Take down the shields or I'll shoot your blaster-proof armor

Take down the shields or I'll shoot your blaster-proof armor

>[happily disables shields rather than alerting base to intruders]

>lowers the shields
>wasn't shot for betrayal

How did she manage to get away with this?

god he literally does like a gorilla holding a gun

Worst character ever.


The comics clear that bit up.
They depict her as duplicitous as all hell and have her chase down some FO pilot whom she shifts the blame to before excuting him.
This all happens in the short time between TFA and TLJ, so it's nonsensical by default, since the whole of TLJ directly connects to TFA and spans 18hours and a bit.

Almost every character in TFA is competeing for that position

>forcing audiences to read your shitty comics that no one read instead of presenting that information in the fucking movie that everyone actually saw

The bit about her blaster proof armor wasn't canon prior to TLJ. It was put into the film to make her seem more badass, allowing the sales of more toys.

at first glance I thought his hip went by the green line, then I realised the red line is his actual hip. What happens here? Does he have that weird syndrome that makes you pear shaped?

Of course. Isn't it wonderful? They've found out how to make DLC for movies.
I know the prequels had missing backstory for some characters, but they told you a complete story every time. The timeskips implied stuff going on on the side like with the OT, they didn't leave vital parts out.

That is blatantly the same armor though, so it was retroactively blasterproof the whole time.

Yes actually, he has a woman's shoulder/hip ratio for some reason

Why was Phasma just wandering around alone if she has the authority to single-handedly lower the shields around the doomsday weapon without any authorization or safety measures in a way that apparently can't be overridden by people who would presumably be monitoring such an important thing
And how did they just so happen to stumble across her in a planet-wide facility

negro hips

Even without the armor it's retarded.

>Turn off the shields so we can destroy this planet and kill everyone on it including you
>if you don't we kill you



She should have been a double agent for the Resistance

What is the point of her, why does she exist. I haven't watched TLJ, but is anything about her elaberated on? Or is she another Snoke in that she's fucking pointless and just existed because why not.

why not just make all the soldiers blasterproof?

Inconsistencies and plotholes to progress the story forward and ensuring a win for the "good guys". I want a film where the resistance faction you're supposed to be rooting for gets utterly btfo.

Hi there


lmao cause he is black

>How did she manage to get away with this?
Same way Krylo got away with killing Big Snoke.
They're all two-faced liars.

Makes me laugh literally every time.


Real world reason?
Prop recycling. The armor was actually made for Driver as Kylo Ren, but at the last second JJ decided that they would go for wannabe-Vader with a Stahlhelm voicechanger mask instead. So now there is a cool set of chrome armor sitting around, and no freakishly tall person to wear it.
So they think about what to do with it. And they have a bright idea: Brienne of Tarth is approximately the same height as Driver, cast her and make her the first female Stormtrooper! People who care about gender will love it!
And so Phasma was written into the movie, simply replacing a few no-name FO officer extras in any scenes she talks and put into the background where she doesn't.
That's why she doesn't behave like a person clad in armor from head to toe and wanders around on her own.

He also has only half a torso.

>Gets thrown in a trash compactor as Starkiller Base is about to explode
>Escapes the trash compactor and the destruction of a fucking planet
>Doesn't get executed for treason
Every character in these movies is so fucking bad and every bit of action is so poorly conveyed that I don't even understand how they can look like professionals made them

>You now understand why the bowcaster doesn't catapult Kylo off the walkway even though he only wears a robe instead of unbreakable chrome armor or at least stormtrooper gear

she frames some FO officer for it in the comics

I read the fucking post about the fucking comics in this fucking thread, that still doesn't explain how she got out of a fucking trash compactor and off of the fucking planet.


The comics actually do cover that bit, too. But it's easier to just say she just managed to climb out and steal a shuttle in 6 minutes.

If you shoot someone close up theres no damage drop. Her armor can only block pistol damage from a medium or greater distance if she makes a fortitude save.

Blocks out for Harambe

I do not like comic books, stop telling me that the information I want is in a comic book! It's even more enraging than the plot holes themselves!

She's not expanded upon. She just reappears for 2 minutes and gets thrown into a firepit.

Look at his lips

>she's fucking pointless and just existed because why not.
exactly, it's a bummer because i think its a good character concept

Why does Finn need a nemesis?

Fuck off neckbeard


It is there, but it also spans a time frame between the movies that TLJ proves cannot exist. So it is just damage control in itself and ultimately pointless, since she dies this time. If she does come back from falling into the flaming inferno of the underbelly of a 60 mile wide ship, it's obviously a retcon.

>posting on tv
>calling anyone a neckbeard

I don't care about any of the characters except for Kylo and Rey.

I'm not sure if you're joking or not

He doesn't. They just built a tin can and had to put a flat-chested 6 foot 2 person in there because it looked so nice but didn't fulfill their expectations for the big baddie. In comes Gwendoline Christie.

why someone would shoot a man before taking their armor off?

>Three Hero vs Three Villan theme
>"Look, I didn't waste $2000 building this crome armor for nothing. Work it in!"

These new films being filled with weird looking people ironically reflects the state of Disney Wars. More machine now than heart, twisted and evil.

>>Three Hero vs Three Villan theme
Ah fuck I just realized Hux is supposed to be the 'evil' Poe
This is so gay

>I want a film where the resistance faction you're supposed to be rooting for gets utterly btfo.

That's kinda what happened in TLJ. At the end, you kinda wonder how the resistance makes it out of bed without facing complete failure.

He has an extra X chromosome.

>shoot a man
I would have shot her with my blaster if you know what I mean.


how did she survive? didn't they space her out in the last movie?

Poe's blaster looks pretty boring compared to the other weapons in Star Wars. It's like a caricature of a blaster.

"Blah blah blah i hate this movie because it has a black dude and some women in it".

Kylo is best boi though.

Well, whose job is it to make them interesting characters?

Why did they even bother casting a somewhat-name like Gwendoline? The part could be played by some absolute nobody. Hell, the part might as well not exist.

for the buzz? Like, "she's that bitch from GoT!"

I hate this movie because the characters and story suck

The armor was made for driver. He is of above average height. They didn't use it after making it, and they didn't want to waste it. So they needed someone of Driver's height to fit in. Gwendoline fits the bill, doesn't need a refitting for her breastplate, and can bring in the GoT audience. And feminist brownie points good for PR.

Well, he's a caricature of a character, so it fits. They wrote Finn like one of those funny talking animals that every animated Disney movie used to have. Like the lobster in Arielle and the meerkat in Lion King.

>They wrote Finn like one of those funny talking animals that every animated Disney movie used to have
you're right

They did the same to Rose and Hux. They'll start to sing come Episode IX.

Why do the stormtroopers bother at all with armour when it’s completely ineffective against even small arms fire?

It's an esthetic choice so you'd know who the bad guys are?


Flak/enviromental armor. Fighting in ships can be dangerous beyond enemy shooting.

I was never bothered by that until I saw them as incompetent and easily dispatched by randos in Rogue One like they were by the son and daughter of Force Jesus and Space Cowboy Man and the Amazing Walking Carpet. They should really have given them a buff in that movie to sell the "Empire capable of oppressing the galaxy" vibe.

>quotes literally 10 people
Kid you're mad as fuck.

I mean, actually it's worse in Rogue One than ever before, because the goofiest I can remember Stormtroopers being in the old OT is the Scouttrooper whose speeder Luke slices in half, the one whizzing into a tree. In Rogue One you get:
>blind man dispatching whole platoon while quipping "Is your foot alright"
>big blaster man oneshotting the reinforcements
>bunny bubblebutt knocking them out 5 on 1 with a baton
>bunny bubblebutt pulling one's leg, he goes merrily flying off the cliffside

They introduced the Death Troopers to make Stormtroopers scary again (also toys), they show off tanks patrolling the streets to visualise the everyday oppression, and then they fuck it all up by making the average Stormtrooper even more the butt off a joke than the OT did.

oh did i hurt widdle fee fees? its ok sweetie

>Female soldiers

You mean like The Empire Strikes Back?

I never said that, I didn't even mind TFA at first, but it needed TLJ to fix and answer some of the questions it originally raised, but since it didn't, and instead just raised even more questions was confusingly inconsistent, TFA being so dependent on the quality of TLJ, sucks, because TLJ was a heaping pile of shit

Because JJ wanted to fuck Gwendoline Christie

>how are we going to take down the shields?
>i used to clean the toilets on one of the small ships stationed in a back ass corner of the galaxy so I know the layouts of all first order ships, planets, and bases by heart

In ESB, the Rebel Fleet escapes the Empire succesfully in the beginning, then scatters for safety reasons, and only regroups at the end of the movie. Y'know, like the Resistance should've done in this movie instead of flying in a straight line after forgetting to refuel in anticipation of an attack.
The only people that get BTFO are Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie and the droids, our main heroes. Meanwhile this time, the Resistance is whittled down to maybe two dozen men and women.

Who in their right mind would not eat her pusspuss standing up.

>movie sucks lol
>do i fit in yet

You don't fuck Gwendoline, you get fucked

>>>/reddit/ is that way

And you're going to tell her how much you love it.

>Can we please paint her green and cast her as Shehulk in the MCU

Literally a fucking primate.

unironically the only feminist actress i don't mind. she seems feminine and natural as a person and is tall enough to play a strong warrior even if its a retarded concept.

>doesn't need a refitting for her breastplate

>that huge
>that laugh

literally a real life chewbacca


It almost looks like she is trying to molest or grope him here.