Now that the dust has settled, I think it's safe to say that Sup Forums loves this film. It's really just redit and virgins complaining at this point.
Now that the dust has settled, I think it's safe to say that Sup Forums loves this film...
Yeah it was fucking based. Only normies hate it.
i -really- like kylo, and i hope they have him go through a redemption story and then focus any future films on him
everyone else needs to die ASAP
Literally every argument against it involves either >muh Finn plotline or >muh nostalgia. It was a solid 8/10. Remove Finn and it would be 10/10.
I'm about to go watch this in an hour, I hope I like it. I assume I will since all the prequel hating pleb normies hate this as well.
shit opinion, don't post again
Saw it last night. I'm fuckin torn bros. Some parts really worked for me: the editing/uncanny claymation-y cuts during Rey's training felt fucking great, I enjoyed the new characters (DelToro, Tran, yes even Dern), main cast performances were good all around, it overall had this kind of unsettling and chaotic feeling especially toward the middle, reylo is actually excellent, etc... I even understand what they did with Luke, even if I don't agree with it.
But the shit that was bad was BAD. All the combat tactics felt like the work of a 12 year old playing with toy spaceships. The casino planet was trash and unnecessary. The salt planet was cool and unnecessary. The opening sequence was so fucking quippy and "muh ebin x wing drifts"-y that it soured the rest of the movie. The ending scene unironically felt like it came from a cartoon network ad for some video game. Some of the interior sets looked more Roddenberry than Lucas. No new remarkable music. Binary sunset theme has been raped to death by now and the emotional impact of Luke's death scene was squandered. I can't decide if I liked this, but I had a stronger reaction to it than to any of the prequels, and that may have been all they wanted. I really have no idea what to expect in 9.
Suck your own dick and eat your own shit dipshit.
This movie is terrible and so are you.
I'm sorry but the entire side quest to the casino planet was absolutely fucking pointless and boring. Can't say I loved the film when a decent chunk of it was plain awful. Loved the Rey/Kylo stuff though, that should have been the central focus of the film.
Began the contrarian olympics have.
>kid posing with a broom like he's hot shit
>directed by rian johnson
Literally got up and walked out of the theater
Yeah so did everyone else because that was the last scene idiot. Traffic considerations. Most of us had to piss.
the absolute state of numales
Nice try, reddit, but your autistic brethren there love this movie.
reddit hates this film too kek
the only place where you can find majority defending it is /r/starwars
Do Rey and Kyle really call in love? I’m sorry I haven’t seen it but that’s some retarded fan fix shit right there I don’t see how they could possibly make that not shit
He used the force
im way too invested in this fuckboy why is he so good wtf
Well, /r/starwars is the pinnacle of reddit, isn't it?