Arrive at party

>arrive at party
>forgot invitation with the house password
>see this
what do?

do a 360 and walk out


Thats the password

pfff, there's no such thing as a second password

There is no second password


I don't understand why Tom Cruise was so confused about this. When he walked into the house, the guy takes his coat and asks for the same password again. Cruise said fidelio just like he said outside at the gate and continued into the party. Why didn't he just say fidelio again when red robe asked him?

I bet you would.

There was no house password

I think that when he said Fidelio at the entrance of the house that wasn't correct, but their protocol might be to just pretend as if it's right and let the guest continue in, so they can continue to analyze the situation. I think they knew very early on that something was up but they have planned for things like this and on the surface they let the guest think everything is as it's supposed to be, but behind the scenes they're working and thinking quickly and judging everything a lot to draw conclusions about the guest. Then they executed the scenario where the guest has to say what "the second password" is.


I think it changes every party

yes, that is the password to get in, but what is the second password, intellectual illuminati orgy goer?

What's the point of that? Why not just deny him admittance and make him leave?

are americans really this stupid?

this is embarrassing

no wonder all you talk about is cape movies and star wars


Yeah obviously they'd have a new password every party, and fidelio was one correct password for this one, but it might just have been the correct password at the gate. Or just the correct password for the pianist, people don't need to have the same password.

So they can scare him and play games? I don't know, good point. Or Fidelio works correctly as a password but they do what I said behind the scenes anyway, analyzing everything and going trough his coat pockets and that stuff, because it didn't seem right when he turned up in a taxi.


What was the point of this movie? show that cruise's jealous of his wife and being surrounded by a world of freaky sex? Ii didnt get it

Kubrick was trying to warn us about the elites and so they killed him for it.

I'm a pretty amoral individual who can keep secrets, is a good conversationalist, a pretty good time at parties, and decently well connected enough that I would probably know a couple people there already. I'd probably drop a line in my most Rodney Dangerfield voice: "Hey everybody! We're all gonna get laid!" to lighten the mood and at least hopefully take killing me off the table. At that point though I'd just accept I'm fucked so I may as well leave a lasting impression and hope one of that one of them has a use for an underling. Maybe I'd get lucky and they'd make me a button man.


I would load up on shrimp cocktails and hot wings