>TLJ grossed $3m less ($25m) than already crappy projections >This is half of what TFA made and only 10% more than R1 >Looking at a 2nd weekend drop on par with BvS
>the user reviews are fake trolls and bots >the alt right took time out from shit posting about blacks, jews, and Trump to successfully tank a Star wars movie Sales say otherwise, Mr. Mouse
wait what if they start to gross under the prequels with 3x the budget?
Isaac Green
other than anakin i actually like this change
Jace Barnes
>42% jump for TLJ, -75.6% from opening day
Oh my fucking god, people were saying on here it'd be -70% easy, and shills were on here claiming no way. -75.6% is atrocious.
>TLJ 25.5,J 12.8, PP3 11.2,TGS 3.2, F 2.9, D 2.3,C 2, FF 1.5 >Wow for jumanji!!!!!!!!
Liam Nelson
Enjoy this victory while it lasts, cuz you'll end up fucked up hermits or disfonctionnal families very soon against another empire, losers.
Sebastian Richardson
Lucas is a Rian Johnson fan TLJ will surpass BvS' total domestic gross sometime in the next 24 hours worst case, TLJ will be the #6 domestic grossing film of all time you are too dumb to appreciate mild surprises in your lowbrow entertainment products
William Brown
t. dick in a mousetrap
Christopher Evans
>TLJ will surpass BvS' total domestic gross sometime in the next 24 hours
Read what I wrote a second time brainlett
Aiden Nelson
>will surpass BvS' total
Are you really too dumb to understand what a -75.6% drop week on week means?
It means this movie only did well the first week before people had seen it. It ran on nothing but hype and TFA's success. Now that people have seen it, it's dropping like a fucking rock.
It's got a steeper drop than BvS, which is universally recognized as a stinker, near-franchise ender.
The problem isn't that these movies don't make money, they do, that's why they make more. But if they underperform from expectations this much there will be consequences. People have invested expecting returns.
Sebastian Lee
Here's hoping for a steady decline in Star Wars movie revenue.
Adam Kelly
That will be simply delicious.
Daniel Ramirez
the movie is really good disney is happy there will be many more movies just like it you will see all of them your complaining on the cambodian knitting & racism bulletin board amount to shit
Juan Lee
>you will see all of them
You're right, but will I pay? No.
I'm just watching this horseshit to laugh anyway.
Jason Rodriguez
Let me fix that for you youtube.com/watch?v=iH6a1iYQ0GA This is only the beginning. The Rebellion has had it's first major victory. Don't get cocky.
Josiah Price
>wait what if they start to gross under the prequels with 3x the budget?
A disruption in the earnings can only mean one thing.
Jacob Diaz
Mason Taylor
>you will see all of them Have yet to see RO or TLJ. Only saw TFA because my ticket was free. Would've left if I wasn't my buddy's ride.
Carson Diaz
Wyatt Hernandez
Same actually. I ain't watching disney shit. I hate that company.
Honestly, if they've gone with a male white lead the movie would've been watched by people. Even if his partner is John Boyega then everything is fine since both will be a buddy cop relationship.
Samuel Murphy
>Disney crashes Star Wars with no survivors >sells it back to Lucas for half the price they bought it for >Lucas erases Disney nu-canon >fans of the series rejoice, forgiving Lucas for the prequels now that they've glimpsed the horrible alternatives
Jason Nguyen
Now now we can't have white boys having positive role models in the media.
John Rodriguez
maybe they shouldve thought about that before shitting out some marvel flick
If Disney sold Star Wars back to Lucas I'd laugh for years. Let's make it happen.
Isaiah Garcia
>PUDDIN'! >At this point he probably is Goddamn, Batman is savage
John Gray
>Over 70% drop from opening weekend
Oh boy, here comes the meltdowns
Brody Martin
Just got back from finally seeing it. The theater was only half full, and at least five people fell asleep during it. Two walked out.
Mason James
B-bros, what went so wrong??
Landon Cooper
>everyone here ends up alone and dead as failures that never achieved anything and left the galaxy in a worse state than they found it in Kinda takes the shine off it.
Eli Barnes
>2nd weekend drop on par with BvS >On par with BvS
Colton Morgan
Now I won't look like such a sperg to my coworkers when they hear the news The Last Jedi officially sucks. Those guys wouldn't believe me
Angel Brooks
So... flop?
Jeremiah Turner
seedont make an ass out of yourself
Jayden Gray
>MUH ALT RIGHT >MUH WHITE SUPREMACIST >MUH RUSSIAN HACKERS no. the movie was shit, pure and simple.
Caleb Bell
Colton Gray
Solo looks like it's going to be shit as well. Can't wait to see how badly IX is going to suffer for following these two shit shows.
Jordan Cook
That final shot.
Anthony Murphy
I'll just leave this here.
>source: www.the-numbers.com >the 2nd weekend projection is $110 million domestically, putting it at $410 million...drew in the rest of the projection myself based on the other two histories >rosiest scenario of $700 million domestically
Remember that this number effectively doubles on the global take, so overall, it's looking at $1.4 billion...$600 million off TFA. MCU capeshit numbers.
Brayden Garcia
Glad this movie is getting shat on with the lower than expected box office sales.
Joseph Walker
If ESB were to be released today it will receive the same amount of fan backlash and controversy.
Blake Rodriguez
>$600 million off TFA.
Considering most successful trilogies see an increase with each film this is a massive failing
Jaxon Edwards
Uh huh
Jayden Stewart
Word of mouth matters. Maybe not enough to bankrupt the studio or anything, but enough to cut into your profits.
Solution? Stop making shit. Take a "chance" and create work that isn't just an excuse to sell toys.
Anthony Sanchez
I like the one that calles her Vice-admiral gender studies better
Nicholas Lee
>"...audience fervor for Star Wars: The Last Jedi has cooled off like a chilly winter evening on planet Hoth."
Grayson Thomas
It's not about this film, it's about the future. Episode IX is going to make even less
David Jenkins
I predict Solo will have Wonder Woman global numbers, substantially below $1 billion.
This property is in a real shitty place right now.
Adam Peterson
quick rundown on those trips and that webm?
Joshua Davis
they did take a lot of chances but they were stupid. and now star wars is dead.
Samuel Perez
Charles Ward
>I predict Solo will have Wonder Woman global numbers
I honestly see less
Mason Ramirez
Look at that curve before the projection. This could turn out very very badly. And it really just comes down to this weekend.
Charles Powell
youtube.com/watch?v=IYgSpHafqm8 It's going to collapse over a holiday weekend it should rise on and that will be a true gift to all lovers of Star Wars. Kathleen Kennedy will be forgotten.
James Price
But that was always the plan though. Pump out movies til diminishing returns lead to a inverse budget to ratio. When the dust settles they would have made billions. The fact it may happen a year or two early isn’t a big deal to the mouse.
Brody Moore
>and create work that isn't just an excuse to sell toys.
Dont worry, nobody wants toys of their new characters and fans wont buy new Luke stuff because of what Disney did to him.
Aaron Gutierrez
This, also check em. Solo will be closer to Justice League than Wonder Woman.
Jose White
When it comes to wiping out all future hope in the Star Wars universe, Darth Plagueis, Sidious or Jar Jar having nothing on that bitch.
Brayden Gutierrez
I dont even know what's going on anymore. So the resistance are the people in power and the New Order are larpers of the old empire? Then how are they a resistance?
Angel Reyes
nobody knows
Noah Hernandez
Considering studios get 40% from the revenue and the budget + marketing is probably around 400 million that's a profit of what, 300 million for Disney? I bet they were expecting for more.
Cooper Clark
reminder that everything they celebrated has now been undone
Dylan Martinez
Leia is Hillary, Snoke is Trump and Kylo is jilted white male fury at having to yield to the triumphant, vibrant feminine force that is Rey.
Jason Baker
It was in the EU as well
Adam Morris
Imagine being Poe Dameron on that bridge and having to be all like "damn, Admiral Holdo, you tactical genius, all commanding with your tiara and horrific androgynous monster face. I will totally obey your orders without question." when all he really wants to do is fly circles around the imperials posers and shoot them right out of the sky. Like seriously imagine having to be Poe and not only stand at attention while Admiral Knitting Circle flaunts her disgusting face in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her wrinkled and leathery skin, and just stand there, hour after hour, while she pranced about the bridge like she owned it. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on deck tells her she's THE HERO OF THE RESISTANCE and DAMN, ADMIRAL HOLDO LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been taking nothing but a healthy diet of shooting down TIEs and making incredibly difficult assaults for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Corellia. You've never experienced anything this fucking disrespectful before, and now you swear you can taste the smugness that's seeping out of her as she sneers at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to stand there and revel in her "statuesque" (for that is what she calls herself) presence, and listen to her tell you that you need to "calm down" and "follow her orders". And then she calls for all attack missions to be ceased, and you know you could take out every single main gun the Imperials have before they even could launch their fighters, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Poe Dameron. You're not going to lose your combat wings over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Jose Taylor
Carter Morgan
James Green
>luke dies in the film >only Hamill didn't know that >turns out they filmed him getting "exhausted" and after it came out that he trashed this film, they filmed a secret scene with a body double killing him off >Hamill didn't find out until the premier >webm was taken literally outside the theatre after said premier Pretty sad t b h
Logan Foster
They resist the oppression of the new order.
Austin Green
In TFA New Republic controlled half the galaxy, the Empire, reorganized into the First Order, controlled the other half. New Republic was funding terrorist groups within the First Order, called collectively the Resistance, just like the USSR used to fund hippie movements in the US.
That all got shat down the toilet though, so now the First Order is the Galactic Empire, and the Resistance is literally 40 or 50 people.
Austin Gonzalez
>mfw convinced entire family not to go see it
Colton Brown
Would Disney really do that though? They seem pretty hellbent on taking everything and sucking it dry and then hanging the corpse in their themepark as a reminder that they own the products soul.
Bentley Ward
Good. I don't browse Sup Forums much and I've no idea what's the general consensus on TLJ here, but it was genuinely one of the worst things I've ever watched. Usually I don't really care because most movies are complete garbage which is fine and I'm not even a big star wars fag, but holy fuck am I slapping a juicy 0.5 on this bitch on rym
John Clark
Especially since it can't sell on nostalgia over the old stars anymore. IX is facing a huge uphill battle now, the pressure on JJ is enormous.
Christian Collins
o fug that's messed up dood
Jaxson Jones
Does anybody have the link to the full video? I would like to see this with sound and in context.
Juan Carter
Yeah... it makes youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Mdm8rpv045U so much sadder watching it again. Unfortunately I don't have the link, but it's pretty sad seeing that teary eye and look of anger. >the link involves some of the shittalking he did
John Green
>taking disney as canon
Wyatt Hall
>Hamil didn't know that >Secretly filmed the death scene with a body double
Charles Clark
What you said is pretty much the consenus
Brandon Wright
what is this t-shirt actually supposed to mean? female supremacy? I realize I might sound like some kind of paranoid MRI here, but honestly, seriously, genuinely, it's hard to take it any other way.