Has there ever been a bigger fuck up than this? I honestly can't think of one.
Has there ever been a bigger fuck up than this? I honestly can't think of one
Answer me
Fuck off, it was pretty decent.
Highlander 2: The Quickening.
Both films have a surprising amount in common, honestly.
Highlander wasn’t a huge franchise AND they were kind of in a rock and a hard place with the finale of the first.
This was a golden ticket that they just didn’t need to wipe their asses with and they did just that. I’m more shocked then mad about it. How could you fuck up this goddamn badly, more then the prequels did!?
The Phantom Menace.
Indiana Jones 4
Sup Forumsbabies sure love their star wars threads. disney is still making billions, really makes you think
Matrix sequels
i liked it
i thought force awakens was shit
rian is a good writer/director and his job here was to fix that fucking hack's episode 7 so being a movie that does just that, it's pretty damn decent
jj go study photography and leave film you fucking no talent hack suck my black asshole
cant wait til rian gets his own trilogy
Episode 1.
This, but switch 4 and 3 as well as 7 and R1.
Rian will not be getting his own trilogy after the less than expected returns on TLJ.
Disney could have put out 2hrs of porg footage as TLJ and it would have still made a billion.
If this tanks the franchise, then there might not be a bigger fuck up. If this is just seen as a bump in the road, then, for example, Waterworld would be a bigger fuck up.
Agreed, I thought TLJ was the best star wars movie we've gotten since the OT
No. Even the prequels, shit as they are, didn't flopped or got much backlash right away. It's the first time I see normies rejecting a blockbuster this bad.
If you dont remember the public disappointment from TPM you arent old enough to post here, if you think people are anywhere near as disappointed in TLJ as in TPM your delusional
Spider-Man 3. Nothing compares to the sense of loss first watching Spider-Man 3. It could have been one of the GOATs of movie trilogies, right there with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. But that 3rd fucking movie, man. Why did it all go horribly wrong?
Born in 91, don't remember the TPM public disappointment, nor AOTC, I remember seeing ROTS in theatres and loving it with everyone else, everybody clapped at both showings I saw.
This one has just been a disaster, TLJ is fucking deserving of every bit of backlash it's getting.
Godzilla 1998 and Jurassic Park 3 come to mind
You were fucking 8 oh course you didnt see the outcry, you were still sucking on your mothers tit
It was melodramatic but it wasn't that bad.
Oh, but I was there, and I remember very well. A lot of people didn't liked; everyone hated Jar Jar, midchlorians, Obi-Wan been trained by Qui-Gon instead of Yoda and so on. And they hated AOTC even more. And ROTS was trashed right away, the NOOOOO scene became a meme instantly.
HOWEVER, none of those prequels flopped like the TLJ or got trashed by normies. The fanboys hated, but everyone else loved and buyed those fucking toys and sabers. Even the fanboys who hated. Every new prequel movie was hyped as fucl, people waiting in the lines to buy tickets MONTHS before the release.
TLJ is being hated by normies, the toys are not selling (happened with TFA and Rouge One too) and it's sinking in the box office. No one was hyped for this one. On month before the release even Sup Forums was like "eh, so the new SW, anyone cares?". They fucked up with TFA and got one more chance with TLJ. But they fucked again. With the Solo movie already looking like shit and just one more movie to go, the mouse will have to work very hard to unjust this franchise.
>none of those prequels flopped like the TLJ or got trashed by normies
You do realize the "normies" trashing TLJ are just star wars fanboys. Star wars is very very very much "normie" business hence the reason these movies make much more than the prequels.
The prequels.
Alien 3
But they rebooted, two times. They can't reboot Star Wars right now.
...I think.
I just heard yesterday a something like 12 year old girl asking her father why they didn't hyperram before if it was possible.
My normie friends all hated it too. There are some plebs among my aquointances who loved it, but it is very divisive.
It really is amazing how Sup Forums threads strongly correlate with the arrival of shit like Star Wars or capeshit.
The alien franchise still make money and they can reboot as much as they want. Same with Predator and Terminator. Reboot Star Wars will be impossible, they can maybe delay IX, but who knows what will happen.
It' gets worse since this is a trilogy, with an weak start and then they fucked the second one. Can't see how they will recover from this.
the last airbender my man. no one can top that
Sorry but youre wrong bud.
What people don't realize is that SW isn't in needing of being saved, Disney is transforming it to fit exactly what they want it to do, they need it to be something they sell to kids... The inclusion of the old cast in the first few new films was to get 30- 50 year old parents to take their kids to see the new characters disney is making to hook these kids in... the killing of the old characters make SW for the new generation, the one that wants all the toys and clothes and shwag... Disney knows how to deal their crack and in this case its to the new generations... SW doesn't need saved, its got new breath breathed into it, just not for your sake... say good bye to it bc now its a money printing press and your children are the product...
As other poster said not a huge franchise but this is still a great comparison
When 2 came out and completely shut on the lore
I was mad
3 tried to retcon
Van Peebles is a 2017 black living in the 80s
Only Highlander is the original
Honorable mention to the TV show which still was crap
You have to go back.
>liked it
>Right-wingers are bad because they care more about culture and less about money!
This is where we're at.
The Battle of the Five Armies
I liked it. Didn't expect that from Disney.
>Disney is transforming it to fit exactly what they want it to do
So, crashing was always part of the plan.
>Saves your shitty manchild franchise
>inb4 BvS
He literally unJUSTed BvS but Tsujihara and Goyer’s work damage was already irreparable
not /tv, but...
>embracing shitty ideology invented in 19th century by the G*rmans
you will never stop being a cuck
>If you dont remember the public disappointment from TPM you arent old enough to post here, if you think people are anywhere near as disappointed in TLJ as in TPM your delusional
Actually in 1999 the delusion was still so strong that more people liked Ep 1.
The disappointment of Ep 1 wasn't enough to crash the franchise, because audiences still eagerly came back for Eps 2 and 3.
I would liken Ep 1 to Ep 7. Ep 7 had a lot of goodwill, with people able to overlook the flaws because "muh nostalgia". But within a couple years a very significant amount of people could look back on Ep 7 with critical disappointment.
If RottenT was around in 1999, Ep 1 would have had as positive an audience score as Ep 7 did. People forced themselves to like Ep 1 the same way they forced themselves to like Ep 7.
As terrible as the prequels are, they didn't undermine and ruin the older movies for people. The new Disney films, because they're more tied to the original trilogy, using the same actors etc, they're actually causing people to give up on Star Wars for good.
Also, fuck out of here everyone with your Spider-Man and Matrix shit. Those franchises are nowhere near as big and important as Star Wars. The reaction to Matrix Reloaded was nowhere near as negative or damning as Ep 1 or Ep 8.
>Bash the fash xd
>Dude republicans lmao
every star wars film since empire before this you absolute pleb
>shitty fiscal year with ESPN making them tremble
>just bought Fox in order to keep the Iger cash cow rolling
Disney are wasting billions. Not earning them. Bash the fash? Bash the mouse
>every single bad fan theory was better than what we got
Gotta hand it to Rian, I didn't think this was possible.
Wow, that's really sad.
>y isn't rey obi wans grandaughter guiz
Yes, even that trash theory is better than "lmao who cares buy the toys".
really? he made looper after wall so what did you expect. i was only surprised because i assumed it was jj abrams directing again and not someone else.
When the pharaoh let the jews free.
The outcry for TPM was far worse
>everybody clapped at both showings I saw
Lol Americans actually do this. Amazing
how did you not understand a film literally made for kids? stick to snyder threads bud
having everyone related is the dumbest fucking shit in star wars.
Episode VIII was pretty good (haters gonna hate).
Episode I was the big disappointment.
The worst part is, there's that moment at the beginning, where Harry attacks Peter while he's just riding home from work, and then we have Peter Parker as Spiderman, without the costume, and him and Harry are flying around the city, the Cgi was so good, it was such a crazy moment, and for just a few minutes, Spiderman 3 was amazing. Then Topher Grace shows up and it just went wrong
>I just heard yesterday a something like 12 year old girl asking her father why they didn't hyperram before if it was possible.
That sounds like those liberals on Twitter who said their 8 year old was "literally shaking" when Trump got elected.
Yeah, that happened
It fucking did and I was amazed. The pleb little brother was saying how he is in favor of the numbers disappearing from the titles.
>Disney shills defending the MARTHAA author
oh snap i forgot that
damn. as funny as it is to see its also really sad. lots of people put hard work into it.
>Also, fuck out of here everyone with your Spider-Man and Matrix shit. Those franchises are nowhere near as big and important as Star Wars.
Matrix could have been if it didn't shit the bed so hard so fast.
your dad not shooting you in to a towel comes to mind
I hope this is true because I have no idea whats real or not.