Black Panther: Early Box Office Tracking Predicts One of Marvel’s Biggest Solo Outings

>Early projections for Black Panther‘s box office opening predict one of Marvel’s biggest solo outings. Marvel Studios is finally beginning to diversify their leading lineup after seventeen movies featuring white male leads, but in the next few years that will change. Black Panther marks the first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie led by a person of color, and also directed by one. Audiences are already familiar with Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa after his debut in Captain America: Civil War, an appearance that left everyone wanting more.

>They’ll get just that in just a few months when Black Panther hits theaters. Directed by Ryan Coogler and featuring an all-star cast, anticipation has stayed consistently high. If anything, the interest continues to grow thanks to some great marketing. With the movie slated to come during Black History Month, Black Panther looked poised to be a box office hit. Now, we are starting to get a glimpse at just how big it could be.

>Box Office Pro‘s early box office projections for Black Panther predict a $90 million opening weekend. Such an opening would top Doctor Strange‘s $85M opening last November.

This is history Sup Forums

Celebrate it

Other urls found in this thread:


inb4 600M domestic 150M worldwide

We Wuz a hit?

But cool. I just hope the movie doesn't lean too far into them being super advanced because they are xenophobic. Technological and cultural advancement comes from cross pollination of ideas. I vastly prefer a Meji style advancement using their natural resources to have cool shit, rather then we are super advanced, just because.

>trailer song
anybody else think this shit is in reality racist as fuck?

Why bother watching it when

>black panther is in infinity war so we know he's going to win and survive, eliminating ANY tension, therefore fun, this movie might had
>we have already been introduced to his character in civil war, so there's no need for a origin story

Why would I got to see this?

If I wanted to watched niggers fighting I would just go to worldstar for free.

Yes, I'm jewish.

Blacks are animals anyway. Who cares?

Diversity sells.


>With the movie slated to come during Black History Month

Hahahaahahaha niggers

source since OP is a retard


Looks cool desu


Honestly why does this movie trigger Sup Forums?

Its not even out yet

Take them and dilute your monkey ass race further, white bitches are worthless whores anyway.

Sex is for animals who have not evolved to be above baser instincts.

You should go see it for the top notch production values

>Black Panther marks the first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie led by a person of color
So jews count as white?

>waah triggered Sup Forums by based black men
Ever think we just enjoy making of things, especially shitty movies like this, you autistic redditor?


it will be breakout hit in the US like Wonder Woman was with 400+ million

>Honestly why does this movie trigger Sup Forums?
Does it? It's mostly
>the movie itself may be OK capeshit tier, but the promotion is total shit
Keep in mind that we call everyone niggers and faggots anyway. At the moment Sup Forums's hatred is focused solely on TLJ.

Only when it benefits them or their narrative. Same way it's been forever.

Really? I'm usually into these, but i'm kinda not caring about this one way or another. I have already moved onto Infinity War. This is just in the way for me right now.

Oh god, this explains that purple suit

It doesn't. Sup Forums would be a black man's white cocksleeve with full on raceplay if nobody found out.

most jews look white

>Coming out in black history month
>Every trailer has hip hop and rap

Has is not seen as racially stereotyping and insensitive?

It's only racially stereotyping and insensitive if a non-black makes it.

Why would I go out in public to watch this trash when I can ogle another season of Luke Cage's sexy body and Misty's giant tits?

When that purple drank kicks in

They let outsiders come in, such as scientist, but they are not allowed to leave once they go there. I wonder if this will be touched on at all? That aspect is kind of fucked up.

They're not going to put free jazz or slave spirituals or actual African music in a trailer for a superhero movie.

They are too dumb to realize they are being made fun of.

be humble

>The Last Jedi failed
>Black Panther will fail

Dare I say is this the end of the MCU and Star Wars?

>white boi thinks it's racist
lmao, white bois always insensitive

Do you think there is going to be a scene where a white hick in overalls is yelling at some black kids to get away from his pond or watermelon patch then BlacK Panther falls on his pickup truck from outer space and the hick walks up to the camera with his mouth hanging open and the wheat straw he is chewing on falls out of his mouth?

>he still listens to the polls

>>white boi thinks it's racist
>lmao, white bois always insensitive

You must be new here. Sup Forums generally hates all superhero movies. They all get bashed before release on this website.

I'd go see this movie in a theater if that happened then.

There's significantly more hype for any given MCU movie than there has been for TLJ or R1. MCU retards are used to shoveling garbage into their eyeholds and loving it. I mean Star Wars fans are, too, but are still adapting to the Disney attitude, where a property doesn't even get a modicum of respect from the people involved in making the next movie.

That was actually hilarious. And the normies ate it. Fucking urban slaves.

Isn't this a screenshot from power rangers?

It amazes me they still have that brand loyalty even though a product the company puts out is shit. They'll use any excuse to justify why you don't like it to seem superior but it makes them look more retarded.

>You didn't like The Last Jedi? Well you're an alt-right, racist, bigot, sexiest, beta white male
>You didn't like Black Panther? Well you just don't like black people

It's amazing people can't accept a movie or something is shit these days without bringing in political identity garbage.

Racist character: whites have created everything of value in history
Black Panther pulls out some tricorder Star Trek shit
Black Panther: is that right?

I can already feel the kino

>it's a "white bois jerking themselves off" episode

>Sup Forums acts like this doesnt look good

>It's amazing people can't accept a movie or something is shit these days without bringing in political identity garbage.
What really bothers me is when some idiot hears you say the latest movie in their favorite franchise is shit and they say "Well I can't dislike anything that [actor] or [director] or [screenwriter] or [score writer] does"
Pisses me off to no fucking end, nobody is perfect and every artist in Hollywood is creatively compromised.

you realize these films are made for white people, not blacks, right?

black people are still a massive minority in the states

they should make more mexican driven things, like coco

I don’t mind the character of black panther but it makes me laugh that some shithole in Africa becomes the most wealthy and futuristic country in the world thanks to a rare metal.

Which mortal kombat game is this?


How come nobody has come up with ashcanned dot com for Ashkenazi anal porn.

niggers are going to be even more insufferable after this abomination.

>being excited for capeshit
it actually looks like an awesome movie though

I could easily be coerced into bowing down and respecting black cock as long as he acted civilized before and after making me a bitch

Is this a sequel to Pink Panther?

>being triggered by everything


Supposed to be Panther, has leopard design on mask. Has golden grill teeth.

Why are amerilards so obsessed with niggers?

Sit down Sup Forums

You're finished

If it surpasses Wonder Woman then Gal Gadot should have to do an episode of BLACKED or Dogfart .

Memes aside, it's all about the villains for me, and isn't his nemesis here just some guy who LARPs as predator? Lame if true.

>they should make more mexican driven things, like coco

Coco is probably going to end up in the red by the end of its run and Book of Life flopped on a 50 million budget.... so if anything American hispanics don't like Mexican culture at all.

>Marvel Studios is finally beginning to diversify their leading lineup
>95% black cast
Hella diverse. I guess for the rest of us non-whites, diverse doesn't include anyone who isn't black. I wonder who wrote this article.

as if I give a fuck about the actor's skin color to begin with

They’re getting ahead of any bad press from possible negative user reviews. They’ll go the Ghostbusters/TLJ rout and blame it on the Alt-right boogeyman. Will be an eye rolling shitstorm all over again.

I would jackoff to a latina Catwoman and Batgirl. Hell Poison Ivy can be one too. Make them bully the only white girl Harley Quinn.

Where the hell do they get these "projections" from?

This movie is gonna flop and drop off drastically despite all the hype.

There's no stopping it.

Nobody will see it because blacks have bo money screencap this

It will probably do half as good as any given Madea movie.

Mmmm that BBB (Big Black Box office)

I'm wondering how they'll explain Wakanda being an advanced civilization yet not doing fuck about slavery? If they're smart, they'd make out that blacks came from outer space, established a colony here thousands of years ago and mindwiped anyone who broke their laws and sent them into the wilderness!!!FACT!!!

Well as you know, the only oppressed groups in America are blacks and Jews.

Is this from this years Black Friday sales?!?FACT!!!

creepythinman...weren't you a regular poster on aintitcoolnews


Nonsense, this projection is taken out of someone's ass.

Black Panther will be frontloaded since all blacks with a disposable income will go watch it, but that's like 1% of the black population which in turn is only 12% of the US population.

The latinos/mexicans/chinks will NEVER so see a movie with only black people, and white sjw's will only bitch on twitter about how great it is, but they won't see it.

It will bomb.

>it...its.itss gonna flop I swear!


I will see it

No you won't. I doubt even Krager will go see it.

Because a whole generation has been raised on the lie of "equity of outcome" being desirable or even attainable. They have been indoctrinated to forget that life is basically a transactional system--a zero sum game--and there most certainly will *always* be winners and losers, unevenly matched opponents, and unfairness.

The reality that a percentage of society who are generally the "losers" in this game because they are feckless, irresponsible and incompatible with the superior society they were transplanted also into causes massive cognitive dissonance. It's even worse to notice a large percentage of these share an obvious genetic marker--dark skin, broad noses, etc. It is extremely uncomfortable for people who grew up under sociopathic, perverted egalitarianism to see the truth.
The cognitive dissonance forces some kind of resolution. One must either abandon his world view, which psychologically is similar to suicide and usually abhorred, or the sufferer undergoes mental gymnastics to make the square peg fit in the round hole, so to speak. Americans generally do this with "white guilt", ironically a disgustingly racist philosophy that teaches the "losers" in life just can't get by without the help of others. Instead of allowing a population its self-determination, these people bend over backwards trying to elevate black people. Trouble is, it doesn't work. You can't change a pit bull into a poodle. There will be exceptions, but the general population will persist in its squalor no matter the expenditure of resources.

I'm getting tired of posts like these. We all understand what you're going to say, you aren't adding anything new to the discussion about diversity in Hollywood. You just sound like a butthurt faggot who joined a white nationalist club because he couldn't make friends or get laid.

Eventually America will realize this. The divide is growing, despite efforts now to push biological integration. There will always be a reversion to the genetic mean. Niggers gonna nig. The American obsession with black people is the frenzy of a generation not yet realizing they have been lied to. No one is special. Equality of opportunity has been in place for black people for 2 generations or more. They don't want it--why would they? They want the endorphins and status of being "the resistance" and at the same time the beneficiaries of the system they rail against. Most American whites are happy to enable this because it forestalls that awful realization. We are animals, evolved by cosmic chance, lacking free will, creatures competing for resources like everything else from bacteria to blue whales.

This movie looks like a proper film, senpai!

Academy Award worthy

I can only offer. You have to make the choice to open your eyes.

>tfw you wanna drool over powerful black cocks with your Sup Forums bros but the based commie that spams BLACKED won't start making the rounds for 7 more hours

like the usa right?

>Early projections for Black Panther‘s box office opening predict
How? The movie is months away. You can't even pre-order tickets yet, can you? This sounds like absolute bullshit.

where to comp /fa/?

Krager is white cuck pretending to be a nigger online

Ow the edge