>Kathleen Kennedy founded the (Star Wars story) group...putting Kiri Hart...in charge of the unit.
>Ms. Hart’s first move was to make the story group entirely female.
>Today, the Lucasfilm story group is a diverse outlier in Hollywood: five of its members are people of color, and the team includes four women and seven men.
>While writing “The Last Jedi,” the writer-director Rian Johnson moved to San Francisco, spending three months working closely with the story group to develop ideas for the film. Ms. Hart credits Mr. Johnson with the decision to introduce diverse characters for “The Last Jedi.” Of the new cast members, several are women, including Rose Tico, played by Kelly Marie Tran, the first Asian-American women to star in the saga.
>“The characters that end up on screen are there because there is a groundswell of energy around this idea of creating a more honest reflection of the world around us,” Ms. Hart said, “and it’s coming from people all over the process. That feels miraculous, and really hopeful, not just for ‘Star Wars,’ but for movies in general.”


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Can men just have one thing...just one


They shoehorned the chink to appeal to the asian market.
jfc these subversive dogs are disgusting people

thanks for the bump

Seeing the Star Wars franchise crash and burn has been one of my favorite experiences of the year.

Must feel great to be cast because they openly admit need someone who ticks a box.

Western civilization is finished.

Star Wars is the canary in the coal mine.

>"a more honest reflection of the world around us"
It's a fucking fantasy story about space wizards with laser swords


but it has prank phone calls, momma jokes, and nigga pls references. it is about us.

oh right I forgot I was an urban youth

>put women in charge of the story
>it's shit

what did they mean by this?

more like Kiri Fart lmao

stop being so sexist

everyone is expected to be LITTY. if you aren't you are a literal NAZI!!!

what the fuck is that le 56% face bitch staring at?

>tfw you went to a high school with a large black demographic and were mocked for being 'too white' for most of your teenage years
>tfw a black girl almost set you on fire with hairspray and a cigarette lighter in math class one time and the teacher never even noticed

God. And she's beautiful :^)

the age of man is over. Finally there will be peace and security to woman's new empire.

>tfw LITTYral nazi

at last, i truly see

Is she related to Nien Nunb in the nu-canon? Similar kinda look and style of dress

lol just turn your brain off man who cares, stop getting so upset

>was to make the story group entirely female.
Literally fake news
Lucasfilm Story Group has folks like Pablo Hidalgo and Matt Martin in it

me rove powk bhun


That's why it's fucking trash with 98% estrogen

We have 2,800 years of literature. Give up movies and start reading.



why did they just not hyper-space an A-wing down the hole in a new hope? Why did they not just hyper space the core of starkiller? Why did they not just have hyper-space engine torpedoes?

If they got women on the team, they should have at least gotten smart ones.

I've seen chubby asian guys who are more attractive than Rose.

what the fuck

Imagine being Rian sitting in a room with that kind of pressure to make shit diverse.

All of us beta's would bend the knee and you guys fucking know it.

>"Ye- yes that is a great idea Ms. Hart... of course I'm not sexist.

All of us would virtue signal if the mouse was pressuring us.

In fact I see all you edgy fuckers in real life virtue signal the first time a female bothers to talk to you.

You get fucking nothing. You are being expunged from history and soon this planet. Replacement migration, it's beautiful.

Wrongthink books are already hard to find and fantasy books now are some of the most pro-diversity shit ever.

t. dumb cunt


Come on man.

No, adult married men do not do this. They walk the HR line. They do not even TALK about this type of shit.

>tfw a black girl almost set you on fire with hairspray and a cigarette lighter
Literally Litty

>Last Jedi is underperforming by a huge margin
>Toy sales are declining
Can't wait for Elder of Zion Iger to let the guillotines drop.

Why would you read anything written after 1965?

what pressure? I wouldn't care if they blacklisted me,
I would leave with more money than I'd ever need.

Why didn't Obi-Wan send a fireball down the hole? They don't even need spaceships if a Jedi can do literally anything from the afterlife, just fly around in Force-fields lol

11 FUCKING PEOPLE and none of them saw this plot hole, nor the plot hole of the First Order having the ability to hyper-space to the left, right, above, below, in front of, right behind - the rebels at anytime so that they were in range to blow them the fuck up. the entire movie is that fucking chase and no one even thought about this? not only that but all the First Order tie-fighters are equipped to jump into hyper-space as well.

>five of its members are people of color
what color?

I was being placating but you're right. Especially when it comes to fantasy world building rule sets and realism. I am sure at some point someone is going to say Turbo Dyke was just the first to come up with Hyper Space attacks. Literally a simple kinetic strike, like she is Sun Tzu reborn.

As if no one would ever thought to have done it before.

This is the power of feminism. The ability to totally toss away critical thought.

When I saw TFA I remember leaving the theatre and telling my friend " why do I feel like I just watched some girls fan fiction version of star wars?" Looks like I was right.

We get the honor of blowing it all up and leaving them with the ashes.

You are correct. Force ghosts destroying things is another world breaking scenario.

theres warhammer 40k,

It's really amazing how accurate that simple MSPaint image of women getting into a hobby is.

Much more than hyperspace missiles IMO

>It's okay to practice gender discrimination if it's in favor of women.

>only consists of jews and "people of color"

No, if there is something where the demogaphic is a large majority of men, preferably white, then it will be targeted by feminism and sjw's.

And it backfires, since the actual reason there is so little female representation in these male niches is because women aren't interested in them, for example comics are (up until recently) marketed towards males because they are the ones interested in them, gossip/fashion magazines are marketed towards females because they are the ones interested.

But now there can't be a niche for males, even one as small as comics, so we get forced 'diversity' resulting in comics no one buys and the death of comic shops.

This will repeat everywhere there is a male dominated interest except for sports, due to the physical attributes of reality making it impossible to have females and males competing against eachother.

You realize, of course, that everything you've said is based on speculation and propaganda

>Po confronts pink haired turbodyke
>"What is plan?"
>Turbodyke "Don't have plan"
>Po "I have plan, need help"
>Tubodyke "No help for plan"
>Po uses 50% of movie for subplot with plan that would've saved everyone on the entire fleet
>Po's plan stopped by treacherous turbodyke and grannny Leia
>Turbodyke "I had secret plan all along"
>Turbodyke's plan murders everyone except a handful of essential characters who live because of a fluke
>even Turbodyke dead... good plan
>Entire resistance now 10 people
>Everyone cheers
>Happy ending


i onle liek moobies when pipoo on screen lok like mee

>hiring people based on race or gender rather than skill

and we're the racists

>casting a woman makes a character "diverse"

I'm so sick of this sjw double-speak. It's all a bunch of nonsense.

Do they have any idea how crazy they sound to people who aren't part of their echo chamber.

>>Turbodyke's plan murders everyone except a handful of essential characters who live because of a fluke
That fluke was Poe's plan, though. They took a big chance on finding the right hacker and they didn't, they found some broke piece of shit who sold them out.
How did DJ know about the shuttles, anyway? Did Finn and Rose even know about them?

so that's why it fucking sucked then

Sadly, Social Justice is even coming to Warhammer.


If you actually think that women and black people being in Disney Star Wars is what’s wrong with Disney Star Wars you might be fucking retarded. These films’ failures from a critical standpoint have virtually nothing to do with any of that. Complain about the film’s actual flaws, not shit like this.

She looks like someone just told her she couldn't have any more snacks while on set.

>a more honest reflection of the world around us,

strange this. Literally nothing creative about Star Wars ever came from a woman or nigger, yet they shoe-horn themselves into these franchise and claim it as evidence that they are capable of creativity. It's actually something extraordinary to watch

It is based on bitter experience at this point.

you realize everyone knows it and you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube?

and yet ironically it was only critically praised because women and niggers were shoe-horned into it, which is a big checkmark for libtards

that's just them trying to salvage a badly written movie

If women and blacks want better representation why can't they come up with something original? why is everything they do a form of appropriation or re-branding? Do they not have any culture or creative spark for themselves?

The issue is that, when you start asking questions about the decisions involved in bringing this script to the screen, you get into the identities of the people on the committees that approved those decisions. The politics of race and gender behind this movie are hard to ignore, especially when they fucked up the whole 'class' aspect of the story so badly.
>Princess Leia (oh, I'm sorry, General Organa) and her fellow in privilege Amilyn Holdo (who met Leia in the Junior Senate Club or something and clearly only has her job because of nepotism) are in charge of a fleet fighting to overthrow a repressive quasi-Imperial government
>The people leading your Space People's Liberation Army are an unrepentant literal princess and her hand-picked upper-class purple-blooded cunt of a protege
The only proles in these new movies are the poor fags who get conscripted into the FO.

the problem with liberals is that in the obama years their minds got infected with a brain parasite called "identity politics", this parasite over rides all economic sense in order to push a cultural political agenda. The main audience is male? well now its time to insult him and cater to cat ladies that post on tumbelr who never bought the product and never will.

This of course leads to disaster.

Be like nintendo disney. Dont give into the sjw morons.

>make diversity a priority rather than story
>backlash ensues

Every time.

Poe's plan actually is what resulted in the First Order figuring out that the transports were being cloaked. Holdo's actions toward Poe directly led to his creation of said plan, however. It was all one big self-fulfilling prophecy created because Holdo could't be bothered to let Poe, or the audience for that matter, know what the plan was. He was fully on board with it once he woke up on the transport vessel.

>get a bunch of fucking subhumans to write a movie
>people wonder why its shit

The fault was still the Turbodyke's. If she had told Po she had a plan he never would've tried his own subversive plan. He was clearly loyal, why keep it a goddamn secret? He could've possibly even found some way to help the Turbodyke. Or she could've put some resources behind his plan and sent some professionals to get the codebreaker and not Finn who is a well documented fuckup. The turbodyke's entire plan revolved around the entire imperial fleet just not noticing 20 ships moving together in a big ass swarm, gunning it full tilt for the only nearby planet and when they got there hiding in hole with their backs against the wall, which is just tactically terrible. Again, Po's plan at least would've ensured they actually all escaped but due to the leadership of the fleet, he was forced to work around their stupidity.

I can't believe people have such a hard time seeing this, the movie is a clusterfuck with no clear protagonist and no likable characters.
>He was clearly loyal
He just got demoted for disobeying orders, literally in the scene before he confronts the Admiral.
At least spell his fucking name right. The Oscar Isaac Defense Force is just as retarded as I thought.

We literally Star Wars now, shitlords.

stuff like this makes me glad Trump won

Get Out was original.

Why? Is Trump going to do something about bad movies?

>The characters that end up on screen are there because there is a groundswell of energy around this idea of creating a more honest reflection of the world around us
Why would a distant galaxy reflect our world? What kind of garbage is this?

not really, its just a sign that the public at large is rejecting this push to this shit being the cultural norm of the United States, which gives me solace

Trump makes them eternally butthurt so at least that's one big middle finger to them before we go extinct.

Yes, we can see the propaganda the left are pushing with these acts of forced diversity.

I don't think you're right. I think most people accept this stuff for what it is and like it.

someone should post that picture which tells the story of some ceo who is a woman who ended up completely regretting forming her all-female workgroup, they ended up fighting with each other 24/7

women literally want male colleagues because they don't want to deal with hormone shit

Yeah he disobeyed orders cause time and time again they were shit orders coming some a couple cat ladies back on the fleet

Even in the first battle they lost like what, 6 bombers? Say maybe 10 fighters? The little readout thing Leia looked at showed like 20 ships total and about 1/3rd made it back. Maybe 32 people total were manning those ships? How many people do you think were on that cruiser? A thousand or so? And they stopped a giant ass superweapon that might as well have been a Death Star in terms of firepower.

Luke & Han get a ceremony and medals, but Po gets shit on for disobeying orders. What's even more absurd is that Po's orders originally put him there to do exactly what he did and the fleet authorized those bombers to attack, so at some point the General thought it was a good idea too even though he disobeyed orders. The fact that he disobeyed just made him the convenient whipping boy when shit went south.

>a couple cat ladies back on the fleet
You mean his commanding officers?


thats one of the only ones i can think of. it only seems that jews, whites, and asians are the only creatives in storytelling media (books, comics, tv, film), anything that blacks, arabs, and indians do is either a rehash a story/franchise or move their way up through the ranks to represent themselves in a story/franchise.

The real plot hole is that a Resistance/Rebellion frigate wouldn’t be able to outrun a Star Destroyer in the first place. The VERY first shot of ANH establishes that an ISD can keep pace with a blockade runner.

>Ms. Hart’s first move was to make the story group entirely female.

For what purpose? Were they good writers? Did they understand Star Wars? Were they die-hard Star Wars fans and had passion for the subject? Or did they just have vaginas? Fuck you Kathleen.

>accept this stuff for what it is
oh i do, i do

That's what a majority looks like, yes.

>Ms. Hart’s first move was to make the story group entirely female.

that seems awfully sexist?

Watching it all go wrong.

Why didn't one of the FOSDs go out ahead of Snoke's giant-ass star destroyer? Surely they didn't ALL have to match pace with that thing. They must have had something smaller than an SD that could have given fighters and bombers support while the main body of the fleet stayed with Snoke's ship.
What the FUCK

Rose isn't bad. Not exactly someone who would be cast by Asians as a lead in an Asian movie, but as a side character? Sure. She's cute in her own way. … But that hair. That hair is a definite NO.