Fuck you, I liked it

Fuck you, I liked it.

So did we.


Would have been kino if Will Smith could actually try not acting like a fuckin nigger. Jesus I cannot stand this dude in any movie lately.

It was aleight couldve been a lot better. My fav parts are the Joe rogan part and faerie part which happen inthe first 10 min

I though black leads got good ratings these days.

>Let's make a District 9 sequel
>Sorry sir, the director won't do it
>I got an idea sir

fucking shit

Legitimately great movie. Only brainlets don't get it or understand it. They keep trying to compare the races to the real world even though they're nothing like the real world. It leaves everyone wanting to know more about the world, and see more from that universe so in my books that's a good thing.

Isn't this how he's always acted in movies?

Except when the director is so bold as to name the (((Elves)))

Fuck you, get better taste.

he had a more up-beat side to his sarcasm when he was younger, he was witty. Now he just comes off as abrupt and rude

The problem is they try to go "SO UH DE UH ORCS AM SPICS RITE??" Which is just as valid as it is invalid, as literally every integrating racial group in the has similar history to how the orcs are portrayed. Everyone from irish to swaheli.

Though the elves are totally jews.

Also hi max.

It was frustrating. Had so much potential and didn't use it.

I kind of wish they had taken all the work Landis and Ayer did in the world building and then hired someone else to come in and do the writing and directing.

It was shit. The people who liked it only liked it because they're nerdy manbabies who think anything with orcs and elves in it is an automatic 8/10.

>Will Smith played a racist, disgruntled cop and didn't have a huge shit eating grin on his face through the entire movie. Bad acting.
You, sir, are a dumb nigger.

I watched about 15 mins...

They named the (((elf)))

It’s a good example of “Show don’t tell”. Plenty of room for a sequel and theorycrafting. Shame we didn’t get to see more Centaur cops. And did Dwarves get namedropped at one point?


>Only complaint is about political shit
How about fuck off Sup Forums and/or SJW.

Literally nothing about that post is a complaint.

Great movie, made me want to read/watch/play more of the urban fantasy genre. Any sugestions?

I'm surprised you made it that far


Shut up. You're trying to make it about politics and you're using that as a reason to shit on the movie, which as far as I'm concerned is an ileggitimate reason to not like am ovie.

Yes Dwarves get name-dropped by the leader of the Fogteeth Clan about how he would party with humans and dwarves in Miami before he moved to L.A.

Shadowrun is the obvious first choice to come to mind. I don't know of any others.

... are you trying to bait or something? I'm putting the orcs in their proper context. It's a straight and honest portrayal of all integrating ethnic groups.

I was disappointed by the end of it. I feel like this premise and story would have been SO much better as a series. Even as a small 4/5 episode one.

On the opposite of this, I think Inhumans could have been vastly improved with a tight movie treatment.


This movie sucked ass.

But even worse, it's a conduit for Sup Forums faggots to project their insecurity about the Jews. When it has nothing to do with Jews explicit. It's about class warfare.

I fucking hate this movie.

shadowrun is probably the closest thing


woah dont need to get aggressive OP
i liked it too man

SJWs hate this movie though.

>it's a great reliance of show don't tell

Did we watch the same fucking movie. There was so much ham handed exposition it was hilarious.

Class warfare and ethnic warfare are inextricably intertwined at this point, by design, to keep people jumping at shadows and thinking social mobility is possible at the same time.

But the elves were totally jews.

He is the least niggerish actor in hollywood. You have fallen over the edge, user.

get the original tabletop RPG with some friends, or the video game Dragonfall on the PC

The ending sets it up for sequels. Netflix has already confirmed the first sequel.

Elf detected


>I hate this movie

I bet you unironically compared high school to prison and political indoctrination. IRL. Out loud.

>EIDF all up in this thread

goddamn guys be a little more subtle

>name the (((elf)))
>your movie gets low reviews and one of your writers is suddenly a rapist everyone knew about


I don't know what you mean by social mobility, but economic mobility is a real thing with people constantly climbing the ladder. I was born into poverty and I'm not poor now. That's evidence that one can move up in the world.

I'm not saying that picture is valid, I'm saying that's what the movie's races were. They were archetypes, not literal races unto themselves. It's painfully obvious. Orcs are the oppressed, uneducated class, elves are the elite 1%.

I wish there had been a black elf; I guess the myriad amount of black and latin people that were not elves wasn't enough to drive this point home.

>it should be a show with X amount of episodes instead of a series of movies

Public school teaches you what to think, not how to think. And yes, putting people into an institution by mandate is a for of imprisonment.

I never thought of any of this in high school, because no one in high school teaches you to think critically.


Shadowrun is awesome.

So Will Smith's wife was an elf right?


She was a human, like most of the humans she was middle-class. Because police salaries are not that immense.

Check out Secret World and Vampire The Masquerade

how are you both right and wrong at the same time and unable to see it?

The reason the social/economic archetypes are represented as (fantasy) races is because you really can't change your social/economic class. Poor people will always see the world as poor people, thinking if they've got a few bucks they're not poor anymore. The rich will never understand needing to work to survive and even stripped of all wealth will gravitate back towards situations where they don't work. The division between people in reality is more than simply net worth or race, its societal. The rich live in a completely different society than the poor and there's no way to cross between, and its been that way for most of human history.

Great movie people on Sup Forums are loving this as well so don't get carried away by 1 Disney guy spamming shill

At least he graduated high school.

I got

Along with some of the other suggestions you got, I would suggest Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere. It was originally a TV mini-series on BBC, which is still entertaining and a very rich world, but feels a bit low-budget and dated. They're supposedly making a new one. Gaiman also adapted Neverwhere into a novel (which is excellent) and later a comic (which is pretty good.)

graduating high school actually makes it harder to think critically

That's total bullshit. People are always moving up or down. There's at least one guy I know who has been rich, been reduced to rags and then built himself up again.

This idea that people can't pull themselves up is nonsense. It's not easy but it's not impossible. It's always easier to remain where you are in life.

>Who is Markus Perrson
and this is just an extreme example.

Then you need to define "rich."

I got about half-way into it and was enjoying it, not overwhelming so but enough that I didn't have a clue what the complaints were about.

The world building was great, I'm pretty right-wing but the race shit didn't bother me at all, the script had some very good (((quips))) without devolving into a comedy, and I'm a sucker for a police procedural buddy cop film.

Then the actual plot began, with the McGuffin and the one-dimensional (even that seems like an understatement) villain. It was pretty bad during all of that, but still not half-star bad like I'm seeing it get on the likes of Letterboxd.

The last 5-10 minutes almost made the rest of it worth watching, though, I loved that debriefing scene in the hospital.

If you say so.

i dont understand why anyone would not like this movie
is it mouse shills upset people are staying home instead of going to see last jedi garbage?

Or who is Brendan Fraser? Or that cast member of Friends who "bought himself a hot meal" with his first paycheck? Just to draw some examples from Sup Forums.

Penn Jilette came from a middle-class family and is now a superstar living in Las Vegas.

And the tens of thousands of other people in the free world who are not famous, but get an education and a good job and make something of themselves.

Notch isn't an extreme example, hes an example of just about exactly how much money it takes to jump to the other social class.

mfw papa john got fired as the owner of papa john's

Downloading it now. My expectations aren't high, but based on the (((critics))), I'd guess it'll be fun after a few beers.

GODDARD instead of landis

F GARY GRAY instead of ayer
think about it for a second. It would've been kino as fuck

Look at this dude, lads. Look at the top of his head.

> im pretty right wing

Stopped reading right there fucking sub human this isnt your safe space go back to stormfront faggot

what a low-effort troll

>Black actor acting like a black policeman is too black for me


Best Netflix movie right there senpai

>all those mouse shills trying to make a woke movie look bad

It was a really good movie. Was expecting some SJW ALL RACES ARE EQUAL type of bullshit, but no, interesting concept and no obvious tropes.

Now that he's a bright I look forward to the sequel where him and zugzug are working for the FBI hunting down wands and keeping the dark lord in check. Stay blooded homie

Brendan fraser is an example of a poor man who, being of poor person's mindset, spends more than he has and ends up destitute because he doesn't know how to stay rich. There's a hundred examples of this for every one person who gets "fuck you money" and keeps it.

>Right wing = NAZZY

Not him but unironically kill yourself.


WOULD have been better as a Netflix miniseries
But as a feature length movie it's fine
The negative reviews are oddly SEETHING and vitriolic. Highly unprofessional
Honestly the lowest score this this film could get is a 6/10. It's a solid buddy cop movie.

there is a difference between being rich and having access to generational wealth and being part of the "old money" crew. there's a point at which you have so much that it becomes nigh impossible for you to truly lose it all. the portfolios are diversified and the bets are hedged.

>prominent fixation on anality
>unprovoked Sup Forums hate
>marxist critique

I thought from the reviews this picture was going to be a gem under crypto-commie attack, but now I'm sure of it.

More like:
>want to remake Stagecoach
>but john Wayne is a centuar

Why didn't they just ride a centaur instead of walking around?

You probably also failed to acknowledge the genius of Abraham Lincoln wiping out zombie hordes.


I want to see centaur toilets

You know the Jews are the progenitors of class warfare and economic subversion, right?

Elves seemed more like old school WASP types than Jews

How come the centaurs aren't required to cover up the rest of their body? Do they get to walk around with their massive horse cocks swinging around?

Shadowrun: Origins

Do you know how I can tell you didn't watch the movie

Would you suck an officer's mighty horse cock to get out of trouble? Keep in mind his jizz would make a real mess.

It's a fascinanting genre i've overlooked until now, thank you very much for the suggestions anons!

It would have been nice to see some of the other races, only non human/orc/elves i saw was a centaur riot cop and the lady with the weird eyes in the strip joint.

Dwarves were explicitly mentioned too.

Why did Will Smith have to act like such a nigger and kill the cute fairy?

The one centaur we saw in the movie did wear centaur pants.

I find it odd how an anti-magic division seemingly had no way to take down magic users, or even have their own.

Then again if they were competent you wouldn't have a film.

In the locker room scene at the police station there's a guy in the background who was either a dwarf or maybe a halfling.

Fairies are pests. The movie made it pretty clear. In many fantasy settings, and in traditional stories, fairies are often portrayed as awful little monsters.

why would they have a way to do that?

it's like getting on the FBI for not knowing where a murder was committed. They are equipped to deal with magic they just don't have a magical super scanner