I just wanted to congratulate my fellow pedes and /poltv/ posters. Together...

I just wanted to congratulate my fellow pedes and /poltv/ posters. Together, we made The Last Jedi bomb hard on RT with tens of thousands of fake reviews. Shadilay, kekistanis!


Christ those people need to be taken out back and shot

Shareblue shill

>your thread gets derailed
>just make another

Haha, we sure showed the SJWs and feminazis. Both on election night, and with TLJ. Praise kek brother!



It's not that Star Wars are divided over the direction of the series. It's this sickening "/poltv/" menace that's the problem.

by all means keep off topic shitposting as though it does something

right on my fellow pede! only kekistani netizens are allowed to shitpost!



Did someone call for shitposting?


Sorry libtard, we BTFO you in November and now we BTFO you again. Stop giving women and minorities roles in Star Wars. This is your last warning.

>"ugh, look at this soyboy libcuck, right guys?"


we need to delete Sup Forums if this website ever wants to start healing.

>we need to delete Sup Forums if this website ever wants to start healing.

yeah look who made this thread

Sup Forums is a bucket and polniggers are shit. destroying the bucket will just spread shit everywhere. the only way the polnigger problem can be fixed is if the cuck mods banned them.

a disgusting Sup Forumstard?

Just make right-wing opinions against the rules. Bam, all problems solved

why would I be?

Fellow MAGApedes unite.

Don't let the nu-male, soyboy, SJW, liberal, (((jew))), shill, cucks get to you.

Probably not a good idea as much as leftists seem to think it is. America tried it and it only brought Nazis back to the mainstream.

going on about women and jews and blacks isnt right-wing, its autistic. im a conservative and i'd like to see every polnigger gassed


So what do we say? Go back to ChapoTrapHouse?

Reporting in! I love how the (((mods))) are on vacation and we can finally have 50% kek-threads on Sup Forums!


Mr Mouse please, it's Christmas. Shills need to be with their families, not on the internet defending your last turd.

The cancer will just spread if you do that.


and you report it and ignore it and it goes away. We win, Sup Forumstards lose forever.



No, you don't. You will only create stagnation of thought and people will get bored and leave.

imagine how mad you'd have to be that your paint-by-numbers committee-designed franchise cash-in was disliked by the hyper-autistic picky fanbase that you yourself willingly joined, so you get onto teevee and decide to insinuate that the only reason anyone could dislike such a magnificent magnum opus as STAR THE LAST JEDI WARS would be if they were a Trumptard

Prove it.


>tfw jewish liberal
>have my own amazon-store to pump out kekistan and other Sup Forums merch

Sure, let me just create a VR simulator of a possible future for you to experience because you fail to understand how fucking retarded you are.


So you are wrong and just talking out of your butt.

>P-please like TLJ, look I'm even LARPing as a trump supporter!

Someone will use this bait as a proof that we fucked with review to mask that the movie sucked more dick than asa akira

>we win
>we did it reddit!


You can continue to be in denial of the fact that you're an SJW all you want. You'll learn in time how wrong you are about everything.

He's LARPing as a plebbit subnormal.

Im right, youre wrong.


>I save gifs of traps
>n-not g-gay I swear

is this an actual paid shill or is this legitimately someone's idea of a good time?

This is me right now living like a king without communist morality chaining me down.

Get rekt faggot.

nah they'll just go to r/the donald


This is /leftypol/'s idea of a "raid", though it could just be the Redditor tranny.

what the h*ck?

does leftypol seriously believe that TLJ is bombing solely because of Trumpers?

Sup Forums was a fucking mistake, it's not a containment board, it's a breeding ground

This has nothing to do with politics, it's just The Mouse hiring their usual group of shills, only the shills are desperate because the movie isn't well liked.

1/3 of threads here are thingly disguised Sup Forums-threads. What the fuck are you even talking about?

this thread's pretty clearly trying to link alt-right dinks who made fake IMDB accounts to reviewbomb it with the massive discontent that actual fans and general moviegoers are experiencing. Mouse shills, possibly, but they're really banking on convincing people that TLJ was actually a great movie and anything else was NAZI VOTEHACKING

Call me a normalfag but I've seen similar shit posted on Facebook, usually by leftists. This movie is definitely political and they wanted TLJ to succeed as a statement in favour of their bullshit.

Sup Forums crybabies are far worse, you guys can't help but shit up a thread if you so much as sniff right wing rhetoric



>but they're really banking on convincing people that TLJ was actually a great movie and anything else was NAZI VOTEHACKING
Yes, so they're mouse shills. Of course The Mouse is trying to make it political because that's the easy way out, but that doesn't mean it is political. Because it's not.

Wow the reddit soyboys from r/chapotraphouse are mad and dumping their 'Fuck Drumpf' folder again

who is this semen demon?

rolling for 17

>not playing 5D cheese in your free time


Honestly I've stopped following Sup Forums after elections (mostly because I'm a Slav and as such Western larping shitposters will constantly remind you that you're not white) so I have no idea how this whole kekistan cringe happened.

and all these things shall come to pass

and Sup Forums wonders why white women prefer black men

Those fuckers are touching Asuka.

why don't you actually visit leftypol and see? protip: no one there gives a shit about star wars or this board