he's going to eat your ass boi

how does he run so fast?


When the JIDF tracks you down

a room full of absolute losers

>when there's a sale on soy products

Why hasn't Sup Forums streamed Dougekino in a while


i read in a grimoir that ingesting hermaphrodite semen (the semen of a demon) gives one super speed but idk tho


You can see how much Brad hates himself in this photo while everyone else obliviously gives it their all.







Now put a picture of Julian laughing.

What does this face look like he got hit by a shovel.

Why is she so perfect? Why didn't you save her?

look at them titties flap


what kind of cigar do you think he smokes





Calm down its a rental

>that webm



Year of the 'tang!

whos this faggot and why is he ripping off the greatest kung fu movie ever made?

the movie copied him


Some Pig

So have I gotten this right?

There's a fag making film critic videos on Youtube and he gets somewhat popular, forms his own posse and starts making amateur films though he thinks they're very professional?

brad is much of a psycho as the rest of these losers

Yeah, the whole 'based brad' thing is a myth. The guy is a fully willing participant in all this bullshit, has no real talent or desire to improve, and is just as deluded about his own abilities and importance.

Watch his latest film 'Disco' for a practical demonstration.

"Based Brad" was shit that LordFat tried to push on twitter and Sup Forums in order to try convince Brad to leave the site.

why does doug allow these people to exist

who's the hispanic guy on the right?

>went back and watched some vids from contributors I used to like
>realize they aren't funny, aren't smart and are majorly boring

What was I thinking? Phelus is the most embarrassing one imo.

Just what the hell is this?


You can hear the HMMMMMMMM radiate from that picture on a cosmic level

Mildly-Miffed Miguel

Brad has more of a fun personality and taste to him than the rest but on the inside he is just as fucked up with his relationships and life.

Irritated Inigo

Fucking mutts.


Linkara's comic, Lightbringer
Dare you enter his magical realm?

Lightbringer? Like Satan?

I don't think Louis is aware of that irony.

Rabid Raul

Of course. I mean, he is a literal cuck, what do you expect?

>that hair

Holy FUCK. Why doesn't he shave that gross shit off?

Why fuck up your own car?

But what does Sup Forums think of his wife?

Damn, JesuOtaku hid the brick wall pretty hard

She was probably barely legal in that picture.Years simply caught up with her.

didn't spoony actually make a new video recently?


I'm tempted to say "He could do better" but could he really?

He only likes her because her dick looks like a thick log of shit.

shame she went to the extreme these days and overboard with makeup. she only rarely looks natural anymore.

It's a fucking rental dumbass

>It's a Stalker Brad SAMEFAGS and acts salty because Brad dumped the fat kike he pays PF Chang gift cards to to plop out her disgusting udders on cam while she literally fucks a nigger and Stalker Brad literally works as a janitor making minimum wage to bankroll her

And Brad just got married to a normie QT3.14 while you keep mopping shit and PF Changing for Mantis. Sad!

who the fuck are those people and why are you following their lives?

Never understood her appeal especially with there being far superior gammer girls to watch


stop trying brad, it's embarissing.

>Whore wants to cuck you
>You say no and dump her so she can go fuck your ex friend that got fired for stealing from his pizza delivery job and was so poor he had to e-beg for khakis so he could go on an interview so he could keep giving the whore money while she faked a pregnancy after he literally posted pictures of her getting gangbanged on Facebook and she let her son from another guy legally change his name to Shadow Megatron

But yeah, Brad's the cuck amirite Stalker Brad you fat irl janitor faggot.

>Pissed Padre

You may not like his shitty content, but he's accomplished more than you ever will.

Not surprising they didn't teach you how to spell embarrassing at that vocational school for the mentally ill where they sent you to learn to scrub shit for a living, fatty. End your life tonight before I give you the Christmas gift of posting your picture and screencaps of you being a literal cuck from Mantis's twitter.


>when you hate these lame nerd crackers but they pay your bills

I came her for my Douge stream, where is it?

fuck off man why are you trying to be such a piece of shit to me when i'm just trying to have fun on christmas



Twelve Years A Shuffle is a gay furry that is proud of it. I think even he is lamer than Doug believe it or not.

>All that text lazily placed next to the panels

>that relatively flattering portrayal of Douge's wife
I'm surprised

The spoony did a Star Wars review btw.

He kept us waiting huh?

This is really cute.

Well at least he in sincere
>Its a living!
fucker know he is a sellout and dont care...some people may find this based or something...

It's Shadman. Be happy he didn't draw her as a loli and fucking her daughter or something.

>Spoony has returned

Did he give an explanation of his disappearance?

My bet he got a real job

Some Youtuber named Unhappy Ubaldo

The explanation is that he's a lazy asshole

>early days of NC
>doug needs linkara's assistance with his power rangers episode
>linkara starts making edits and corrections to the script
>doug gets mad
>linkara immediately starts farting an assload of stinky kaka onto the floor -- the kaka is made up of shit logs and ass gravy
>linkara puts on swim trunks and says "geronimo" while jumping into his own stinky fecal kaka and stool
>linkara gets up and picks up a log of poop and puts it in his mouth, then grabs a bic lighter and lights it and smokes it like a cigar
>doug says 'linkara -- you're a poopy puffer?'
>linkara says YEPPEROO!

I hate people for liking YT

Seven Buck Chuck

pissed off pedro

>AHHH! Help, Luke, I'm trapped here with Linkara


Horatio the Hater

$10 for a shit sketch wtf

Stick Vin Diesel's "i live for this shit" scene in there.

Jesus, all of them but Malcolm and maybe Doug are too focused on looking cool and badass rather than actually being funny