Rian on why Lando wasn't in TLJ

>"I don’t think you would ever buy that Lando would just completely betray the characters like that and have that level of moral ambiguity. Cause we love Lando and you’d come into it with that [expectation]. And also, DJ, the character that they met, for the purposes of Finn’s character, had to be a morally ambiguous character that you’re not sure about, that you’re guessing about, and we already know that we love the character of Lando so it just wouldn’t have played in that part story wise."

Because the codebreaker plot was so great? I think that they could have rewritten the story a little to include Lando.

He fucking better be in 9.

Do you really hope he is? They're just going to kill him too.

Why the hell would you want to see lando again

But he's black

He's next on Kennedy's list.

As much as I enjoy a good Justin Theroux cameo, they really should have had Billy Dee play that character. They could still keep their morally ambiguous hacker guy but have Lando as the guy they were supposed to meet.

they'll probably turn him into a faggot or something

well he's right that it would be contrary to Lando's character arc to have him betray the good guys again, since he already did that and learned from his mistake, weird that he cared about staying faithful to Lando though but was totally fine taking a massive risk with Luke

So he can be violently torn apart by a pack of Porgs? No way, just let the guy go back to huffing gas on Bespin.

literally won't happen because it'd steal the blacklight from boyega

Yeah but he's a black guy that a majority of people like due to how charismatic Billy Dee is. They're gonna kill him off so people pay more attention to the boring, generic, bland nigger characters they create.

Lando could have been a fucking cameo character to excite our nostalgia. Han in episode 5 even said that Lando was gambler so it makes sense to see him in the casino.

Is this actual quote?

Thank god. At least one character from the original trilogy will be safe from this trainwreck

>Han in episode 5 even said that Lando was gambler so it makes sense to see him in the casino.

>Finn and Rose come across Lando in Casino after Lando hears Finn mentioning Han
>Lando asks where Han is
>Finn tells him Kylo killed him
>Lando gets shocked and demands Finn and Rose tell him where Kylo is because he has nothing else to live for and may as well die by avenging Han
>Finn and Rose go wtf and let's Lando follow them
>Film's events go as planned
>They get captured and Lando pulls out a cool machine gun and blasts down Troopers whilst Finn fights Phasma
>Lando then wishes Finn and Rose well after they escape with BB-8 as he said he isn't done searching for Kylo

>Episode 9 opens with Lando still on the hunt for Kylo with a group of bandits landing on the Episode 8 ending planet as they slaughter a lot of troopers demanding where he is
>Lando fights the falcon and is introduced to Poe and the other crew
>Lando plays an important role in Episode 9, possibly sacrificing himself when confronting Kylo with saying something like "HAN WAS MY FRIEND AND I ALWAYS PAY MY RESPECTS TO A FRIEND"

There I fucking saved Nu Wars in 5 minutes.

This seems like an answer to "Why make a new character DJ instead of just using Lando as that character" rather than "why wasnt lando in the movie"

either that, or he's more retarded than I think he is.

1. Lando could have been the contact they were SUPPOSED TO meet.. Since they never met that guy, and picked up DJ in jail...that still would have worked the same way.

2. Or you could just...rewrrite the story so their contact doesnt betray them. Oh wait, the entire point of this pointless side plot was the they shared info with DJ who shared it withthe Empire. And they wouldnt want to have Rose toortured and give up the info because it would make womyn look weak.

3> Why wasnt this same "we know and love the character. he wouldnt do that" logic applied to Luke?

>Why wasnt this same "we know and love the character. he wouldnt do that" logic applied to Luke?
He doesn't put any thought into these answers he just says whatever comes to mind.

Damn that would have been way better

>I don’t think you would ever buy that Lando would just completely betray the characters like that and have that level of moral ambiguity.
Oh that sweet sweet irony

>Make Lando a high-profile "Don" type guy on the Casino Planet
>He's been out of "the game" for these 30 years
>They want a codebreaker on that planet
>He knows that guy and how to find him


There's a good reason to introduce him in 9. Before this, we've been following what was basically a fringe group of the new republic. I can buy that Lando wasn't a part of that. But it would make sense for him to be involved in something in the Outer Rim (some shady business venture or something), and become involved in the rebellion when he hears the distress calls. And because Carrie and Ackbar are dead now, it would make even more sense, because he's the only tangible tie to the OT we have for leadership (besides maybe force ghost Luke).

Every quote I ever read from this guy always sounds like he's a 12 year old that is spazzing out. Is English his first language? Why was it necessary that the characters get betrayed? Why was it necessary for there to be "moral ambiguity?" He's stating a lot of things that aren't immutable as if they were immutable as reasons you couldn't have Lando. I don't think Lando fit the movie because the entire series has just been one big platform to assassinate the old cast and really how many of them can you kill per movie and still have things make any sense.

I like the idea of him leading a rogue faction to try and assassinate the big bad completely independently of Rey and the ‘A-plot’.