>Welcome to class. I'm your teacher, Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. What is your favorite film?
What do you say?
>Welcome to class. I'm your teacher, Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. What is your favorite film?
What do you say?
Damn, I would have just created a Paterson thread if I knew there was someone else here that had actually watched it.
what is gender studies
fuck marry kill
based chad
brown hair blue eyes
glasses girl
everyone else
>What is your favorite film?
I've dealt with plenty of hothead teachers like you in my time, and you're the last thing we need right now. So just shut up and follow my orders, is that clear?
Why is everybody saying she was just a feminazi? She seemed a normal character to me
Based Chad. I would fuck with that pretentious bitch too.
discussing art from a gender theory perspective
Is this missing a panel or what?
>13 minutes of unchecked QUINTS
this board really is reddit. check'd
the joke is that Chad knows Persepolis is a city in Iran, and is therefore able to name a hypothetical porno set in persepolis in response to the question posed by the professor. This comes as a surprise to the pretentious student, who named the film 'Persepolis' to attempt to seem smarter than the others.
No, it's just a story-based comic so not every strip is going to end on a Marvel-style quip.
I got some amazing quints earlier and not a single person replied to them. I think it was 22222. You failed me.
A Serbian Film
Lawrence of Arabia/John Carpenter's The Thing/Master and Commander: Far Side of the World
Ugh. All of these fail the Bechdel test. What is your problem?
Doctor Zhivago, Brief Encounter, and The Bridge On The River Kwai.
>A Lean night
dude, wheres my car
marxism for retarded women
>drags random Sup Forums shit into the thread
Sup Forumstards.
did you read the OP?
>>Welcome to class. I'm your teacher, Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. What is your favorite film?
What is political about this OP?
Nothing, it's nothing. Whatever you "learn" from it quickly crumbles against the tide of reality, and that's the reason why tumblr exists.
>Nothing, it's nothing.
I saw you in the Star Wars thread.
Because hurr pink hair.
inb4 the Sup Forumstard posts his little infographic with the picture of the author
>What is your favorite film?
Chevaliers du Ciel.
Take that, SJW's!
>literally a French comic book movie but since the title is French it sounds like an art film
have you watched the movie?
She's literally just a normal military person except she has a soft voice and wears a dress so the alt-rightards on the internet hate her.