You guys are just being blinded
They aren't wrong. Most of the butthurt is either:
>butthurt OT/EU fanboys going MUH LUKE!
>butthurt PT fanboys going NO 40 MINUTE LIGHTSABER FIGHT REEEE
>completely ruin established characters
>completely ruin an established history
yeah guys it's just nostalgia isn't it?
samefag, also wrong
time to take the rose-tinted glasses off and admit it tv
Really? Almost all the bitching has been fanboys going NOT MUH STAR WARS or retarded Sup Forums fags getting mad women do something in the movie.
will you stop!
The casino shit was totally justifiable. No one I know cares about the resistance at this point. Reylo is the only game in town.
Damn, the mouse is going full on damage control
You just proved them right. MUH STAR WARS LORE
I only feel nostalgia for the prequels. What about it?
i just saw rogue one and it was pretty alright except for the terrible cgi boy that completely distracted me from everything else in the movie OMG WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT THIS WAS OKAY.
i was going to make a thread about this but it seems like literally every other thread on this board is already about star wars.
>Could the movie be a shitty Star Wars Movie ?
>No it must be the nostalgias fault
Everyday its something else those clickbait sites blame its really getting pathetic
Of course long time fans of starwars don't like seeing sequels lower quality than the original.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to not realize this?
>heyyy come see this movie cause of your nostalgia
>heeyyyy don't forget to disregard your nostalgia!
>disney star wars movies inconsistent with what we know about the force and other stuff from the original trilogy
>samefag, also wrong
actually i like how they kill nostagia (like Mummy 2017 did, for example) but SW got more problems
>hyperspeed ramming as new most effective method
>poe Marvel-tier "joke"
>superman Leia
>casino subplot
>"brilliant" plan of pink haired admiral
>chewie give nothing to do, usually he had small but strong moments
>no enough aliens, almost all the time we see human... in a fucking galaxy - OT had tattooine bar, jabba and shits, prequels had diverse aliens too, but here? nothing, just human and very few aliens
these are my main complains
Name one thing that was inconsistent with the other films.
its funny no one had all these excuses when Bladerunner rebooted (or any other failed reboot)
>movie is making millions as a sequel to a 1977 movie , with established fan-base.
>if you dont like it nostagia is bad.
>hyperspace kamikaze bullshit ruins the entire point of the OT
>lmao just stop being so nostalgic bro!
This is their 6th article in 3 days trying to justify this shit movie by saying "the audience is wrong". Eat shit ign
They literally said that stories and characters that are established don't matter, and that Rian has every right to just throw it all out the window if he wanted to.
Nostalgia worked for episode 7 because it just needed to introduce new characters and provide action set pieces. Its not something to carry an entire trilogy of movies. All the last jedi needed was to have a plot that actually moves forward and wasn't dogshit awful so their characters can be interesting. But the director wanted to throw themes down the throats of the audience so much that he forgot to make a good plot
>The Tumblr Effect: How You Can Misinterpret Subjectivity as Objectivity
female ghostbusters 2.0
Bladerunner was A SEXISM, user, it portrayed a future of WHITE MALES and Warner Bros didn't even send us a care package fuck em
>hyperspeed ramming as new most effective method
A suicide tactic that causes immense destruction as a method of last resort.
>poe Marvel-tier "joke"
Better than Jar Jar stepping in PooDoo or getting farted on by an alien horse
>superman Leia
>casino subplot
Legitimate complaint since it relates to the actual film
>"brilliant" plan of pink haired admiral
Her plan would of worked if it wasn't for DJ
>chewie give nothing to do, usually he had small but strong moments
That's all he needs to be. Solo will have him in a larger role
>no enough aliens, almost all the time we see human... in a fucking galaxy - OT had tattooine bar, jabba and shits, prequels had diverse aliens too, but here? nothing, just human and very few aliens
What? Canto Bight was full of new aliens. In fact, a lot of fanboys cry they don't see "classic" aliens in these film but rather new ones.
Disney on full damage control. Kek
>A suicide tactic that causes immense destruction as a method of last resort.
you fucking shills are unreal
It's a sequel and did a pretty good fucking job of not being nostalgia bait imagine Ford saying stuff like "ya need one of these kid *hands blaster*"
>Film is a critical darling, breaking box office records
>Damage control!
Pick one
>article write admits in the comments he didn't even watch the movie before writing this
I've been rewatching scenes from the OT on YouTube. They're better than I remember because when I saw those movies originally I was a little kid who couldn't understand more than laser sword fighting, space ships, and the force being space magic. Now I see so, so much more.
You must use a large cruiser as ammo in order to do it. A small xwing will not do the same damage as a ship the size of a small city.
>losing fanbase
>not thinking long term
The soy is not making you think straight.
Force sensitive people can suddenly develop advanced Force powers all on their own (broom boy, Rey).
Where were all these non-Jedi aligned Force users prior to the Disney stuff? Wouldn't it be kind of easy to abuse such powers, also invalidating the threat/rarity of the Sith?
>A suicide tactic
The same movie had BB8 successfully operate an AT-ST. A droid could easily do what Holdo did.
You don't even need a full ship. Scrap the life support, the guns, the hangar. Just leave an engine and a mass of steel and you have a warhead.
She probably didn't even reach hyperspeed, so the effects could have been even deadlier.
Every single one of the retarded fans that swore they would never see another SW film after TFA went and saw TLJ. They are literal sheep who will see anything. Besides, Disney does not need the fanboys since these movies print money with casual movie goers.
>a franchise based on nostalgia ruined this movie
Lol wut?
>ad hominem response
Too easy
You mean just like Luke in the OT? The force is magic not fucking DBZ power levels. PT ruined the force.
try dropping a penny on someone's head from a sky scraper
keep shilling faggot
this is pathetic. It's just a shitty popcorn movie
Her method was improvised since the original plan was to go down with the ship. It's a homage to old war films.
Wouldn't TLJ be doing just as well as TFA if that was true?
>appealing to the Solo 'movie'
you're desperate
Luke was the son of Vader so he was somewhat of an exception (plus he didn't start manifesting tangible powers until after starting to train with Obiwan and Yoda)
>you must use a large cruiser as ammo
No. You must propel anything with a lot of mass at hyperspeed. They could easily design something for this purpose.
A 5kg rock at the speed of light releases an amount of energy orders of magnitude greater than the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan. An x-wing would destroy an entire fleet. A cruiser that size would murder everyone, including the fleeing rebels, and would cause severe damage to the planet (if not destroy it as well).
Lol the butthurt of disney and the obvious shilling of IGN.
They dont care anymore.
her plan was last hope, she clearly had no plan and transporters were just random thiong when fuel was almost out
poe said it is suicide, and he had some fight experience on field
>full of new alines
aliens in casino were just background, they could make that police alien spieces for exmple, but no, they made again human, all new aliens are nothing more than just background.
>a desire for consistently written characters in an established narrative is nostalgia
A penny from a skyscraper will not destroy a cruise liner. If you could launch a car from a rail gun you could rip a giant hole in it however.
Why are these people defending this movie like their lives depend on it?
>Nostalgia is ruining Star wars
>Han Solo movie is coming out next year
Disney is being extremely autistic right now
This is your brain on soy.
literally REEEEEEEEEEE lmao
decades later is a reboot
But look at its effectiveness. She crippled the main fleet of a major galactic power. Why not weaponize that?
The mouse gets what the mouse wants
>>hyperspeed ramming as new most effective method
In what way? She didn't destroy Snoke's ship.
Not a single alien gets a speaking role.
Don’t even bother trying to defend hyperspace ramming shill. You won’t win.
only because she didn't hit the bridge
so are they finally admitting people hate the movie?
>fuck the audience they are wrong and i am right
sounds like a sound argument
But thats the entire franchise.
Ridley Scott wanted to direct but he was busy so got Villeneuve and he still produced it. This isn't a disney tier reboot with other people in charge.
Not really. TFA was a cultural event of mega hype since it was the return of the franchise. Disney has been open from before the film opened they do not expect to repeat those numbers.
In the context of the OT Vader was from nobody special. Neither was the emperor, Yoda, or Obi-wan. Why is Rey different? Luke used the force to grab the lightsaber in the Wampa cave with no training other than deflecting laser blasts with a helmet on.
Which is why it's a bad tactic. The only reason it worked is because the Supremacy was so massive. Good luck aiming that at a smaller ship.
She crippled his ship and destroyed the other ones nearby. It's a weapon that can bypass shields and is largely unavoidable.
The FO is a major galactic player. One suicide maneuver took out their main fleet.
>In the context of the OT Vader was from nobody special. Neither was the emperor, Yoda, or Obi-wan. Why is Rey different?
You shills are fucking retards
Did you fucking watch the movie? The world carries on the mechanics of replicants change, their is a blackout, Tyrell is dead and Wallace has taken over it's how a sequel would be not a fucking reboot like your 4 failed capeshit movies
>Where were all these non-Jedi aligned Force users prior to the Disney stuff?
Same issue with Jedi training. They had Jedi training for kids, Anakin was too old to be trained even when in grade school, Luke was too old etc but now hey look Rey can do all this shit with no training.
Disney doesn't give a shit about the lore or past films, they just want everyone up to speed and at max power levels to hurry up the story lines.
They had a real chance to do a once in a life time sort of unheard of return of older icon level movie hero characters and they squandered all of it. I don't care they were not leads anymore or this or that one gets killed off etc. That's fine, that's story telling. Yet even with the Force Awakens why bring back Han Solo so that Rey can lecture him on how to fly/fix his own damn ship, that she has never seen before in her life. It's just bizarre and a total waste of a rare opportunity to really do something different.
if they estabilished aliens as communicative, they could give them something to do, no chewie's response to Rey doesn't count
aliens are literally a background. in OT and prequels they were part of universe, cooexisting with rest (Obi's friend in that bar, kamino talll ones) not just a background image
Jesus this just makes IGN and Disney look terrible
>Good luck aiming that at a smaller ship
You would use smaller ammunition for smaller ships. Like X-wings, which we know can also achieve hyperspeed.
>How can Rey be so powerful if she isn't a Skywalker/Obi-wan/whoever
>Doesn't matter if all the other Jedi were from no one either.
It’s going to make half what TFA did ya shill pinhead
>list jedi and sith that went through years of training
>it doesnt matter
I... beg your pardon? Did we watch the same movie? And how fucking far did you have to move that goal post? What would be better than hyperspace ramming? Shooting your couple of turbo lasers at the enemy’s shields? Fucking hell shills need to learn physics if they think that hitting ANYTHING at light speed isn’t the most effective way to do damage. That kind of kinetic weapon would destroy a planet, hence why it breaks lore.
>feeling nostalgic yet? ;) ;)
Only on Sup Forums is a billion dollars a flop
just off yourself
They brought the story nowhere, it is a regressive plot hole mess.
Every time I see Sasha, I fall in love all over again...
Excuses needed for Jurassic World: 0
Luke barley went through training. Once again the PT's legacy of raping the lore of the force is on display. What was once a reflection of faith, will power and focus was turned into Harry Potter by having a school, power levels and fucking prophecies.
No it doesn't. In today's society this is all the ammo needed by the rest of the Internet to vilify the dissenters.
You are WRONG to find this movie bad. It's STAR WARS for crying out loud! And look how strong Rose is!
What Force powers did the broom boy demonstrate?
The only way to justify the physics of Holdo's suicide is if she didn't even achieve hyperspeed before collision.
So imagine what could be done with a ship that does get to light speed.
Fuck. That doesn't even consider that they're often moving FASTER than light anyway, to move around the galaxy so quickly.
Wow they really cant accept the fact that the new star wars sucks.
>Make a stupid point
>j-just off yourself
I win
To them the critics were objective. Objectivity to Disney mean agreeing with them. This is what Disney thinks of themselves.
>Luke barley went through training.
And was son of the most naturally gifted force user of all time, but still had some training and was useless at a lot of stuff still.
Rey is a nobody who doesnt need any training to be good at everything.
Wrong. I loved Disney movies as a kid and I still love Disney movies decades later. The title should be "How shitty stories and crappy actors destroy movies."
>obvious shilling
Well at least IGN is being more forward about it.
The other Jedi were presumably trained from a very young age. And this makes sense because where do you see Force autodidacts running around before Disney-wars? You don't, it was always the assumption that it was very difficult to get past the Force-sensitive stage for anyone that wasn't a special-case like Luke/Anakin.
>And was son of the most naturally gifted force user of all time,
Bullshit from the PT doesn't count. No where in the OT is it stated Vader is the most powerful force user off all time. Rey is the answer to Kylo. Snoke explains this.