Picture unrelated
What are some good movies with snow?
The snowman
Storm of the Century
Wind RIver
Star Wars 5 the empire strikes back
What are some good movies about boys falling in love with their male best friends?
Brokeback Mountain
Saw this last week. Really enjoyed it.
Call Me By Your Name
Black Christmas
>>Agnes, it's me, Billy...
>predatory older man fucking a young boy
I asked for cute same-aged best friends falling in love, not this degeneracy.
I got a kick out of it too!
Let The Right One In
A classic.
hes so beautiful
The Thing.
Oh, yeah, that one. I knew it starts with F.
He looks weird in profile.
You are not alone
Did you guys wish him a happy birthday?
Something has to be going on with this kid
I did, he probably didn’t know it though
What is that from?
IT 2017 and, god willing, IT 2019.
You are not alone
>Let The Right One In doubles as a snow movie and two male friends falling in love movie
Literal kino.
>2 Male friends
Even if the vampire was a boy it’s still played by a girl
it's boy + girl or am i missing something
NOT The Mountain Between Us, it's a load of shite
Eli is a castrated boy.
I know, but she’s still played by a girl
The Hateful Eight, The Shining, The Thing, Die Hard 2, Fargo
Her masjesty secret service
The White Dawn
The Great Silence
Grumpy Old Men
Enemy Behind the Sun
>Enemy Behind the Sun
Men Behind the Sun
Dustin Hoffman in Midnight Cowboy really conveys that winter sickness that sets in.
Marketa Larzarova is glorious.
>17 and 24
>that much older
Snow White and the seven dwarves
Armie's character is supposed to be 24? He looks fucking 35.
Fellowship of the Ring
Batman Returns
Alien vs predator
Is this the Fack thread?
Hugo has pretty good snow. I actually saw it at the theater in 3D. Some of the best use of 3D on snow that I've ever seen.
Why don't they just have Finn and Jack play the leads in every gay movie?
Is Jack getting revenge on Finn for all the massages he gave him earlier that day?
Go fack yourself
The world isn't ready for that much cuteness
Will we get Reddie flashbacks in the It sequel?
why do you fags keep saving and posting pictures of some fucking jewish kid?
Yeah, they’re all part of the next film
>IT 2019 including the scene in the book where Richie starts interrogating Eddie on his sex life and Eddie gets all defensive about it
>except the movie makes it even gayer and heavily implies Eddie wants to be with Richie and vice versa
Make it happen, Muschietti.
Dreamcatcher- best Stephen king movie
We'll see how the world handles it when they have a flashback of Eddie and Richie practicing kissing on each other in the IT sequel.
The original script for the remake had pennywise teasing Richie for liking boys and had Richie and Eddie jumping into the quarry holding hands
What the fuck, why didn't they go with those scripts? Do they just hate money?
i dont fuckin get it
how can all of you pedos have bad taste and go after finn when noah is clearly the more attractive kid
just look at this picture and tell me noah isnt more attractive
>rests his hand on the other boy's knee
How will Mille ever recover?
It's all about personality, I guess. Noah's just kind of bland.
Andrei Rublev
pls don't post that ghoul here
They need to work together again for their top tier banter
damn dude. brings me back to when ugly chicks were crushing on ya but you couldnt be a total dick
What the fuck, he's totally staring at his ass. Is he gay?
Dustin Hoffman is a really great actor. Is it too much to presume him not guilty before all his films are shunned by Disney?
Holy shit I never noticed this. I always thought jack was a full on fag and finn was just a soyboy, they might actually be homo for each other
Name a more iconic duo in modern cinema.
Protip: you can't.
American Pie
>Be boyish af
>Crush really hard on le femeniboi
>Get assualted by dark man
>Take the chance to put some shine on crush
>Draw closer be assertive you and him are spotlight
>Actually unable to understand what happened
>Finally use all thot processing power to computate
>He must be homo
>Current year
>S E E T H I N G
This is the Kino lads, we found it.
I like how this could be a touching story yet you talk in so much double speak my brain shits on it's self.
Why is Reddie so incredibly cute?
It's almost like it's entirely new to you right!?
>Here take it
The purest form of love
This is now a Reddie fanart thread.
Groundhog Day