and mix things up with unnatural etc elements. If you want the movie to explain everything in it, you have wrong attitude to watch films.
Nope. The wife was already pretty old, which is why she mentions IVF. Also, children born to older mothers have higher chances of genetic defects.
Kill the wife + remarry and have more kids with the new younger wife is the most logical choice.
impossible situation? maybe possibly. i understand that aspect sure. but theres just no explanation or resolution. i don't think it will get a nom for anything. or much.
its about 30 minutes too long
and the weird dialogue-delivery schtick wears thin about an hour in
6/10; actually fell asleep during the "climax" because it was tiresome
lobster was much better
many movies have some explanation. some. I'm not saying everything. but the mom disappears after on scene. why? she is obviously in the background doing something.
Kill one kid, have two in vitro kids. It's that easy.
Killing the mother would result in kids growing all fucked up and probably failures. Sorry kid but your argument is retarded, the kids are dispensable
his goal was to possess the man who killed hi father
What? No. The sacred boy only wants justice. An eye for an eye. Doc killed someone from the boy's family (the father), so as payment (retribution) he has to kill someone from his own family too, to even things out.
For him it was not about "Who to save" it was rather "How can I survive without killing anybody". He was awful piece of shit and first time he had to pay the price. See how he dominates his wife in bed or doesn't really care about his children.
but he wanted him to marry his mom
I know that but I don't care. We're no longer talking about why Doc acted the way he did, simply about the most logical course of action given the circumstances.
Are you a woman or just chronically retarded? In any case, if you were among the scapegoats I'd shoot you.
My mother got upset because the mother didn't sacrifice herself for the kids
Yes, because his mother lost a husband. It's still about retribution.
but he was trying to get them to hook up. he wants him around.
i need screencaps of that scene
No you are retarded.
First you are assuming the children were planned, they might be not and thus the wife would had a much higher importance in the family.
Second the cost of getting a new wife and a new kid is much higher than keeping the wife and having a kid with her.
The lack of a mother figure or the replacement of the mother for a new one would cause deep psychological issues on the kids, scarring them for life.
Just admit you are short sighted kid without enough intellect to understand this film. You probably didn't even get that the father actually knew who he was shooting
Found the roastie.
thats possession!
It's shit.
did you read the post you're replying to?
Watched all of his Greek kino yesterday. Had a mighty good time
Even IVF can fail if you're an old hag
The kids being "planned" has nothing to do with anything. What's important is that the children share the guy's legacy, they are his own flesh and blood, while the woman isn't. The wife is the most replaceable one of the 3. Eminently so.
>Second the cost of getting a new wife and a new kid is much higher than keeping the wife and having a kid with her.
Wrong again. He is a man with a high status (doctor, rich, handsome). He could have easily had a second wife. (The god's mother having the hots for him is further confirmation of that.)
You're also ignoring the fact that his present wife is not just past her prime, but also of poor character, AND old enough that genetic defects become a serious risk in pregnancy.
>muh muh trauma, they need muh vagina
The aftermath will be traumatic for the survivors regardless.
Q.E.D. -- Kill yourself, you stupid vagina.
No, it isn't. ESL?
Sorry kid but I already won but I accept your concession
>is gud becaos its griik keeno
It's ok roastie, we all know what you mean.