>you idiots actually recommending viewing in """machete""" order
>skipping The Phantom Menace
>skipping the undisputed GOAT battle theme EVER
just lmao at ur guys life
You idiots actually recommending viewing in """machete""" order
Other urls found in this thread:
I actually like TPM the best of the three prequels, I don't know what that says about me.
> I don't know what that says about me.
you are probably a very five individual.
Everyone either likes TPM or RotS the most. AotC is way worse than both.
That happens in every STAR WaRS movie
Kor - ah!
Rah - tah!
Kor - ah!
Rah - tah- mah!
>you are probably a very five year old individual
That said, TPM wasn't the worst of the prequels
l-libtsager dond exgasst!!! mobie fake!!! mobie nob real... actor do... fake fightie!
doobid moobie....
That happens in every movie period.
Guys, there not actually fighting to the death. Get over it.
You know it makes more sense than you'd think. Not only are they both very young and green but they're both apprentices (well, Obi Wan was until about thirty seconds prior). They're showboating, testing each other, trying to intimidate and prove themselves with exaggerated, complex moves because neither is secure yet.
basically the only movies this doesn't happen in are martial arts films.
So if you don't care about story or acting and just wanna see people beating the shit out of each other for real in cool ways then watch those
While that's partially true, TPM takes it to a whole new level while also leaving the audience with little engagement to what's happening onscreen, simply because young Obi Wan and Qui Gon are lame characters.
People who posts these pictures probably suffer from some kind of lobotomy themselves, but I'll explain it because you apparently cannot understand this otherwise:
Fights being fake is fine.
Fights LOOKING fake is not.
While that certainly would make sense, personally I don't believe this is what Lucas was going for. He probably just wanted his epic fight with ridiculous stunts. But I appreciate the way you look at things, it's an interesting spin on the scene.
I think slojak posting is getting out of control.
I bet you watch batman and look at those fights seriously too faggot
watching movies in any order other than release order is retarded
So just watch the fight on Youtube and skip the rest of the movie.
heehee dey sing da pew pew sords at each ot- WUH!? DOOBL LIGH' SABO!? Wrooooo dis mobie is GUD!
We traveled here from the reaches of space
TPM is literally pointless.
ep 1 should have been ep 2 (how the clone war started, you can remove a ton of garbage still. write in anakin as some teenage slave kid who gets caught up in the war since tatooine is in the outer rim
ep 2 should have been mid clone war. introduce general grievous here. so much content to pick from
ep 3 can be the same, can end clone war earlier even and focus on anakin's complete fall
patrician episode order
The whole concept of the Clone Wars was pretty stupid. What was the narrative purpose of making an army of identical test tube babies when Stormtroopers weren't even clones in the OT? Why not just use normal people for the Republic's army instead of watering down the stakes for the audience?
>machete order
you have to be a special kind of retard to do this. You always watch anything in release order. Every newer movie has references and elements that can only be understood if you saw the previous ones. And a PREQUEL is called a prequel because you watch it AFTER the original. How can people be this dense.
I liked TPM also the best. It was slow and a lot of it was boring but seemed like it was going somewhere interesting that would lead into the OT...but it just never happened. Half way into AOTC it became obvious this prequel trilogy was a mistake.
Because they were called the Clone Wars. "Clone" can be ambiguous, but it pretty much never means regular people. If anything it was the other side being robots that was the bigger loss of potential
Wasn't the dude who ordered the clone troopers eventually turned to the dark side or already dark side at that point but later killed? Pretty sure it was something like that. Then when Obi found them the council just said fuck it and used them
REMINDER that Battle of the Heroes SHITS all over Duel of the Fates and it's NOT EVEN CLOSE
>not posting the GOAT version that uses both Battle of the Heroes AND Duel of the Fates
I really like the action in AoTC though. The last 40 minutes are great. About the only thing I really dislike is yoda turning into a kingdom hearts character at the end. He never should have used a lightsaber. He should have blocked all of dookus blows with the force.
I like AotC a lot. It's also Lexi Belle's favorite SW movie.
I honestly fucking hate Duel of the Fates
Ep 1 has a great movie hidden in an okay movie. Ignore baby Vader and Jar Jar and the rest of it is great. The problem is that those 2 irritating faggots are half the movie.
Ep 3 has a lot of great moments and watching Anakin toast is cathartic as hell. But it's too long and the script/character motivations are retarded. It's my favorite mostly because Palpatine (unironically the greatest character in all of star wars) gets a lot of screen time and shine.
Ep 2 is hot garbage from beginning to end and even worse than TLJ.
But why?
>even worse than TLJ
all prequels are worse if you are completely honest with yourself. Just because the designs and music in the prequels might have been more interesting doesnt make for a better movie. Palpatine was great though.
Get that mouse out of your ass.
TLJ is easily worse than the prequels. Nice visual effects don't make for a better movie. TLJ has plenty of problems from start to finish, from excessive quips to constant plot holes and jumping the shark moments.
why did everyone who had a lightsaber in the prequels do back flips and 360 mctwists during the fight. then we fast forward to 4,5,6, and the few who do fight with them barely even lift 1 leg
whats with all the flippy shit?
yessssss I came to this conclusion today.
gonna push for this order when my nephews get introduced
I hope you get murdered before screwing up the youth
I bet Roman Reigns is your favourite wrestler
you think your slick, dontcha
im not saying that TLJ is great or anything just that its better than the prequels. The writing is better (even if you dont like the plot), it looks better, its better structured, most if not all quips were in line with OT humour actually imo (also compared to prequel humour its almost objectively superior). So yeah i disagree with you and i cant see how anyone would think the prequels are better. I think you just didnt like what happened plot-wise and if looked purely at the plot the prequels are more interesting but its the execution that is more important. A good story is worth nothing if told by crammy dialogue and by trying to show of shitty effects.
Yeah but they never had to set the movie during the Clone Wars in the first place
Vader's a cripple. Luke's a Padawan who started training at 19. And Obi-Wan was played by an old man before things like fight choreography were taken too seriously.
Luke, however, still ran around Dagobah doing somersaults, and was pretty nimble. He could jump high.
I'm torn on this. I rank them like this:
The Last Jedi, while more competently made than the prequels, fucked up certain things that bother me way more than the stuff in the prequels. Borderline character assassination of Luke. Also ruining Finn who was my favorite character in TFA (Which I actually liked). Offing Snoke with no explanation of who the fuck he is. Constant quips ruining the tone every time it managed to get something right. Killing Luke from "forcing too hard". Superman Leia. Rose Rose Binks shitting up the movie.
Occasionally a really interesting idea was introduced, like Kylo wanting to do away with both Jedi and Sith, but then he immediately still wants to do all the Sith shit, making that idea completely pointless. It's a pretty awful movie.
Ep 2 still worse though. It's a 3/10 at best. Not a single good thing to say about it.
running and jumping is far different from 720 half cab varials.
point still stands that it makes the prequels look even more like shit when you take into account that all the new young light saber users treat it more like a sword fight than a gymnastics event
ep1 better than TLJ really? I kinda get that if you didnt like TLJ ep3 is probably better, it has many good parts. But Phantom Menace? I recently rewatched it and it was so incredibly bad. I even tried getting into it (which normally makes movies better) but it didnt even work. For me its a miracle how a film that bad even got made honestly. Do you have a particular reason for liking it? (or at least more than TLJ)
To me, it makes them look distinct from the OT and ST, which is fine. I'd rather we had one trilogy where people were doing flips and shit - and two where they aren't - vs three where the fighting is all characteristically similar.
Whose yard is it anyway?
that battle is fucking terrible.
You can recognize quality. In TPM everybody except for Lucas thought he was going to bring it all together at some point and it would be brilliant so they all tried their hardest.
When you play it like that of course it is terrible
Yeah, I gave my reasoning a bit earlier in the thread. I think a really good 1 hour long movie is hidden in Ep 1. I truly hate Annie and Jar Jar, really all the Gungans. But I really like everything else. Darth Maul was cool. I like the art design in general. Great final fight with emotional resonance. Episode 1 is a bad movie but there is enough good to edge out TLJ for me. I don't blame you for disagreeing.
I honestly don't care it looks kino af
It's not even a bad movie, but it is tonally a 'kids' movie, more than any other SW film. You have to take Jar Jar and "Yippee!" for what it is.
Yeah well hindsight is 20/20
>Start with Ep 2, introduce Grievous
>Make him like the shows, a fearsome Jedi killer
>Eventually Maul dickslaps him because he fucks up too many times or whatever
>Maul dies at some point
>Anakin and Obi-Wan kill Dooku, they think the Sith menace is over because rule of two
>Shit goes down with Sheev
They did if they wanted to cover anything about Anakin/Obi Wan's relationship
The better use of that song