Other urls found in this thread:
>you have to eat all the fish
And the shitty rice
But Jiro-sama, that's just a spoonful of rice and a piece of raw fish.
I came for Dong post, but why 900$ now?
Holy shit, Snoke is Jiro.
That will be 1000$ + tip sir
supply and demand, his restaurant got famous and people have to reserve months/years in advance to get a seat so he can charge whatever the fuck as long as people keep coming
that'rr be 500 dorrars prus tip
all memes aside how much does he really charge?
>Please refrain from taking photos of the sushi. The only sure way of enjoying Jiro's sushi is to concentrate on dining.
The audacity of a fucking nip to tell me not to take photos.
americans btfo
The basic course is 300 000 yen, so about 300 dollars.
A bold synthesis.
He forgot the soy sauce!
give me your wallet you fucking white pig
But that´s wro.... Here is your you, faggot.
I don't see why people are so triggered by this. He is the undisputed best in the world. Three michelin stars and all. You want the best, you pay the highest price. It's as simple as that.
>donation + tip
The $ goes before the value
I want the advance course.
he cant keep getting away with it!
If there's a Jiro thread there's gotta be that old asian massage guy I forgot his name
>a perfectly cut and (un)cooked piece of meat is just a perfectly cut and (un)cooked piece of meat.
Until you go beyond cooking it to a proper temperature, to find out things like:
The diet of the cow? What breed? What was it fed? How old was it? How did you cook it? Just a sear and indirect heat, or reverse sear? Did you age it? Maybe the cow was started on grass, and finished on corn, but maybe you requested they add beer or sake to its diet, and you have a new flavor compound in there, a new aromatic. What cut? How thick? How long was it aged? How much do you trim it? Do you salt and pepper the beef? What kind of salt? Heck, what kind of pepper? When do you add it? You're cooking it over wood, so what type of wood? What mix of woods? Maybe you wet the wood and it releases a certain type of smoke, or you use a mix of green and dry wood for a certain type of smoke.
And that's just ONE ingredient, steak. You're talking about 4, now? Holy shit. We have rice from every prefecture in Japan to choose from, of every age and maturity. We have any vinegar to choose from, in any sugar ratio, and any seaweed, roasted in a myriad of ways, aged and dried and cured in different ways, from different bays and different parts of the ocean. Cooked to a myriad of moisture contents and temperatures, to a different softness each time. Then you have each fish, which is an entirely different animal, with a different history, swam in different waters, different diets, different seasons, different sizes, can be aged different ways, has different aromatic compounds that can be accentuated differently and treated with different nitsume, marinated differently.
They use the safe rice for every piece of fish. And it's the safe sauce brushed on to.
And then you serve it to someone who has absolutely no idea about any of that shit. So what´s the point ?
Ahaha you fucking faggot
Sure, it might be lost on a lot of people, but it's not lost on the obsessive chef, and it's not lost on SOME of the clientele. We're talking about Japan--people in Japan have been eating raw fish and rice their whole lives, they damn well better have a palate for it. I think I do, and I'm a landlocked gaijin in America. This is very subtle cooking, but these people are taking it very seriously, putting a lot of thought into it, and honestly, if you don't have a palate for it already, you just don't go.
what the fuck did you do to robert
>enjoy the movie smoothskin
Does he not get that you're supposed to take the intestinal tract out? That green substance is faeces.
>make shitty meme food (sushi)
>build up some silly auroa around it (food) as if its some mystical eastern bullshit
>stupid white hipsters think its deep
>they willingly fork over $500 from their rich parents to eat rice+fish just because you told them "I work rearry hard!"
Is Jiro the greatest scammer ever?
Have you been making and serving sushi for over 60 years?
Didn't think so.
And here comes the clueless poltard!
>if you don't have a palate for it already, you just don't go.
>tfw the hole left from a devoid of meaning from not believing in god has led you to defending a guy whos famous for over charging for shitty food
>Here, eat this shit
>...I'm not eating shit.
>but I have over sixty years experience
>I don't care. You would have to be senile to serve up faecal matter.
See how that works? He probably does it because it's traditional, but so what? It's disease-ridden and tastes awful. Do old-timey carpenters still put in asbestos because it's traditional? No.
im currently eating and this image made me feel quite unwell
what a runt
I think it's wasabi
no, its uhpdoge
100,000 dollars isn't that much money
What's up dog?
How many people ITT ate tendies within the past week? Past two weeks? Past 30 days?
Epic! XD
GDPs amirites?
holy shit is that picture real?!
jiro nightmares of assrape
this is the "No!" of jiro-threads at this point.
I like sush a lot, but I can assure you the quallity of Jiro's stuff isn't that much better than probably one of the lesser-known but high-end chefs in Tokyo, but you might be paying 20-30% more.
Moreover, in terms of quality, there are places in the US (LA/SF) that are just as good but far cheaper.
fuck you on about
gotta charge high prices to pay off those bills for their supa japanese steel knives folded over 9000 times
he's right
more flavor
Is it just me or does it keep getting higher
>Jiro Dreams of Popcorn
>I do the same thing over and over, improving bit by bit. There is arways a yearning to achieve more. I'rr continue to crimb, trying to reach the top, but no one knows where the top is.
>$400! Small popcorn cup! Prus tip! You pay now!
>Take Rice
>Put some fish scraps over it
>Charge $900 dollars per piece
>Americans actuall accept it
>Even line up and tell me how good it is