ITT: films that could never be made today
>Main character is a jew who owns a casino and rips people off
>Stone is playing a gold-digger whore with no redeeming qualities who betrays every man who she has made contact with then dies like a junkie slut
ITT: films that could never be made today
Worse scenarios happen in movies today. 'Killer Joe' alone comes to mind. Plus Casino was based on a true story you fuckhead.
Yeah but she was fucking hot as hell
This is a really retarded take you snowflake faggot
Bump wtf
Team America.
Ginger was groomed by a pedophile pimp at an early age. Ofcourse she was a twat looking out only for herself (and her pimp)
But wolf of wall street is basically the same movie and Belfort was a jew as well
american psycho
>le basically same movie
thanks for confirming you haven't watched Casino.
What is the better kino? Casino or Goodfellas?
Fight Club:
>a bunch of disenfranchised, emasculated men try and find purpose by rejecting societal norms and expectations, treating women as whores and going after big (((bankers))), as well as rediscovering their masculinity by beating the shit out of each other
Casino is more enriching
Goodfellas is better tho
Just don't see it being done.
I don't think she betrayed Woods.
"better'' is such a vague term
and no.
Casino had such a better vibe, it's everything GoodFellas has and it's more stylish
Willard will probably be a woman if they did it today
goodfellas blows casino out by miles. italian mafiakino better than jew mafiakino
gay as fuck
Some of the jokes would overload snowflakes
Casino has a similar vibe to like the big short. It's almost a documentary type thing. Goodfellas is nothing like that. And it has been the modern American mob movie for this generation. It's what godfather was for the previous generation.
no on everything you said.
Goodfellas is more fun, Casino is a better film
>3 white men go on an adventure to save an overwhelmingly white city from a shark
Will never happen again.
Triumph des Willens
Casino is more rewatchable for me. Amazing pacing
Well, one of them would probably be black but I don't think the story would suffer.
I wish the basketball scene was on YT.
why do you say that the Jew own the casino when the mob does?