Why does Jay have such an awful taste in cinema?
Why does Jay have such an awful taste in cinema?
He went to film school and hated the other students for being pretentious so he overrated pleb shit in order not to be like them.
But Jay loves the Neon Demon, you master ruseman.
because RLM are all homosexuals
but he didnt like only god forgives. that makes him a pleb
Me and Jay, share the same taste in movies.
what has jay said about Okja and Silence ?
Is Elle any good?
He only likes Lynch
Yes, excellent satire, though of course, it does contain disturbing content regarding rape.
Jay is a stupid pleb. Hes a typical "le ironic" trash person who does nothing but watches "so bad they are good xD!" movies. He has no real appreciation for the art of film and only has an adolescent joy and wonder at special effects used to make a mutants head explode or something. He doesnt even hide this.
He said they were boring and slow
Why do you have such awful photoshop skills?
Literally nothing. OPs image is nonsense.
I love going through RLM videos and finding moments when Mike sees through his alcoholism and realises the depressing state of his unfulfilling life
Most of the movies you say he praised were actually lukewarm recommendations.
Jay has the best taste of anyone at RLM, desu
Do you guys think Jay has a big penis? Asking for a friend
He actually was somewhat famous when the plinkett reviews came out, and he probably regrets not acting on that (he literally had Ebert talking about him and praising him) to make stupid shitty "le ironic xD!" crap
Only God Forgives is total trash, this is non-negotiable you wannabe contrarian.
No, it's small compared to Mike's/
Soy. He's such a beta bitch.
only god forgives is good. it's not as good as drive or neon demon, but it's still good none the less
the next half in the bag will feature HIS GAY WEDDING
How much of his """career""" did he kill when he made the snarky non Mary Sue gibe
>he probably regrets not acting on that
what was he supposed to do? become a gimmick performer and act like Plinkett on stage?
>I love being an autistic faggot that graphs my worthlessness onto the headcanon I've created about internet personalities
This. Everyone says he looks better than he used to, but before he looked like someone who could probably stand a good chance in a fight but now he's so filled up with soy he'll get knocked out in one hit.
But he liked neon demon. What is this meme picture.
He has a studio in Milwaukee and gets to make whatever he wants with his bros. They're at the point with Patreon subs that they do alright for themselves. He's living the dream and he gets to make projects in his own time rather than putting out shitty clickbait like every other two-bit youtube channel.
wheel and deal and make connections. He was invited to a few film festivals and he even had Tim Heidecker on an episode. He has much more potential than sitting around with his jerk off loser friends and watching shitty old 80s action movies and laughing at them.
why does no one ever talk about the bit in botw when he literally blocks the screen with his hands so he doesn't look at the naked man? that's supreme cock sucking repressed faggotry confirmed
>wheel and deal and make connections
You have literally no clue what you're talking about. This sounds like something my ignorant grandmother would say
so your problem is that he's not a sellout?
This pic is pure lies.
>The Neon Demon
He loved it.
>Knight of Cups
>Song to Song
>Toni Erdmann
>A Cure for Wellness
He hasn't commented on any of those films.
>Blade Runner
He doesn't like it but he respects it.
>Blair Witch
>Hardcore Henry
>Doctor Strange
He didn't like them.
You mean when he blocks the screen so he doesn't have to look at a violent knife wound
Jay likes Lynch
Hi Jay
there were plenty of gory shots and the fagged out at the one that had a naked man
So...he's a fag because he DIDN'T want to look at a dick?
>e-celeb thread
Why does Sup Forums care about these hacks? Every other board shits on e-celebs, Sup Forums is the only one that has people who can't formulate opinion on something until their favorite e-celebs tells them how to feel about it.
>Why does Sup Forums care about these hacks?
Friend simulator
hi mike
lol "e celeb" film and tv are passive entertainment, you watch with your eyeballs, youtube is no different than something that would be on either medium. they produce things with cameras lighting mic and other equipment. it's not the same thing as video game e celebs because games are something you play.
yeah just turn your head not freak out and rush to block it with your hands
He looks back at the screen with his hand still up. He clearly wanted to be able to see a bit of the screen to know when the shot was over.
because he thinks people will look at him in that scene and think "lol jay likes dicks!" he tries really hard to send the message of "n-no no I like boobies! I love vaginas men are gross!!!!" the same way aidsmoby goes "guys this is homophobic and wrong, I don't think like this I'm a good person"
>dat autistic headcanon
The enjoyability of a work is not synonymous with its quality.
>that unironic RLM shillery
it's ok to be gay, Jay, I promise Drumpf won't deport you
He doesn't, Sup Forums does
He likes movies like Society
dude he's getting married to a man, he's out
because of film buff cred, what he really likes is horror and le b-movies
is this why it didn't work out between him and gillian?
His face was so bloated and he looked older. How did he do it?
yes, it makes sense too that "I'M DYING LAUREN" was him virtue signalling about his sexuality. He made an absolute fool of himself, "but hey, at least they don't know I'm gay!"
Hardcore Henry is great tho
maybe if you are a little kid
>what he really likes is horror and b-movies
...So Society.