what was his plan here
What was his plan here
Look cool.
why are the guards even fighting at this point? Snoke is dead, they've already failed their one objective. Unless it's some sort of "avenge our master and commit seppuku" deal?
do you think it is easy to see anything with these helmets on?
"I can't see shit with this retarded helmet on". So I think he was looking for Rey and Kylo.
I remmeber how Kylo stunned one of them by hitting in the helmet. Armor is not working in SW universe. Also I remember how in Rogue one asian guy beat stormtroopers with a fucking stick and even blinded one guy with a fucking sand.
I don't even know why the fuck. They worked for Kylo so if he kills his boss he's still their boss.
360 and walk away
In Star Wars movies they seem to hire choreographers when the budget is almost used up.
they were devout zealots of Snoke personally.
The armor and its anti lightsaber field is actually torture on their body. Probably why they don't arround like dbz and shit.
post the other one
Them kneeling down giving their allegiance would've been a good twist.
Symbolically, this represents Rian Johnson's "bold new direction" for the series.
>the guy on the left
Wasn't that because they were predicting each others moves?
>OT fags blamed the prequels for being choreographed
damn Nolan can film a action scene I must say
Me, my men, doctor pavel here and only one of you
They were cancelling each other's strikes into parries
Yes. They're kinda taunting each other, yet redditors cry because it's not like OT fights. Guess they've never watched any wuxia.
Forgive us.
We were wrong...so wrong.
>I'll try spinning! That's a good trick!
Can this thread just be bad coreography general and expand to all movies?
>needs to create fanfictiin to justify bad choreography
>he takes his toy advertisement franchise so seriously he can't take a fucking joke
I would post some smug anime girl but I'm not a complete faggot autist