there have been bad scenes, boring scenes, questionable scenes
but nothing as truly baffling as this
there have been bad scenes, boring scenes, questionable scenes
but nothing as truly baffling as this
The ability to confuse and baffle the audience is insignificant next to the universe-breaking power of Light Speed Ram.
I actually thought it was kinda cool. Then I really analyzed it and realized it was the most retarded thing ever. Nothing in the EU even trumps this, not blob races, not The Crystal Star, not cloned Sheev, nothing. Fuck this movie and fuck Disney.
suck it down white boys, star wars aint yours no mo
fucking disgrace
it would've been a great way to bump her off if she died getting blown out the ship
fucking leia of all the original heroes is the last one left, the least interesting character
and for some reason got tom waits to dub all of her lines
and you just know IX will open with her funeral
Did she just beat Luke Skywalker in a fight?
>"Let's kill off the one person that people might want to see in the ninth movie and then have the actress who died survive her death through an inexplicable display of Force ability unlike anything seen before in any film or EU content"
What was going through their brains? A parasite?
As much of a jump the shark moment as this would've been, I think it would've done less damage to the story than using a ship.
Now we have to wonder, why hasn't anyone thought of using a hyperspace weapon before?
What's the point of building a Death Star or a fleet when you can just attach a hyperdrive to an asteroid or even just a conventional missile?
And people say she's not a Mary Sue...
This scene, and the rest of the movie are fucking retarded.
Or even better: what was the point of the trench run in ANH? when Ghost Obi-Wan could have destroyed the Death Star with a lighting bolt to the reactor core as soon as the Falcon was away from it?
what's with the fucking street fighter anime shit of replaying the same shit from 5 different angles. what the fuck is this
I bet that room smelled so bad...
Corporate mismanagement by Kathleen Kennedy
oh no no wait til you see the
I did liked that he force pulled whatever that was to use it as a weapon. There was some small details that i liked here and there, but overall movie is such a garbage.
>inexplicable display of Force ability unlike anything seen before
yoda and palp literally threw themselves through the air using force during fights because they were both feeble old geezers, that's not the worst thing about leia poppins at all
it's he completely fucking random FORCE AWAKENS after ~50 years of being alive and having no force affinity whatsoever and suddenly performing force feats worthy of two most powerful Force users shown in entire movie saga
Stop being so sexist, user. We all know the force is female.
Throwing yourself across a room and pulling a star cruiser toward you are very different things.
Disgusting. She threatens Luke with lethal force. And we're supposed to cheer for her?
She had a lightsaber and he didn't.
>Luke disarms her
>Rey cheats and pulls a lightsaber
Luke won
This is bad for another reason - it presents Rey as a horrible bitch with no self control, who resorts to physical violence, and after getting her ass handled to her escalates to threatening lethal force.
That said, it it's not like she ever has been anything but a cunt.
>it's not like she ever has been anything but a cunt.
This, why are we supposed to sympathize with her?
come again?
lightsabers should fucking toys for people like Luke
>TLJ is lower than TPM and AOTC
>its bombing at the box office well behind the projected numbers Disney hoped for
>people want based George back
You read my post, faggot, what Leia does is totally different from anything we see Palpatine or Yoda do.
>movie series known for magic powers and all sorts of ridiculous shit
>this was too far
>attacks Luke from behind
>still getting her ass whopped while he's cut off from the Force and holding back
>she needs to pull a lightsaber on him
Definitely cheating.
she floats through space, where the fuck does she pull the ship to her?
How can she propel herself through space? She's obviously pulling something toward her.
either way is utterly retarded but i prefer this desu
Yeah, it's the most retarded scene in Star Wars.
When Luke moved his hand at the end of the clip he was probably ready to force choke Rey or something. Of course since Rian is a hack, that doesn't come across clearly to the audience at all and it makes rey look like a over-emotional overpowered character while making a beloved character look like a chump
I think she's pulling herself to the ship.
How is she propelling herself?
Imagine the outrage if that scene was genderswapped, or hell, if just Rey was genderswapped.
I don't even know what the argument is, like what that webm represents
Is it a real fight? like life threatening at all? if so cheating isn't really a thing when it comes to life or death..
But if it was them fighting cause they're angry but dont plan on really hurting eachother, yeah, she cheated to get the final hoo-rah
with female force
>attacking an old man from the back
Is this really our protagonist?
No, really, how is she propelling herself? Is there any good reason for Jedi Knights to, at any point, fly in spaceships or wear spacesuits when they can just push themselves through hard vacuum like that? Why weren't Anakin and Obi-Wan doing this at the beginning of Revenge of the Sith?
You're asking questions you already know the answer to.
This movie has retarded shit cause the people who made it didn't care. Your questions would be valid, but no one who should be blamed will ever be confronted with their horseshit
I'm not going to stop asking questions just because the people who should be fired for not having answers will never hear me. I will not be silenced. I will nail my Ninety-Five Questions to the door of the giant golf ball at Epcot, if I have to. I will let Disney revoke my right to buy tickets to their films. If that's the price of asking questions about bad writing, the price is certainly worth admission.
Well if she can't push herself without something to propel her then she must be pulling on the cruiser. There are only two explanations possible here: either she's throwing herself through space or she's pulling the cruiser toward herself. They're equally ridiculous premises.
/based/ Johnson showed us how strong the good side is in her.
>They're equally ridiculous premises.
No, one of them is using force for push a 60kg old woman, the other is manipulating million tons of steel, how do you fucking function?
The only beef I have with this scene is that Liea can now use force out of the fucking blue on Yoda/Palpatine's level, after five decades of not using it to do anything of note.
>The only beef I have with this scene is that Liea can now use force out of the fucking blue on Yoda/Palpatine's level, after five decades of not using it to do anything of note.
We never saw anything from the time betwee Jedi and Awakens.
Both premises are equally retarded, answer my question about Jedi using spaceships. There's literally no reason for a Jedi to set foot on a starship now. Every Jedi portrayed in the OT and the prequels is retarded now. Explain to me how self-propulsion makes any sense. We've already seen Jedi pull on heavy objects (Luke with the X-Wing, Rey with the rocks), there's no reason to object because 'it's too heavy.'
>Judging things by their size
Did you miss Empire or something?
Remember the good times when Lightsabers were used sparingly and Palpatine even laughed at them and considered them beneath him. Now they're the answer to everything.
size matters not yo
She's pulling in the ship, and since she's in zero gravity she's the one moving as a result. She wouldn't even have to pull that hard to start moving. Are you people fucking retarded?
>luke wastes half the movie ignoring ray and walking in circles on an island
>ray gets pissed and tries to murder him
Made no sense, but I liked this scene if only because it seemed like SOMETHING was finally about to happen. As opposed to stalling and more filler.
I think you mean MICROgravity.
yeah I watch plinket reviews too, my favorite part was the explosive diarrhea jokes
It's a kids scifi movie, it's safe to assume that the filmmakers had zero g in mind.
But either way, my statement stands. She would move toward the ship by pulling on it
the face of this creature is like an old flacid penis.
was their plan to turn Leia into Yoda by Episode IX?
she looks halfway there in TLJ
uhuh, that's why people are forcepulling X-wings equally easily as lightsabers
Isn't Luke one of the most powerful Jedi ever? Can't he just use the force to throw her back, choke her, turn the saber off etc.?
I can't tell if you're a retard being sarcastic or just someone pretending to be a sarcastic retard.
>answer my question about Jedi using spaceships
they get tired using force
not even Yoda could superman around, he could only jump really high and fast and cushion his falls and even then he almost fucking died during the senate room fight
Its a shame because Ive wanted to see Leia do more force shit but not only was this scene over the top but to my knowledge they don't really address if she ever had any sort of training/time to hone her force abilities
I know shes able to sense shit but I dont think the new canon ever explained how much she knows about using the force
Besides force grabbing his lightsaber, we don't see Luke's force abilities very often. He's weaker than Yoda probably.
Friendly reminder that everyone who hates TLJ is a fanboy manchild
TFA is released
>it's too similar!!!
TLJ is released
>it's too different!!!!
>Uuuuugh that part was SO BAD!!! They wasted so much time on a stupid comedy scene where the Falcon is in some dumb worm's mouth! It doesn't effect the plot at all, it's unrealistic that there's air and bat-monsters in a stomach and we never even find out the worm's backstory!"
>This guy Lando shows up in the third act who we never even heard of before and Han acts like he's all important - WTF!? They were supposed to tell us about that Jabba guy!"
>Obi-Wan said The Force and Jedi were all about Knights and Arthurian-type stuff, but now the Stupid Puppet has Luke doing all kinds of Asian Buddha meditation shit - goddamn SJWs!!"
>Luke goes into a magic tree and fights Vader but it's like a dream? BULLSHIT! There were no dreams or visions in the first one - Kasdan has no respect for the established aesthetic!"
People get tired in X Wings too
I think it's pretty clear for what we see Luke would rekt Rey (and Kylo) in a serious fight. Well, maybe not Ray, she's a huge Mary Sue after all.
that astral projection seemed pretty advanced user
And anyway Leia is gravely injured when she STARTS flying, clearly it can't take that much energy if someone in the verge of falling into a coma can do it with no oxygen and flash-frozen limbs
well, I took it line hook and sinker, I hope you enjoyed it you fucking faggot
Daez not s'pose ta happen! Der Der force cant fwie, cuz da sayz so.... Weebcucks...
But that was in TLJ and is therefore irrelavant. It might be canon now, but not for me.
Luke had no intention of hurting her, he was just defending himself. If she had actually swung at him with the lightsaber luke would have tore her apart easily.
This is sickening, this is the kind of entitled cunts that this movie is catering to. The kind of cunt who could insult and beat their own father. Rian Johnson is such a cuck fag I want to stomp his face now.
but she's weightless in that scene and she's just slowly floating towards the door for like 8 seconds
how is this going to make Jedi not need spaceships for fuck's sake?
If she can do that with no oxygen in her lungs and frozen limbs just imagine what a Jedi could do if you shot xer out of a mass driver
>SW is entirely taken over by jews and women and soulless committees
>Rian kills it forever
you should fucking thank him you soyboy
It looks like shit. Not to mention that using force always ignored newtons third law, so it's odd that now it somehow works other way.
Not to mention that there was no indication of Leia being force sensitive before.
Not to mention that is literally no way to survive being sucked out into the vacuum.
This ain't Rose's introduction in the film or the introduction to the Casino planet, so this ain't even the lowest point in the entire franchise to date.
people lived through not breathing for 30 minutes, completely fucked, but alive
freezing in space takes a fucking hour
the prequel to this movie had a 600km """"planet"""" with gravity and atmosphere it should not fucking have literally suck in a type g main sequence star and fart it out as giant laser half across the galaxy
I'm not going to fucking defend physics in these fucking movies
I'm going to repeat myself one last time, Yoda and Palpatine used telekinesis on their own bodies to do kung fu stunts in normal gravity before, someone pulling themselves through void for few seconds is completely within reason here, I just hate that it's fucking Leia of all people.
I'm done here.
I didn't read any of this.
>Not to mention that there was no indication of Leia being force sensitive before
I mean this scene is completely retarded, but they literally say that Leia is force sensitive at the end of ESB
This is the whitest thing anyone has ever said. Kys
can someone post the bobby lee picture of the asian bitch?
I would like to watch some youtube video where they shit on the movie and entertain me to reaffirm my own feelings
anyone got something?
holy shit, this movie had some problems but this wasn't one of them. are people truly brainlets that can't understand this scene?
Would the scene have worked better if she struggled a little bit?
literally john sexually assaulting daisey
Most definitely. Light speed ram (hitting something at 670,000,000 mph) is bullshit and shouldn't have happened. It shouldn't work, and it retroactively fucks with all the space battles in every previous movie
I thought it was awesome. We've waited decades to see Leia use the force.
would the whole past two fucking movies work better if she struggled a little bit?
Ow shit. Totally censored this scene out of my memories
What a shit show
By that same exact argument man of steel is a masterpiece as is dragon ball evolution and batman forever. They all took bold risks, tossed away preconceived notions.and gave no fucjs when dealing with fanboys.
So is it? Were they al brilliant madterirces as well?