What the F**K did I just watch?
What the F**K did I just watch?
Kino, you watched kino.
kubrick's shit film
>inb4 MUH 2001 GINO
A crap film by an autistic director
It's pretty straightforward, retard.
Kubrick's best film.
Care to elaborate? I know you won't, pussy.
t. satanists
If you can't appreciate this movie, try again in ten years.
P.S. pizzagate is real
This, but unironically. Eyes Wide Shut and Paths of Glory are the only great films Kubrick ever made.
>M-Muh deeper meaning! Too smart for you lmao!
Fuck Kubrick, he’s a complete hack.
Kubrick's pleb filter
Why are you so assblasted?
A commentary on marital infidelity.
Still can't back up that claim?
What do YOU watch?
I like how Kubrick movies trigger autists so easily
How did you even get to watch a rated R movie?
This is one of the very few movies i wish i could see for the first time again
They'll never say. Sup Forums is THE definitive pussy board. Ever wonder why top 5 threads slide so fast? Everybody's scared of their own opinion.
Someone tell me I'm wrong but... This movie seemed to be particularly shallow compared to other Kubrick movies. It seemed there wasn't really much going on or an important point the movie was trying to get across.
Am I wrong?