Jodiekino edition
Jodiekino edition
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Was The Curse of Fatal Death a magical ritual by Moffat to become showrunner? How do we explain the fact that it contained a microcosm of his entire era and even has the exact same ending?
i dont really find her attractive desu
Who you find attractive ?
Sess is too pure to fap to. Hope she covers Five-Ish Doctors at some point.
Doctor Who is dead.
>balls! i've still got balls!
Why do the early PDAs suffer from being the Doctors head in a swirly vortex with maybe a companion or monster to his side
Has anyone seen the Black Mirror episode with Jodie in? I watched it yesterday and she's pretty good in it.
Want to be a part of /who/ secret santa? Here's how!
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user requests a the Radical Doctor Lym requests Jess art. ?
user requests art of a Ironside trying to make tea. ?
Gallifrey_Immigrant requests art of Mary Elizabeth Winstead as a Doctor.
Post your lists!
Don't want a physical gift? Make a request for OC arts, Vocaroo holiday greeting, or something else maybe? Perhaps someone will fulfill your request!
Merry /who/mas!
Will add them to the copy pasta for the next thread.
>Has anyone seen the Black Mirror episode with Jodie in? I watched it yesterday and she's pretty good in it.
watching anything else than DW, what a pleb
>he actually watches the show and doesn''t just shitpost about it
That's an empty wishlist
Don't exist
I withdrew myself
j e n n a
Every single recon
marco polo in the stream
There is a time-traveller from far future who has enjoyed the show for its over 300 years run, but his favourite era has been under a showrunner called Steven Moffat.
And one day he thinks, what's the point of having a time machine if you don't get to meet your heroes? So off he goes to 1990s Britain. But he can't find Moffat anywhere. No one's heard of him, not even his family have any idea who the time traveller is talking about.
Moffat literally doesn't exist. The time traveller panics. He can't bear the thought of a Doctor Who series without the Moffat era. Luckily he'd brought all of his Moffat episode scripts for himto sign. So he copies out all the epsiodes, and the specials and he gets them produced. He becomes the Moffat. And history continues with barely a feather ruffled.
So the question remains. Who put those scripts together in the first place? Who really wrote The Curse of Fatal Death?
god-tier feet
We didn't have fancy things like 'cover design budget' back then, it was either this or VNA-style off model illustrations.
what's the link to the stream? do I need any browser extensions?
You need to install a virus to watch the stream
Tch, fine. But it will be a respectful fap.
cytu dot com slash r slash casualwhostream
you'll need to install a script which allows google drive videos
but there's an instruction when you get there
>there are people out there who disagree with a female doctor
ummmmm sweetie, the doctor is genderfluid now.
Love and Monsters is pleb filter.
He speaks
he's a fag now
Is Love and Monsters the Doctor Who version of the Room?
Or is that The End of Time?
>Is Love and Monsters the Doctor Who version of the Room?
Colin Baker is
>Or is that The End of Time?
that was shit on toast, mate
Should Tennant have regenerated at the end of Waters of Mars?
Honestly no. As much as I hate EoT, 10 sacrificing himself to save Wilf is better than him getting somehow 'punished' for his moment of hubris in WoM.
Reminder that Bad Wolf was called "Gameshow World!" at one point.
Reminder that The Eleventh Hour was called The Doctor Returns at one point
Capaldi era working titles
Time Heist - Time Theft / Break In
In the Forest of the Night > Child's Play
Dark Water > The Gates of Paradise
Last Christmas > The Dreaming / Santa Claus
Under the Lake > Ghost in the Machine
The Woman Who Lived > The Knightmare
Face the Raven > Trap Street
The Pilot > A Star In Her Eye
Knock Knock > The Haunted Hub
Empress of Mars > The Empress of Mars
The Doctor Falls > Floor 507
used to be friends with him on youtube in our community of video creators in like 2007 and 8
>The Woman Who Lived > The Knightmare
>Face the Raven > Trap Street
>the knightmare on trap street
What are the most KINO Moffat episode titles?
>Heaven Sent
>The Empty Child
>The Girl in the Fireplace
>The Eleventh Hour
>The Pandorica Opens
>The Impossible Astronaut
>Let's Kill Hitler
Heaven Sent the Empty Child to the Girl in the Fireplace at the Eleventh Hour, as the Pandorica Opened and the Impossible Astronaut Killed Hitler
Just rewatched TDOTD. I wonder how 9 decided to call himself the Doctor again? Could it have been his first vow to himself or did he do something that made him realise he could be redeemed? I bet Briggs is saving a story idea like that if Eccleston ever comes back. Or he'll do it himself.
should have been that if talalay directed them
Where's the Christmas Special hype?
look at all those Jodie feet
War literally decides to call himself the Doctor again at the end of 'Day'. As for how 9 remembers this, given 9 clearly thinks he still destroyed Gallifrey, dunno
pearl on cbeebies at 6:50pm
is it canon?
sounds erotic
The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar. Utterly kino titles, almost moreso for the fact they are completely tonally dissonant from the episodes themselves.
>when you eat Doritos and the cheesy dust gets all over your hands
They're obviously cool titles he came up with either before writing the episodes or just came up with them one day irrespective of the stories and ran with 'em.
>tfw no 12/Missy story with occult symbolism and mythological witchcraft themes
I actually sort of like The Gates of Paradise and The Knightmare better desu
>that Capal
>Ghost in the Machine
Didn't Rachel Talalay shot a movie with the same name?
The Gates of Paradise & Death in Heaven = KINO
Stop bullying RTD
RTD is fine, S2 is for plebs
I might write a fanfiction where Sesska is the Doctor.
What's wrong with Smith?
Immigrant approves that
Nothing, it's the only good DW-related promo art I could find which has him pointing at the viewer.
t. plebs
>eventually we will get a promo pic of 13 in the new TARDIS
I'm not ready
t. mean faggot who doesn't respect opinions
What kind of outfits would we like future Doctors to wear, /who/?
I've thought of:
Elizabethan ruff
Motorbike leathers
Carmen from the Opera
Red Monk
Edwardian pilot
Goth Lolita
General pretty but nondescript dresses
Going to watch some sesskino
Don't fap
>mfw it's released immediately after TUaT airs
>t. mean faggot who doesn't respect opinions
>tfw doctor who fans spend a lot of time hating RTD episodes instead of enjoying what they like
t. Oncoming
>implying I like any of this shit
Every episode from every era deserves nothing but contempt and I say that as a fan.
The kitchen tardis
>Bill's line about the TARDIS being like a kitchen was foreshadowing
Is this canon?