Was she the only reason anyone gave a shit about this movie?
Was she the only reason anyone gave a shit about this movie?
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yea probably.
she is fucking sexy though i wonder what her feet smell like
Pretty much, but i'm not complaining.
She's the only reason I gave a dick about the movie.
I would literally cut off my penis I be her pusy slave
she could be a 10 as Lynda Carter Wonder Woman, IF SHE HAD HIPS AND ASS
What was there to see after seeing her naked on wolf of wall street?
she looked old
haha me too. Just curious if anyone knows?
yes but I still didn't see it because I'm not a beta bitch that puts pussy on a pedestal
They've sold so much merch from SS it's not even funny. Oscar was well deserved
The movie has a dude punch out a woman because she has a mouth it's not really a PC movie
shut up faggot. If it was a good guy hitting a woman, then yes, it wouldnt be very pc. But the guy is a villain. Punching a girl is a villainous thing to do
Yes. Sexy sells. I wonder when Hollywood will come to its senses again.
I was more hype for Katana than anything else.
I was really disappointed but in hindsight should have realized this movie would of course be centered around Harley and the Joker.
It would or will only come after they lose enough money consistently to realize that courting a a more PC marketing strategy is not paying off.
>a roastie with no tits or ass and the body of a skinny boy
I really don't get the hype. Same with Eyebrows McGinty, to be fair (I'm drawing a blank on her name).
Batman punches Harley Quinn in the face you nootropic shitlord
I want to punch her in the pusy
I don't know about you but I watched this for the the guy that could climb ropes.
based harley saving DC
slipknot also punches an agent lady you FUCK
>sex sells
Imagine a world where the biggest character in a comic franchise is a juggalo fangirl who repeatedly lets a man abuse her.
>one punch is to literally save the woman because even while drowning she still tried to kill Bats
>the other punch was to establish no hard feelings to the guy because he was obviously gonna die in the next 15 minutes so nobody complains about it since he's a woman-hitter
Punches don't work for your argument user, but you know what works against it? Blackwashing Deadshot.
Yes, the movie was made to propell Harley Quinn even further into the mainstream. Which is what makes it so odd that Margot Robbie apparently ignored every prior interpretation of the character when deciding how to play her. Cute tummy though.
People gave a shit about this because of the first Joker since Ledger. But he was shit and barely in it, the sequel if they make it will bomb harder than JUSTice League.
No one was really even close to any other version of the character they were playing, except maybe Waller.
Outside of flashbacks to explain Harley's origin, he shouldn't have been in it at all.
I wish I could tongue her braap hole daily.
Wrong, he should have been the main villain. Even Ayers agrees.
And he wrote Bright!
shes the only reason i kept watching. they shoved her into every scene every 5 mins.
Actually it had phenomenal legs at the BO. It outsold Civil War in home sales.
They already made that... and it wasn't great, but still better than the live action movie.
Really makes you think doesn't it
If sexual thoughts, yes
If Warner expected anything other than a flop from the sequel, they would have greenlit amd dated a sequel by now. They did that for Wonder Woman straight away, Suicide Squad, it's been well over a year and nothing.