>tfw too dumb for a star wars movie
Tfw too dumb for a star wars movie
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Academics, I need your help to understand The Last Jedi.
Please respond.
>It follows our politics so it's intellectual!
>needlessly create panic and almost cause a mutiny, as well as get many people killed, because too many X chromosomes to tell the man her plan
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand NuWars
When Porg go poo poo pee pee it funny and Snooky like Trump stupid poo poo head, glad he dead haha.
damn, my head hasn't hurt this much since I tried reading Platos grumblings back in highschool before I realized what a shit book it was
For it being so "intellectual" it's quite dumb.
This is the problem with the left right here. They have absolutely fallen in love with thier intellect. Which is the most limited aspect of intelligence. These assholes pick apart and dissect information endlessly going in circles forever without ever seeing the bigger picture .
>new layer of complexity
They were literally the most plastic and shallow characters since the last Disney movie.
we're abandoning critical thought and i don't know what can be scarier than that.
I mean TLJ is a flawed movie with interesting parts but an intellectual one? holy shit.
No, the prequels are the most intellectual Star Wars movies, and only Alex Jones can explain it:
The prequels are so clever nobody but a conspiracy nut can piece together the plot.
"just turn your brain off"
"its an intellectual movie"
The lunatics are running the asylum.
He's right, though.
Look Morty I'm Star Wars Morty!
It's so fucking satisfying to have not seen this piece of shit. They want so badly for us to see it and have to be forced to accept their vision.
Nope. Still haven't seen Wonder Woman or Girlbusters either. Suck my dick, cunts.
Did you read the article? Or did you just read a headline posted to Sup Forums and shit your pants?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand The Last Jedi. The plot is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of ring theory most of it will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Luke’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The TRUE STAR WARS FANS understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these storylines, to realise that they’re not just about space wars- they say something deep about FAMILY ORIGINS that subverts all expectations. As a consequence people who dislike The Last Jedi truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn’t appreciate how risky it is, for instance, the deep emotional impact in TLJ such as Luke’s existential line to Kylo "See you around kid", which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Rian Johnson’s genius unfolds itself on their movie screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
Can someone make an imgur album or compilation of all this awesome titles?
Purple haired independan womyn. Ughhh so bold. What a trail blazer.
>did you not search the sensationalist article on your own accord because OP is a faggot and didnt post a link?
This is the kind of stuff that interests media journalism.
It is not surprising that Star Wars looks deep for them.
Old synthesizers are quite fapable to me.
>OP is a faggot and didnt post a link
OP is deliberately trying to make you angry. It's working.
>tfw to smart to make a good movie
No I think he's highlighting a real article written by actual retards
While this scene looks cool, if you really think about it it's completely stupid to introduce lightspeed fighting to the canon.
So you're telling me that the rebels would use droids to auto pilot ships/x-wings into the Death Star? come on
Getting upset isn't going to disprove my point.
this is getting sad. The movie is just cinematic fast food like all Star Wars
>last 5 books i reads were all higly praised classics
>tfw still can't understand a 2017 Hollywood's blockbuster
why even live lads
You post like you're fat
stronk innepennet womban who don' need no plan
I think I'm done with star wars
>inb4 you'll be back, stop being sensational, nice blog post, etc.
I gave the series without Lucas a shot, it just doesn't work, especially when you're making sequels to a film with a decisive ending. It feels like they're treading water with these movies, just doing the rebels vs. the empire forever and ever. People will bitch about dumb stuff like "ruining Luke" and "too much SJW shit" or whatever, but the real crime is the lack of passion. You can't have a movie written by a board of 13 people and expect it to have any kind of individual vision. You only get one of two things with that type of production: a film where all the opposing people settle halfway so it ends up bland (TFA), or a film where everyone shoves their shit in and it all clashes and becomes a mess (TLJ). Every Star Wars film from here on out will be either one or the other.
It's not even really "Star Wars" anymore without Lucas or his pals involved either, no more than the later Dune novels written by Frank Herbert's son counted as proper Dune novels.
The classics were written by people that were too far behind. Dostoyevsky had a 19th century education. Can't compare with a college educated person from 2017.
it's actually comforting how hard they're shilling this film and trying every trick in the book to get people on board
if this film fails, the progressive push for diversity and masculine female roles completely falls apart
>lol dude just turn your brain off
It's called "operations security". You don't tell every soldier who wanders on the bridge your plan regardless of how bad they want to know. He's a soldier: at the end of the day his job is to follow orders regardless of whether he personally agrees with them. I didn't really like The Last Jedi: I thought the story was all over the place, the space battles didn't make sense, and the CGI was blurry, but people complaining about the Resistance leader not telling someone she clearly doesn't trust about her secret plan, when she has no obligation to do so, is not a fair criticism.
The worship of "intellectualism" prevalent among people in the pop-nerd culture that outright refuse to watch any movies without sci-fi or fantasy elements is always a reliable source of unintentional humor.
it also outs whatever outlets are run by hardcore leftists, if it wasn't obvious before
i mean it's a fucking star wars movie and they're writing essays about how it's deep and smart and necessary
What is this facebook tier trash
Are you a teenager or just a shill?
Everything is hardcore leftist when you're Sup Forums tbf
>“There was a sort of David Lynch-ian scene where Rey goes down into this ‘dark side hole’ and encounters a mirror that turns her into a causal string of herself in the past and the future,”
truly too complex for mortal minds
>media publishing non-stop articles about how if you don't like TLJ, you're the russian alt-right
>"i-if you don't agree with that you're Sup Forums!"
I am in the exact same boat. Though my wife did rent Wonder Woman (I agree to watch it, she wanted to watch some period piece show as an alternative.) She said it was absolutely horrible and she can't believe it had the rating it did on imdb. She is as normie as they get too.
>media publishing non-stop articles about how if you don't like TLJ, you're the russian alt-right
>He's a soldier: at the end of the day his job is to follow orders regardless of whether he personally agrees with them.
nice to see progressives fall back to their
'just following orders' roots
>mfw liberal fascists don't know they're fascists
haven't you been in Sup Forums this week at all?
We both know that's a false equivalence.
Thank god they decided to "subvert" expectations. I mean why would anyone want to see their childhood heros do things when instead they can do nothing!
Why watch as Luke re-enters the fray when instead we can see him do nothing then die!
Why would people want to see a space battles when instead we can watch ships move slowly through space for two hours and learn the value of retreating?
Why let Finn have a heroic sacrifice when we can have the fat ugly Asian tell him "we win by saving the people we love" as a giant laser blasts the resistances last fortress in the background?
Why give Leia a good send off when we can dangle Carrie Fishers corps through space as she flies like superman?
Why deliver on any of the promises made in the force awakens when we could deliver on nothing and make fun of the audience for expecting any resolution or interesting plot developments?
These are problems with a shit script that pretended it was bold and innovative when it was actually lazy and lacks any semblance of subtlety or weight. There is nothing to be excited for in the sequel. The characters have not even known each other or the resistance for a week they have paper thin development and are all extremely uncharismatic except for Adam Driver. I don't care about the relationships between Poe, Rey, Finn, and Rose. If all their characters died in between this movie and the sequel there would be the exact same amount of material to work with in part 9, nothing. This movie is a franchise killer, after this who is honestly excited for what will happen in part 9? Who is excited for the Han Solo movie?
hmm it's almost reminiscent of something..
add alt right to the search, sort by recent
>"alt right trolls are raiding TLJ online scores"
>"Everyone who doesn't like TLJ is a russian alt rightist!"
Pick one, brainlet.
>tfw too dumb to pay for a movie that hates my sex, sexual orientation and race
oh well
>Last year’s Rogue One repeated this strategy, again making a young woman the main protagonist and surrounding her with an almost comically diverse cast of supporting characters. But Rogue One also went further in its subversive representation of geopolitics. It offered an unambiguous response to the pathetic fanboys associated with Sup Forums, MRA movements, and the “alt-right,” who responded to the new films’ politics with hashtags like #boycottstarwars and #whitegenocide. Even if its notoriously troubled production resulted in a film that was less sure-footed than its predecessor, it left no doubt about its ideological agenda: released just weeks after the election of Donald Trump, the film drew a clear distinction between the Empire as a gang of fascist white supremacists and the Rebellion’s embattled coalition of oppressed minorities.
haha these people are FUCKING NUTS
>alt-right claims credit
As an official spokesman for the alt-right, I can neither confirm nor deny these allegations.
They're not saying if you dislike TLJ you must be alt right. Don't be so paranoid.
shut the fuck up faggot, you know what he meant... indulge yourself here:
So we are now in the bargaining stage of grief? It’s worse the the phantom menace fiasco now.
Anyone with half a brain didnt watch the film user.
Implying #BoycottStarWars never happened.
You couldn't browse Sup Forums or Sup Forums without seeing that nigger face in the dunes everywhere for months.
What's it like being on the retarded side of history?
you're dumb as fuck, please don't interact with anyone else today you spineless dicklet
Half of her campaign was "I'm a woman, it's my turn!" and the other half was "Drumpf is literally Hitler"
Haha the alt right would never do cringeworthy rai-
>we're abandoning critical thought
welcome to 2017 you biggoted white male
i just wanan say 1 thing alright?
hey look, an argument I haven't heard before!
>its must be some altreich conspiracy
>russia too
He said "Media says if you don't like TLJ you're a Russian alt rightist". Media doesn't say that.
>you know what he meant
So projection then?
It's true though, this is the actual writer for Rogue 1
This movie condones terrorism.
He said "Media says if you don't like TLJ you're a Russian alt rightist". Media doesn't say that.
>you know what he meant
So projection then?
>M-muh Russia dindu nuffin!
especially an argument never argued against!
What the fuck is leddits problem?
Was Poe a random soldier who wandered on the bridge?
How does it feel being non-white?
that was 4 things user
>calling Star Wars intellectual
>in any context
Is this the standard of American education?
wow this post pisses me off
>this having anything to do with russia hating star wars
Absolutely soy
The proof of TLJ failing is comforting, it means the social conditioning is falling apart
You tell me.
IIRC his rank was captain. This doesn't mean that he was privvy to the leadership's plan.
Oh look its the same fucking image you retards always spam.
Fucking blow your brains out
i don't even know what's going on anymore
who's jewing who?
he was a commander until Leia demoted him for destroying the ship that was about to kill them
>I'll post a neckbeard, that'll refute his argument!
jesus get smoked reddit
They'll stop posting it once you go back.