I agree with A Cure For Wellness. I don't agree with It Comes At Night
Include TLJ and Transformers.
Almost every movie this year was pure shit.
It comes at night is a pleb filter.
A cure for welllness was great, why do people hate it so much?
because it was an hour longer than it needed to be
xD Got eem amirite
Cure for Wellness started well, but man did it ever go to shit
The third act was laughably bad, plus it was way too long
No, it's a dishonest shitty drama marketed as horror.
Not even the producer had faith in that garbage and had to literally trick people into watching it
It Comes at Night doesn't deserve to be considered one of the worst movies of the year. Rings, The Mummy, The House, The Emoji Movie, Despicable Me 3, Transformers 5, Justice
League, Annabelle: Creation, and Underworld: Blood Wars came out this year.
I know that it's like beating a dead horse, but this piece of shit absolutely HAS to be mentioned. It's basically a 90 minute commercial.
>too long
not an argument
Just watched Neon Demon. This might be the worst movie I have ever watched.
The Bye Bye Man and The Emoji Movie.
At least it's well shot and has a visual style. You must not have seen too many bad movies in your life.
90 minute commercial for what?
baby driver
a ghost story
the square
t2 trainspotting
get out
the snowman
Criticizing a movie for being longer than it needs to be is a valid argument.
Candy Crush, some music streaming app, youtube, Just Dance
its artsy shutter island meets the mummy
It's a shitty animated mockbuster produced by The Asylum.
As someone who didn't bother to watch it, I'd assume they're saying it's a commercial for Sony products. That's what The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and the Ghostbisters reboot did.
Except it's nowhere near as good as Shutter Island. It did feel like a bargain bin copy of it though
>well shot and has a visual style
I still have never watched "Drive", how much was it like ND because this is shit.
>a cure for wellness
Eat shit
Baby Driver and A Ghost Story were great. Aside from the underwritten romance between the car chase sequences, and the five-hour scene of a woman stress-eating a pie in real-time.
>bites into A Cure For Wellness reel
I borderline hated Drive when I first saw it, but it grew on me after rewatching it. Winding Refn's movies are similar to one another, so I'd guess you wouldn't be too fond of Drive either.
Because the ending was terrible and ruined the whole movie.
Too long and thinks it is smart. Definitely nowhere near the worst mvoie of the year, or even the worst pseudo artsy movie of the yesr
>Baby Driver
don't get much worser
I thought GotG 2 was a huge step down from 1
It might be Wright's worst movie, but I'll be damned if it wasn't entertaining, well-choreographed, and well-edited.
yeah its kinda implied that the movie sucks
Unironically this
Other way around.
A Cure For Welness is great.
it comes at night was pretty good imo. yes "it was marketed as horror!!!!!!!" but i don't pay attention to marketing or trailers anyway. i thought it was good.
a cure for wellness, on the other hand, i didn't like but wouldn't say it is the worst of the year. i fell asleep towards the end. plus i don't think dehaan was good for that role.
wonder woman
Actual worst film of the year, reporting in
The Circle
Clever way to get good movie recommendations OP
Why is there an octopus in the tub? Is the octopus doing naughty Japanese things to her?
Justice League
Dead Man Tell No Tales
Murder on the Orient Express
Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Song to Song
Beauty and the Beast
The Lost Brother
T2 trainspotting lived up to my expectations. Solid 8/10
I enjoyed it but the ending was stupid. Also it had like 3 fucking scenes that seemed like ending before the actual end
I guess you don't appreciate good ambience huh?
You must have shit taste m8