Can we just agree this fight was pretty fucking cool.
Can we just agree this fight was pretty fucking cool
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Couldn't Kylo save Rey instead
Yes, but some someone post the webm
The Knights of Ren were cool as fuck, indeed!
Loved the lobster guards, very cartoony sequence. Our Guys.
No that's misogyny
Nolan finally has some competition
First half was fucking retarded choreography that just looked and felt stupid.
Last half was pretty sick though
It honestly reminds me of Super Sentai fight scenes. It's a mess of grunts running around and flipping for no reason. This isn't a case of slowing down the fight to one frame per second to criticize how they are actually acting out a fight scene and it becoming obvious at one frame per second. You can watch this fight at full speed and it makes no fucking sense.
I feel like there's a solid meme here somewhere.
NOPE gotta shit on all of it. if your not a contrarian on Sup Forums your a paid shill kike. gtfo
Lightsaber headshot was fun. Reminded me of Logan when he stabbed that old dude in the chest by pressing his hand against him and unsheathing his blades. Or in IT when Billy from stranger things used his switchblade against his fathers neck
Is this just a 2017 thing? Any other similar deaths this year?
>*spins off screen*
They look like unfinished logo figures.
Agreed - epic doesn't even begin to describe it.
Well worth the price of admission especially in IMAX 3D.
I know. I thought those fuckers were just gonna stand there the entire movie.
Haven't seen the movie yet. Is it an actual good fight scene or just a bunch of grown men spinning around in circles?
Why didn’t they just use force moves to kill these scrubs
I wish they just fought the original fuckers though.
were they actually the knights of ren? if so then thats kinda dissapointing
It's better than any fight scene in TFA but nowhere near as good as the Darth Maul battle in Phantom Menace.
lightsaber headshot was the one moment in the movie that had me legitimately excited to see on screen. something i wanted for so long but forgot about, then got to see it out of nowhere on the big screen. Shame the rest of the movie couldnt live up to that single moment.
Jedi uses the force for knowledge and defense, never to attack.
It's a good movie user.
the segmented arm armor just looks stupid and doesn’t seem to fit in with the rest of its look
I trained alongside The Last Jedi
>it was a good movie
I admit, when I first saw it, I liked it. Upon thinking about it, I think that I really just wanted to see Ben and Rey fight on the same side.
Upon a second viewing, I think that I was right. The fight scene itself was poor and lacking substance. It was like watching power rangers.
I wish with all my heart that it was. But saying it doesn't make it so. It hurt to see the franchise in this state.
The lightsaber headshot was pointless and nowhere near as cool as utilizing the fact that your lightsaber can be turned off to break through someone's defenses which has been done in a TOR cinematic but will never be done in a movie because it's actually cool.
You make it sound like AOTC
how dood invincible rey fight off so many guys without training
No they were not and anyone who says that is just trying to spread misinformation.
This is what they are.
Did Kylo just forget he could freeze people with the Force?
Why did't either of them use the Force?
If by "pretty fucking cool" you mean Nolan-tier embarrassing fight choreography, then yes, it was.
That was one of the worst pieces of fight choreography ever, the guards were worse than power rangers and all the timing was way off. One of the guards must have actually been a power ranger because he actually moved like one.
Your right this is better.
He literally saved her by killing Snoke and all she did was throw him a fucking lightsaber, why are people retarded?
>the Prequel fights were too clean and too elegant
>I have an idea, let's try to make a fight scene like the prequel trilogy with cool moves and stuff except the choreography will suck ass, the moves will be pants on head retarded, you will be able to tell they aren't even trying to actually fight when watching at full speed, and the weapons look straight out of power rangers.
Kylo could just force push/choke them.
Pointless fight.
Saw it in imax 3d. It was fucking trash
are you literally retarded
The fight itself was entertaining, but it fucking sucked that it was the only major fight of the movie. I wanted a fucking lightsaber fight, not fighting worthless guards.
Was there one single light saber fight in the whole movie?
I promise you it isn’t
Almost every single aspect of it is either disappointing, infuriating, or outright bad aside from Kylo and maaaybe Chewie hugging Luke
it wouldve been the best sequence in star wars if it ended with a graphic yet tender sex scene 2bh
I was thinking about why did the scene look so bad when everything should've been cool af. I came to conclusion those actors probably couldn't see anything because of the helmets.
Also, no force powers and also no-combat experience Rey fucks nu-emperors bodyguards up.
I swear if these guys were the replacement for the Knights of Ren, fuck these movies
Yea, it wasn’t a good fight, but it was a good idea for a fight and it presented the elements I need to imagine a better fight in high fidelity
When Luke tried to murder his nephew there was a brief clash
u sure they were wearing real costumes?
It looked like CGI, I wouldn't be surprised if they fought in green suits and the armor added in post
Guess they felt we needed more of Kylo looking like a helpless bitch
I still don’t know whether we’re supposef to take him seriously in Ep IX or if he’s just a Joffrey character who’s a weak insecure brat and borderline laughingstock with power
Very. Pure kino.
I'm tired of the "true SW fans hate TLJ" narrative. if you actually liked the old movies, you've been waiting for decades to see these dudes in action.
*drops out of ur hold*
You couldnt see their faces, so they were doa anyway.
Rey already beat him twice. What's the point?
At least Anakin and Luke both lost an arm, all Rey gets is a small cut.
I'm pretty sure because of that one webm which seems to be from behind the scenes and I saw it 2d. Although you could be right which would explain, fuck I don't even remember the name, Kylo? stiff movements. I guess they also wanted this fight to be like the OT but we had just seen Superman-Leia so it was stupid not to go full force.
What would've been neat was if Kylo was mostly fighting with force this time and Rey would've gone more tradtional way. Even better would've been if Kylo was mostly protecting Rey because come-the-fuck-on.
They were way too generic.
They didn't do anything before or after the fight, and they didn't really have reactions to anything.
It would have been way better if they established them as Luke's former Jedi apprentices and Kylo Ren's accomplices, the fight would have had way more weight.
I get that the idea is subverting the idea that the evil Sith's guards are just background characters, but it was more awkward and jarring than surprising.
shouldn't two jedi using the force be able to fucking wreck this set of regular ass guys? why no force push? why no throwing things at them? why don't they simply have superior reflexes?
lightsaber headshot was cool though.
Wish the webm went for about 3 more seconds so you could see kylo stabbing the ground for no reason and leaving himself open for about 3 seconds which not one single enemy takes advantage of
>can block lightsaber with greaves
>but not helmet
Kylo ren isn't a jedi
>weapons block lightsabers
>armor doesn't
Probably one of the worst fight scene ever filmed in a blockbuster movie
These guys are just so pretty to look at. Good thing my wife didn't allow me to buy the lego figma of these guys. But man they're so pretty
Yoda knew what was up, just slam them into a wall
They were Luke's Jedi trainees that joined Kylo Ren
if you're a child.
yeah, Samaria Jack did it better
it was a let-down, as the rest of the movie
Vader slaughtering everyone at the end of Rogue One was better, IMO
I kinda wish they'd actually SAID something though. Like, they have no reaction to seeing their Supreme Leader die? Even a simple "Traitor!" would have sufficed.
>I clapped
Speaking of traitors, why was Phasma such a fucking jobber?
Yes but retards will still post webms and scrutinise every move in a manner that would make almost every fight in the whole series look ridiculous.
it was terrible, not because of the choreography, but because it is essentially a video game.
The tension is diffused with Snoke already dead, nobody believes for a second these guys are going to seriously threaten Rey or Kylo. It does nothing to further the story, lore or characters. No stakes at all. If it took place before the meeting with Snoke it would have served some purpose.
As mindless action it is alright
why didn't Kylo just Choke one, Freeze one and cut him in half, break another one's back with the force and all the edgy cool shit dark side users are supposed to do?
It was 'all right'. You have two powerful Jedi, one especially gifted in the force, and once a-fucking-gain, they forget to use their force powers during the entire fight.
Do you know why people liked the Vader scene in Rogue One? Because he used his god damn magic powers.
They need to stop making fights scene with these fucking gishes, where they just hit stuff with their stick.